diplomsko delo
Jernej Jakomin (Avtor), Zdenko Huzjan (Mentor), Beatriz Tomšič-Čerkez (Komentor)


Kulturna krajina in slovensko slikarstvo

Ključne besede

kulturna krajina;krajinsko slikarstvo;fotografija krajine;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [J. Jakomin]
UDK: 75(043.2)
COBISS: 9111625 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1295
Št. prenosov: 958
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Cultural landscape and slovenian painting
Sekundarni povzetek: The aim of the thesis work was to show the relationship between painting and slovenian cultural landscape and present a plan teaching art workshops on the topic. The work consists of two parts. The theoretical part shows the starting point for the presentation of the concept of cultural landscape. It presents the formation of terms of cultural landscape, its importance, the type of cultural landscape and its components. The work is focused on the development of landscape design in Slovenian art from ancient times through contemporary art and the relationship of landscape to landscape space. The practical part contains creative art workshop of the cultural landscape. Presented is the purpose of art workshops, where is initial motivation stemmed from the importance of the cultural landscape, its diversity and value, and its relationship to attitudes toward people. In the first part young artists painted the most representative section of the landscape and the most remarkable part of their town. They painted in mixed media collage using natural materials gathered around the scene and tempera paints. In the second part they painted a panoramic view of their place for the elements of the cultural landscape. In this part they painted in mixed media collage using newsprint and tempera paints. The survey found that students understand the importance of the cultural landscape and its contents and they enrich reliving their place.
Sekundarne ključne besede: fine arts;likovna umetnost;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Strani: 75 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Cultural landscape and slovenian painting
Ključne besede (ePrints): kulturna krajina
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): cultural landscape
Povzetek (ePrints): Namen diplomske naloge je prikazati odnos med slovenskim slikarstvom in kulturno krajino ter predstaviti načrt izvedbe likovnih delavnic na to temo. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu je prikazano izhodišče za predstavitev pojma kulturna krajina. Predstavljen je nastanek pojma kulturna krajina, njen pomen, vrste kulturne krajine ter njene sestavne dele. Delo je osredotočeno na razvoj motiva krajine v slovenskem slikarstvu skozi obdobja od antike pa vse do sodobne umetnosti ter odnos krajine do pojmovanja kulturnega prostora in ljudi. Praktični del vsebuje ustvarjanje učencev v likovni delavnici na temo kulturne krajine. Predstavljen je namen likovne delavnice, kjer je uvodna motivacija izhajala iz pomena kulturne krajine, njene raznolikosti in vrednosti ter njene povezave z odnosom do prebivalcev. V prvem sklopu so mladi ustvarjalci slikali izsek krajine z najznačilnejšim in najznamenitejšim delom njihovega kraja. Slikali so v mešani tehniki kolaža z uporabo naravnih materialov, nabranih v okolici izbranega motiva ter s pomočjo tempera barv. V drugem delu so slikali panoramski pogled na svoj kraj z elementi kulturne krajine. V tem delu so ustvarjali v tehniki kolaža z časopisnim papirjem in tempera barvami. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da učenci razumejo pomen kulturne krajine ter njeno vsebino in da z njo bogatijo podoživljanje svojega kraja.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The aim of the thesis work was to show the relationship between painting and slovenian cultural landscape and present a plan teaching art workshops on the topic. The work consists of two parts. The theoretical part shows the starting point for the presentation of the concept of cultural landscape. It presents the formation of terms of cultural landscape, its importance, the type of cultural landscape and its components. The work is focused on the development of landscape design in Slovenian art from ancient times through contemporary art and the relationship of landscape to landscape space. The practical part contains creative art workshop of the cultural landscape. Presented is the purpose of art workshops, where is initial motivation stemmed from the importance of the cultural landscape, its diversity and value, and its relationship to attitudes toward people. In the first part young artists painted the most representative section of the landscape and the most remarkable part of their town. They painted in mixed media collage using natural materials gathered around the scene and tempera paints. In the second part they painted a panoramic view of their place for the elements of the cultural landscape. In this part they painted in mixed media collage using newsprint and tempera paints. The survey found that students understand the importance of the cultural landscape and its contents and they enrich reliving their place.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): cultural landscape
ID: 8308791