Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Interdisciplinarity across subjects and the understanding of science |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Knowledge, along with the understanding of natural concepts and phenomena, is generated in the classroom through both student participation and appropriate communication between students and the teacher. The teacher's task is to pass on the knowledge about the natural world in an interdisciplinary way and adapt it to the level of his/her students. The evaluation study The Impact of Knowledge Evaluation on Knowledge Quality and Students' Interest in Natural Sciences suggests that the integration of natural science concepts in the science curriculum and their interdisciplinary are not entirely without problems. A related case study specifically pointed to problems connected with target-oriented activities, and highlighted the lack of integration between the physical, chemical and biological concepts as students learn about these in different school subjects. As a result, students find it difficult to create meaningful links between different concepts, thus failing to consolidate their knowledge.
The doctoral research draws on the above-mentioned findings as well as on an analysis of the natural science curriculum and course books for the 7th form. On this basis it proposes a teaching model for teaching about the sea and its ecosystem. The sea was chosen as the central topic for its unique biotope features which enable clear presentation of the connections between living conditions and organisms. The model which examines physical (temperature, light), chemical (water, salinity) and biological (organisms) factors was further amplified and evaluated through action-based research.
Monitoring and changing teaching methods was meant to highlight the ways in which the model could be adapted to a real-life situation in which it would consider the input of the teacher and students in the classroom, and guide students towards developing knowledge through understanding. During the later stages of the research, participating teachers were introduced to an amended teaching model. To allow the model to be examined for its efficacy, students taught by these teachers were included in the experimental group. After instruction, which was based on the model, students' knowledge was examined in a test, which was adapted to the level of knowledge prescribed in the 7th form curriculum. The same test was attempted by students from a comparison group who had not been taught about the sea and its ecosystems according to the model. The two samples were equal in terms of school size and school environment. The knowledge of both groups was re-tested after three months.
Statistical analysis confirmed that the experimental group students, as opposed to the comparison group, achieved statistically significant better results both when they were tested and re-tested for their knowledge of natural sciences, as well as for their knowledge of the links between organisms and environmental factors. These findings suggest that while individual tasks show no statistically significant differences, the latter are evident from the students' overall success in the test and re-test. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
Naravoslovje;Disertacije;Pouk;science education;action research;interdisciplinary approach;learning process;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;akcijsko raziskovanje;medpredmetni pristop;učni proces; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Doktorska disertacija |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak. |
Strani: |
VIII, 186 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Interdisciplinarity across subjects and the understanding of science |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
naravoslovje |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
natural science |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Znanje z razumevanjem naravoslovnih pojmov in pojavov nastaja pri pouku ob dejavnostih učencev in s primerno komunikacijo med učencem in učiteljem. Učitelji naj bi podajali naravoslovne vsebine ustrezno medpredmetno povezano in prilagojeno razvojni ravni učencev. Ugotovitve evalvacijske študije Vpliv ocenjevanja znanja na kakovost znanja učencev in na njihov interes za naravoslovje kažejo na nekatere težave pri vključevanju naravoslovnih pojmov v pouk in njihovem medpredmetnem povezovanju. Študija primera, ki je bila izvedena v okviru omenjene raziskave, kaže na težave, povezane s ciljno naravnanimi dejavnostmi, in izpostavi nepovezanost fizikalnih, kemijskih in bioloških vsebin, obravnavanih pri različnih predmetih. Posledica tega je, da učenci težko holistično povežejo pridobljeno znanje z razumevanjem naravoslovnih pojavov.
Doktorska raziskava izhaja iz omenjenih ugotovitev ter analize učnega načrta in učbenikov za 7. razred naravoslovja. Na tej osnovi je bil izdelan model poučevanja vsebin o morju s poudarkom na značilnostih ekosistema. Morje je bilo izbrano kot vsebinska osnova modela poučevanja zaradi posebnih značilnosti biotopa, ki je primeren za prikaz povezav med življenjskimi pogoji in organizmi. V model je vključena obravnava fizikalnih (temperatura, svetloba), kemijskih (voda, slanost) in bioloških dejavnikov (značilnosti organizmov). Model je bil prav tako dopolnjen in preverjen z metodo akcijskega raziskovanja.
