magistrsko delo
Tadeja Kodele (Avtor), Lea Šugman Bohinc (Mentor), Irena Lesar (Komentor)


Partnerstvo med domom in šolo - mit ali resnica?

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Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Založnik: [T. Kodele]
UDK: 37.064.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9188681 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1269
Št. prenosov: 279
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Partnership between home and school – a myth or truth?
Sekundarni povzetek: Recently the school policy strives more and more for the development of partnership between home and school. This is a relationship which is characterized by reciprocal confidence, respect, support and consideration of mutual interests and mutual effort for achieving desired aims. Schools are aware that their collaboration with parents is an important task, especially because effective collaboration between school and parents can be an important protective factor for a child from different disadvantageous influences. The main purpose of this work was to investigate how parents, school counsellors and head teachers see the partnership between home and school and to research how school counsellor services and head teachers can contribute to development of partnership between home and school. To this purpose, I can offer some ideas for better partnership collaboration between school and parents. In the theoretical part I presented some theoretical contents and concepts, which are important for better understanding of the theme which we are discussing about. I presented the basic characteristics relating to the work of school counsellor services and head teachers, with the main emphasis on their work with parents. I was interested in the influence of the post-modern era on contemporary society, on school and family. I was also interested in how we can present the relationship between home and school with Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory and social constructionism. I also wrote about the relationship between home and school, with the emphasis on partnership collaboration. In this chapter I briefly present how collaboration between home and school has changed over time, how partnership between home and school is understood by different foreign and domestic authors, and potential obstacles for the establishment and further development of successful partnerships plus possible ways in which parents can collaborate with schools. In the empirical part with the parents’ survey, I researched topics of whether parents think that the partnership between home and school exists in primary schools, their main reasons and obstacles to collaborate with schools, their previous successful partnership collaborations with schools and their suggestions as to how to improve this collaboration. I improved this part of the research with qualitative study in which I interviewed school counsellors and head teachers. In this way I wanted to investigate how school counsellors and headmasters view the collaboration of schools with parents, the realization of the partnership between home and school in everyday school practice and their own contribution in developing of improving this partnership. My conclusion will enable a better understanding of how a partnership between home and school is created in everyday school practice. On the other hand, my conclusions illustrated that schools have to strive and work even harder to develop an effective partnership between school and parents (to strive for an even greater inclusion of parents when planning a collaboration with them and also during problem-solving, to introduce an evaluation of this collaboration with parents in order to enable an open space for conversation, enable training(s) for school workers with regard to collaboration with parents etc.). I conclude my work with some lines which I would really like to be viewed as valuable guidance and help for school counsellors and headmasters when developing partnership with parents.
Sekundarne ključne besede: educational guidance;parent-school relation;head teacher;šolsko svetovanje;odnos med starši in šolo;ravnatelj šole;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: V, 220 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Partnership between home and school – a myth or truth?
Ključne besede (ePrints): starši
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): parents
Povzetek (ePrints): Šolska politika si v zadnjem času vse bolj prizadeva za razvoj partnerskega odnosa med domom in šolo. To je odnos, za katerega so značilni medsebojno zaupanje, spoštovanje, podpora in upoštevanje interesov drug drugega, skupno prizadevanje za dosego želenega cilja. Šole se namreč zavedajo, da je učinkovito sodelovanje s starši pomembna naloga, saj je lahko za otroka pomemben varovalni dejavnik pred raznimi neugodnimi vplivi. Tako je bil osrednji namen magistrskega dela raziskati pogled staršev, šolskih svetovalnih delavcev in ravnateljev na partnerstvo med domom in šolo ter raziskati možni prispevek šolske svetovalne službe in vodstva šole k razvoju partnerskega odnosa med obema institucijama ter tako oblikovati smernice za boljše partnersko sodelovanje šole s starši. