diplomska naloga
Simona Klobčar (Avtor), Roko Žarnić (Mentor), Bruno Dujič (Komentor)


Vpliv odprtin na strižno nosilnost lesenih sten

Ključne besede

gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;konstrukcijska smer;lesene konstrukcije;lesene stene;vpliv odprtin;eksperimentalne preiskave;numerično modeliranje;parametrična študija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [S. Klobčar]
UDK: 624.011.1:624.072.1(043.2)
COBISS: 2973281 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 3263
Št. prenosov: 461
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Influence of openings on shear capacity of wooden walles
Sekundarni povzetek: In structural design of timber structures the load-bearing capacity of fenestrated wall segments usually is not taken into account when earthquake resistance analysis is carried out. Some recent experimental and parametric studies show that fenestrated wall segments may significantly contribute to earthquake resistance of wooden buildings. The load bearing capacity and stiffness of fenestrated wooden walls is influenced by dimensions and layout of openings. The exact numerical models are reliable only if they passed the appropriate experimental validation and verification. Therefore, at University of Ljubljana, the series of racking tests of fenestrated solid cross-laminated wooden panels were carried out to supply experimental data needed for computational model development. The main objective of testing was to understand the global response of fenestrated panels and to obtain data for verification and validation of response of the panel. Numerical model was developed and parametric study carried out by commercial software SAP2000 - Version 8 Nonlinear. Main parameters of interest were related to nonlinear behavior of anchors. Developed and justified mathematical model of experimentally tested panel was used for development of further mathematical models of panels having different patterns of fenestrations. Models were systematically numerically tested by SAP2000 and results of calculation presented in form of parametric study. Parametric study resulted in diagrams that will serve for engineering judgment of fenestration influence on stiffness and load-bearing capacity of solid-wood wall panels. It was concluded that regularly positioned openings in surface equal up to 30 % of panel surface do not much influence on load-bearing capacity when stiffness is reduced for about 50 %.
Sekundarne ključne besede: timber structures;wooden walls;influence of fenestration;experimental research;numerical modeling;parametric study
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Oddelek za gradbeništvo, Univerzitetni študij, Konstrukcijska smer
Strani: XIV, 96 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Influence of openings on shear capacity of wooden walls
Ključne besede (ePrints): lesene konstrukcije;lesene stene;vpliv odprtin;eksperimentalne preiskave;numerično modeliranje;parametrična študija
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): timber structures;wooden walls;influence of fenestration;experimental research;numerical modeling;parametric study
Povzetek (ePrints): Pri projektiranju lesenih konstrukcij na potresno obtežbo se navadno pri stenah z odprtinami upoštevajo le segmenti, ki so polni po celotni višini stene. Nekatere novejše eksperimentalne preiskave in parametrične študije pa kažejo na to, da tudi deli sten nad oz. pod odprtino lahko pomembno prispevajo k potresni odpornosti lesenih objektov. Na KPMK UL FGG je bilo izvedeno veliko število eksperimentalnih preiskav na lesenih križno lepljenih masivnih stenah, katerih rezultati so služili za izdelavo računskega modela strižne stene z odprtinami. Računski model je bil izdelan v programu za računanje konstrukcij po metodi končnih elementov SAP 2000 – V8 Nonlinear. Nelinearno obnašanje sider je bilo modelirano z uporabo nelinearnih vzmeti, izračun pa je bil izveden z nelinearno statično ˝pushover˝ analizo. S primerjavo eksperimentalnih in računskih rezultatov je bila potrjena ustreznost računskega modela. Na podlagi tega modela je bilo izdelano veliko število računskih modelov sten z različnimi velikostmi in oblikami odprtin, katerih rezultati so služili za parametrično študijo vpliva odprtin. Rezultati parametrične študije so diagrami odvisnosti strižne togosti in strižne nosilnosti od površine odprtine, dolžine polnih segmentov stene ter koeficienta odprtin, ki bodo služili za oceno vpliva velikosti in oblike odprtin na strižno odpornost lesenih masivnih sten. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da pri odprtinah do velikosti 30% glede na celotno površino sten odprtine skoraj ne vplivajo na vodoravno nosilnost, medtem ko se strižna togost sten s tem odstotkom odprtin zmanjša približno za 50%.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): In structural design of timber structures the load-bearing capacity of fenestrated wall segments usually is not taken into account when earthquake resistance analysis is carried out. Some recent experimental and parametric studies show that fenestrated wall segments may significantly contribute to earthquake resistance of wooden buildings. The load bearing capacity and stiffness of fenestrated wooden walls is influenced by dimensions and layout of openings. The exact numerical models are reliable only if they passed the appropriate experimental validation and verification. Therefore, at University of Ljubljana, the series of racking tests of fenestrated solid cross-laminated wooden panels were carried out to supply experimental data needed for computational model development. The main objective of testing was to understand the global response of fenestrated panels and to obtain data for verification and validation of response of the panel. Numerical model was developed and parametric study carried out by commercial software SAP2000 - Version 8 Nonlinear. Main parameters of interest were related to nonlinear behavior of anchors. Developed and justified mathematical model of experimentally tested panel was used for development of further mathematical models of panels having different patterns of fenestrations. Models were systematically numerically tested by SAP2000 and results of calculation presented in form of parametric study. Parametric study resulted in diagrams that will serve for engineering judgment of fenestration influence on stiffness and load-bearing capacity of solid-wood wall panels. It was concluded that regularly positioned openings in surface equal up to 30 % of panel surface do not much influence on load-bearing capacity when stiffness is reduced for about 50 %.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): timber structures;wooden walls;influence of fenestration;experimental research;numerical modeling;parametric study
ID: 8309327