magistrsko delo
Zdenka Skrt (Avtor), Marja Bešter (Mentor)


Razvijanje zmožnosti poslušanja z razumevanjem v 3. razredu osnovne šole

Ključne besede

sporazumevalna zmožnost;razumevanje besedila;učna gradiva;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [Z. Skrt]
UDK: 373.32.016:81(043.2)
COBISS: 9144905 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 951
Št. prenosov: 192
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Developing listening skills and comprehension in the third year of primary school
Sekundarni povzetek: The national curricular guidelines’ description of Slovenian Language Arts emphasizes that the goals of Slovenian language classes are achieved by four communication modalities (listening, verbal expression, reading and writing). In our master thesis we have focused on the development of listening comprehension abilities. The goals specified by the national curricular guidelines for Slovenian Language Arts suggest gradual and process oriented development of listening skills. These listening skills are the ability to differentiate and analyze, listening comprehension and critical listening, and aesthetic (appreciative) listening. We have also described the revised national curriculum guidelines for Slovenian Language Arts (2011) and the changes it brings to the area of listening skills development for the elementary school students. In accordance with the revised curriculum guidelines after the year 1998 new curriculums have been developed. The authors attempt to achieve the goals mandated by the national curriculum guidelines including those that relate to listening skills in a variety of ways. We have presented scholarly articles relating to development of listening skills written by Slovene authors of educational materials. The empirical research is composed of three parts. In the first part we describe the analysis of four different curriculums (or teaching modules, which aim to develop listening comprehension) devised for third grade Slovene Language Arts classes. We have examined how well the curriculum materials follow the curriculum guidelines and the diversity of didactical approaches, methods and activities offered to teachers and students in the area of developing listening comprehension. Collected data was analyzed by descriptive quantitative statistical method. The analysis has shown that three of the curriculums lead to achievement of the curricular goals in the area of listening abilities, and one of the curriculums does not. In three curriculums students listen to a non-fiction text and then complete a variety of tasks aimed at assessing goals, types and difficulty level. Two curriculums systematically and didactically support listening abilities by including teacher’s manuals or a special unit within the teacher’s manual designed specifically for development listening abilities, one curriculum includes instructions for developing listening abilities within individual learning modules, and one curriculum does not include any didactical instructions designed for developing listening abilities. In the second part we examined the criteria teachers relay on when selecting a particular curriculum used in their classes. We also examined their evaluation of the curriculum they use based on its effectiveness in developing listening abilities. We were also interested in the attitudes of teachers toward development of listening comprehension in Slovenian Language Arts classes. Non-experimental empirical research was conducted in the 2009/2010 school year. The survey included 211 elementary school teachers selected from different regions of Slovenia. They were answering an anonymous questionnaire, which consisted of closed and open format question and scales. The data analysis showed, that teachers select curriculum partially based on how well it addresses the development of listening skills. Teachers also positively evaluated and used sound recordings included in the curriculum materials. They also used didactic instructions from the curriculum materials aimed at development of listening comprehension and they use recommended activities before and after listening segments. Teachers are aware of the importance of listening comprehension in school learning and every day communication, but only a third of them is of the opinion that more time should be dedicated to development of listening comprehension during Slovene Language Arts classes. In the third part we have examined listening comprehension in third graders. The research was conducted in 2009/2010 school year. It included 243 third grade students from different regions of Slovenia using different curriculums. In October 2009 and May 2010 the students listened to a description of animals followed by an assessment. The research has shown that after the first and the second assessment statistically significant differences existed between students using different curriculums. A progress in listening comprehension was detected in all four groups of examined students, however the progress was different in each group. We also found that students do not perform better in the type of questions that are more often represented in a curriculum used in their class.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Slovenian language;communication;listening;primary school;slovenščina;komunikacija;poslušanje;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 284 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Developing listening skills and comprehension in the third year of primary school