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila teoretične vsebine in koncepte, pomembne za razumevanje obravnavane teme. Predstavila sem osnovne značilnosti in delovanje šolske svetovalne službe in vodstva šole, s poudarkom na njunem delu s starši. Zanimal me je tudi vpliv postmodernosti na družbo, na šolo in družino ter kako lahko odnos med domom in šolo predstavimo s pomočjo Bronfenbrennerjeve ekosistemske teorije in socialnega konstrukcionizma. Posebno poglavje je namenjeno odnosu med domom in šolo, s poudarkom na partnerskem sodelovanju. V tem poglavju kratko predstavim, kako se je sodelovanje med domom in šolo spreminjalo skozi zgodovino, kako partnerstvo med domom in šolo razumejo razni tuji in domači avtorji, ovire za vzpostavljanje in razvijanje učinkovitega partnerstva ter možne oblike sodelovanja staršev s šolo. V empiričnem delu sem s pomočjo anket med starši raziskala, ali menijo, da med domom in osnovnimi šolami že prevladuje partnerski odnos, kateri so glavni razlogi in ovire za sodelovanje staršev s šolo, iskala sem primere dobre prakse partnerskega sodelovanja in predloge za njegovo izboljšanje. Ta del raziskave sem nadgradila še s kvalitativno študijo, v kateri sem s pomočjo intervjujev s šolskimi svetovalnimi delavkami in ravnateljicami proučila, kako one vidijo sodelovanje s starši, uresničevanje partnerstva med domom in šolo v vsakdanji šolski praksi ter lastni prispevek k razvoju ali izboljšanju partnerskega odnosa. Ugotovitve omogočajo boljše razumevanje partnerstva med domom in šolo v vsakdanji šolski praksi, obenem pa opozarjajo, da čaka šole še precej truda in dela, da se bo partnerstvo uspešneje razvijalo (bolj si bodo morale prizadevati za vključevanje staršev v načrtovanje sodelovanja in v reševanje težav, uvesti evalvacijo sodelovanja s starši in omogočiti dialog z njimi, strokovnim šolskim delavcem pa zagotoviti izobraževanje o tem sodelovanju ipd.). Magistrsko delo zaključujem s smernicami, za katere si želim, da bodo šolskim svetovalnim delavcem in ravnateljem dragoceno vodilo in pomoč pri razvijanju kakovostnega partnerskega odnosa s starši.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Recently the school policy strives more and more for the development of partnership between home and school. This is a relationship which is characterized by reciprocal confidence, respect, support and consideration of mutual interests and mutual effort for achieving desired aims. Schools are aware that their collaboration with parents is an important task, especially because effective collaboration between school and parents can be an important protective factor for a child from different disadvantageous influences. The main purpose of this work was to investigate how parents, school counsellors and head teachers see the partnership between home and school and to research how school counsellor services and head teachers can contribute to development of partnership between home and school. To this purpose, I can offer some ideas for better partnership collaboration between school and parents. In the theoretical part I presented some theoretical contents and concepts, which are important for better understanding of the theme which we are discussing about. I presented the basic characteristics relating to the work of school counsellor services and head teachers, with the main emphasis on their work with parents. I was interested in the influence of the post-modern era on contemporary society, on school and family. I was also interested in how we can present the relationship between home and school with Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory and social constructionism. I also wrote about the relationship between home and school, with the emphasis on partnership collaboration. In this chapter I briefly present how collaboration between home and school has changed over time, how partnership between home and school is understood by different foreign and domestic authors, and potential obstacles for the establishment and further development of successful partnerships plus possible ways in which parents can collaborate with schools. In the empirical part with the parents’ survey, I researched topics of whether parents think that the partnership between home and school exists in primary schools, their main reasons and obstacles to collaborate with schools, their previous successful partnership collaborations with schools and their suggestions as to how to improve this collaboration. I improved this part of the research with qualitative study in which I interviewed school counsellors and head teachers. In this way I wanted to investigate how school counsellors and headmasters view the collaboration of schools with parents, the realization of the partnership between home and school in everyday school practice and their own contribution in developing of improving this partnership. My conclusion will enable a better understanding of how a partnership between home and school is created in everyday school practice. On the other hand, my conclusions illustrated that schools have to strive and work even harder to develop an effective partnership between school and parents (to strive for an even greater inclusion of parents when planning a collaboration with them and also during problem-solving, to introduce an evaluation of this collaboration with parents in order to enable an open space for conversation, enable training(s) for school workers with regard to collaboration with parents etc.). I conclude my work with some lines which I would really like to be viewed as valuable guidance and help for school counsellors and headmasters when developing partnership with parents.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): parents
ID: 8309963