Spremljanje in spreminjanje poučevanja je namenjeno razmišljanju o načinih prilagoditve modela dejanskim razmeram v razredu, ki upoštevajo posebnosti učencev in učiteljev in vodijo učence k razvijanju znanja z razumevanjem. V nadaljevanju raziskave so bili sodelujoči učitelji naravoslovja uvedeni v uporabo dopolnjenega modela. Za preverjanje uspešnosti modela so bili učenci teh učiteljev v eksperimentalni skupini. Po pouku, ki je bil izveden po modelu, je bilo znanje učencev preverjeno s preizkusom, ki je upošteval raven znanja, predpisano v učnem načrtu naravoslovja za 7. razred. Enak preizkus so reševali tudi učenci primerjalne skupine, ki se niso učili vsebin morja v skladu z modelom. Vzorca skupin sta bila izenačena glede na velikost šole in šolski okoliš. Znanje obeh skupin o morju je bilo znova preverjeno po treh mesecih.
Statistična analiza podatkov raziskave je potrdila, da učenci eksperimentalne skupine, v primerjavi z učenci primerjalne skupine, dosegajo statistično pomembno boljše rezultate pri reševanju preizkusa in popreizkusa naravoslovnega znanja in tudi pri odgovarjanju na vprašanja preizkusa in popreizkusa o povezavah med organizmi in okoljskimi dejavnikov. Iz podatkov sledi, da medtem ko posamezne naloge večinoma ne kažejo statistično pomembnih razlik, pa je te mogoče razbrati iz splošnega uspeha pri reševanju. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
Knowledge, along with the understanding of natural concepts and phenomena, is generated in the classroom through both student participation and appropriate communication between students and the teacher. The teacher's task is to pass on the knowledge about the natural world in an interdisciplinary way and adapt it to the level of his/her students. The evaluation study The Impact of Knowledge Evaluation on Knowledge Quality and Students' Interest in Natural Sciences suggests that the integration of natural science concepts in the science curriculum and their interdisciplinary are not entirely without problems. A related case study specifically pointed to problems connected with target-oriented activities, and highlighted the lack of integration between the physical, chemical and biological concepts as students learn about these in different school subjects. As a result, students find it difficult to create meaningful links between different concepts, thus failing to consolidate their knowledge.
The doctoral research draws on the above-mentioned findings as well as on an analysis of the natural science curriculum and course books for the 7th form. On this basis it proposes a teaching model for teaching about the sea and its ecosystem. The sea was chosen as the central topic for its unique biotope features which enable clear presentation of the connections between living conditions and organisms. The model which examines physical (temperature, light), chemical (water, salinity) and biological (organisms) factors was further amplified and evaluated through action-based research.
Monitoring and changing teaching methods was meant to highlight the ways in which the model could be adapted to a real-life situation in which it would consider the input of the teacher and students in the classroom, and guide students towards developing knowledge through understanding. During the later stages of the research, participating teachers were introduced to an amended teaching model. To allow the model to be examined for its efficacy, students taught by these teachers were included in the experimental group. After instruction, which was based on the model, students' knowledge was examined in a test, which was adapted to the level of knowledge prescribed in the 7th form curriculum. The same test was attempted by students from a comparison group who had not been taught about the sea and its ecosystems according to the model. The two samples were equal in terms of school size and school environment. The knowledge of both groups was re-tested after three months.
Statistical analysis confirmed that the experimental group students, as opposed to the comparison group, achieved statistically significant better results both when they were tested and re-tested for their knowledge of natural sciences, as well as for their knowledge of the links between organisms and environmental factors. These findings suggest that while individual tasks show no statistically significant differences, the latter are evident from the students' overall success in the test and re-test. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
natural science |
ID: |
8309926 |