Ključne besede (ePrints): sporazumevalna zmožnost
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): communication ability
Povzetek (ePrints): V opredelitvi predmeta slovenščina v učnem načrtu (1998) je poudarjeno, da se cilji pouka slovenščine uresničujejo s štirimi sporazumevalnimi dejavnostmi (poslušanjem, govorjenjem, branjem in pisanjem). V magistrskem delu se osredotočamo na razvoj sporazumevalne zmožnosti poslušanja. V učnem načrtu za slovenščino zapisani cilji nakazujejo postopnost in procesnost razvijanja zmožnosti poslušanja – tako razločujočega in razčlenjujočega poslušanja kot poslušanja z razumevanjem in kritičnega poslušanja ter doživljajskega poslušanja. Predstavljen je tudi prenovljen učni načrt za slovenščino (2011) ter spremembe, ki jih prinaša na področju razvijanja poslušanja pri učencih na razredni stopnji. V skladu z učnim načrtom so po letu 1998 nastali razni učni kompleti, v katerih njihovi avtorji z raznimi pristopi uresničujejo v učnem načrtu zapisane cilje – tudi s področja poslušanja. Zato so predstavljeni tudi povzetki strokovnih prispevkov o razvijanju poslušanja slovenskih avtorjev učnih gradiv za razredno stopnjo. Empirična raziskava je sestavljena iz treh delov. V prvem delu je predstavljena analiza štirih učnih kompletov (oz. učnih enot, ki razvijajo zmožnost poslušanja z razumevanjem) za pouk slovenščine v 3. razredu osnovne šole. Ugotavljali smo usklajenost učnih kompletov z učnim načrtom ter pestrost didaktičnih pristopov, metod in dejavnosti, ki jih posamezen učni komplet ponuja učencem in učitelju na področju razvijanja zmožnosti poslušanja z razumevanjem. Podatki so bili analizirani z deskriptivno kvantitativno statistično metodo. Analiza je pokazala, da trije učni kompleti vodijo k uresničevanju ciljev poslušanja, zapisanih v učnem načrtu, eden pa ne; da pri treh učnih kompletih učenci po poslušanju neumetnostnega besedila rešujejo različne naloge glede na cilj, vrsto in na taksonomsko stopnjo ter da imata dva učna kompleta sistematično tudi didaktično podprto razvijanje zmožnosti poslušanja v obliki posebnih priročnikov oz. posebnega dela znotraj priročnika, en učni komplet vsebuje napotke za razvijanje poslušanja znotraj posameznih učnih enot, en učni komplet pa posebnih didaktičnih napotkov za razvijanje zmožnosti poslušanja ne vsebuje. V drugem delu smo želeli preveriti, na podlagi česa se učitelji odločajo za posamezen učni komplet, ki ga uporabljajo pri pouku, ter kako ocenjujejo učni komplet, ki ga uporabljajo, glede na razvijanje zmožnosti poslušanja. Zanimal nas je tudi odnos učiteljev razrednega pouka do razvijanja poslušanja z razumevanjem pri pouku slovenščine. Neeksperimentalna empiričnega raziskava je bila izvedena v šolskem letu 2009/10. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 211 učiteljev razrednega pouka, ki so bili izbrani iz različnih regij Slovenije. Izpolnjevali so anonimno anketo, ki je bila sestavljena iz vprašanj zaprtega in odprtega tipa ter ocenjevalnih lestvic. Analiza podatkov je pokazala, da učitelji izbirajo učne komplete tudi na podlagi dejavnikov, ki so povezani z razvojem poslušanja, da pozitivno ocenjujejo priložene zvočne posnetke in jih tudi uporabljajo, prav tako v pouk vnašajo v priročnikih napisana didaktična navodila, povezana z razvijanjem zmožnosti poslušanja z razumevanjem ter v pouk vključujejo priporočene dejavnosti pred poslušanjem in po njem. Učitelji se zavedajo pomembnosti zmožnosti poslušanja z razumevanjem pri šolskem delu in v vsakdanjem sporazumevanju, a jih le približno tretjina meni, da bi bilo potrebno razvijanju poslušanja z razumevanjem pri pouku nameniti več časa. V tretjem delu smo razvoj zmožnosti poslušanja z razumevanjem preverili pri tretješolcih. Raziskava je bila izvedena v šolskem letu 2009/10. Vključenih je bilo 243 učenk in učencev tretjega razreda iz različnih slovenskih regij, ki so pri pouku uporabljali različne učne komplete. Učenci so oktobra 2009 in maja 2010 poslušali opis živali in po poslušanju reševali naloge na delovnem listu. Ugotovili smo, da so tako po prvem preverjanju kot po drugem med učenci, ki so uporabljali različne učne komplete, obstajale statistično pomembne razlike v dosežkih pri reševanju nalog po poslušanju. Zaznan je bil napredek v razvoju zmožnosti poslušanja z razumevanjem pri vseh štirih skupinah opazovanih učencev, vendar je bil napredek med njimi različen. Izkazalo se je tudi, da učenci po poslušanju z razumevanjem ne rešujejo bolje tistih tipov nalog, ki so pogosteje zastopane v učnem kompletu, ki ga uporabljajo pri pouku.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The national curricular guidelines’ description of Slovenian Language Arts emphasizes that the goals of Slovenian language classes are achieved by four communication modalities (listening, verbal expression, reading and writing). In our master thesis we have focused on the development of listening comprehension abilities. The goals specified by the national curricular guidelines for Slovenian Language Arts suggest gradual and process oriented development of listening skills. These listening skills are the ability to differentiate and analyze, listening comprehension and critical listening, and aesthetic (appreciative) listening. We have also described the revised national curriculum guidelines for Slovenian Language Arts (2011) and the changes it brings to the area of listening skills development for the elementary school students. In accordance with the revised curriculum guidelines after the year 1998 new curriculums have been developed. The authors attempt to achieve the goals mandated by the national curriculum guidelines including those that relate to listening skills in a variety of ways. We have presented scholarly articles relating to development of listening skills written by Slovene authors of educational materials. The empirical research is composed of three parts. In the first part we describe the analysis of four different curriculums (or teaching modules, which aim to develop listening comprehension) devised for third grade Slovene Language Arts classes. We have examined how well the curriculum materials follow the curriculum guidelines and the diversity of didactical approaches, methods and activities offered to teachers and students in the area of developing listening comprehension. Collected data was analyzed by descriptive quantitative statistical method. The analysis has shown that three of the curriculums lead to achievement of the curricular goals in the area of listening abilities, and one of the curriculums does not. In three curriculums students listen to a non-fiction text and then complete a variety of tasks aimed at assessing goals, types and difficulty level. Two curriculums systematically and didactically support listening abilities by including teacher’s manuals or a special unit within the teacher’s manual designed specifically for development listening abilities, one curriculum includes instructions for developing listening abilities within individual learning modules, and one curriculum does not include any didactical instructions designed for developing listening abilities. In the second part we examined the criteria teachers relay on when selecting a particular curriculum used in their classes. We also examined their evaluation of the curriculum they use based on its effectiveness in developing listening abilities. We were also interested in the attitudes of teachers toward development of listening comprehension in Slovenian Language Arts classes. Non-experimental empirical research was conducted in the 2009/2010 school year. The survey included 211 elementary school teachers selected from different regions of Slovenia. They were answering an anonymous questionnaire, which consisted of closed and open format question and scales. The data analysis showed, that teachers select curriculum partially based on how well it addresses the development of listening skills. Teachers also positively evaluated and used sound recordings included in the curriculum materials. They also used didactic instructions from the curriculum materials aimed at development of listening comprehension and they use recommended activities before and after listening segments. Teachers are aware of the importance of listening comprehension in school learning and every day communication, but only a third of them is of the opinion that more time should be dedicated to development of listening comprehension during Slovene Language Arts classes. In the third part we have examined listening comprehension in third graders. The research was conducted in 2009/2010 school year. It included 243 third grade students from different regions of Slovenia using different curriculums. In October 2009 and May 2010 the students listened to a description of animals followed by an assessment. The research has shown that after the first and the second assessment statistically significant differences existed between students using different curriculums. A progress in listening comprehension was detected in all four groups of examined students, however the progress was different in each group. We also found that students do not perform better in the type of questions that are more often represented in a curriculum used in their class.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): communication ability
ID: 8308954