diplomsko delo
Barbara Balan (Avtor), Špela Razpotnik (Mentor)


Vloga in uporaba umetnosti v socialni pedagogiki

Ključne besede

umetnostba terapija;socialna pedagogika;opolnomočenje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [B. Balan]
UDK: 37.091.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9224777 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1103
Št. prenosov: 399
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The role and use of art in social pedagogy
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of the presented diploma paper is to explain the meaning and role of art with its creative media and the role of the creative process in social pedagogy. I am exploring and emphasizing different aspects in use of art on individual, group, community and social level and researching, where there is a potential for their use in the professional field of social pedagogy. The importance in the empirical and theoretical part of the thesis was in questioning, exploring and trying out different uses of art and principles of creative process, for example: help through art and its different modalities, creative arts therapy, art as a communication tool and experiential learning, art as medium for connecting and empowering groups and creating a positive group dynamic, art in the role of reflection and critique of society, as harbinger of marginalized groups, cultural animation and resource of social activation. The thesis also explores various aspects of developing a creative attitude. All mentioned is unified as a potential for social pedagogical intervention, a particular reality of experiential learning, defined as »free spaces« »socio-cultural refugees«. A safe environment, which enables (by means of art and other arrangements) a more free experimenting with one’s own concepts, paths, habits, thinking and emotions. This supports a positive change, learning and development of individuality and collaboration skills. Empirical part of the paper presents a case study – an organized, carried out and evaluated international education and cultural animation project, which lasted for seven days. In it different individuals shared their practical experiences and reflections on the use of arts in working with people. The case study is also an example of practical implementation of a socio-cultural refuge in which I was especially interested in the role and influence of art media on individuals and groups. This helped me in discovering the proper ways of social pedagogical interventions with different art mediums. Finally, thesis results can be used as a basis to create practical guidelines for progressing quality of educational trainings and more efficient interventions in the field of social pedagogy combined with arts.
Sekundarne ključne besede: art;creativity;experiential learning;umetnost;ustvarjalnost;izkustveno učenje;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: 101 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): The role and use of art in social pedagogy
Ključne besede (ePrints): umetnostna terapija
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): creative arts therapy
Povzetek (ePrints): Namen pričujoče naloge je pojasniti pomen in vlogo umetnosti, njenih ustvarjalnih medijev in ustvarjalnega procesa v socialni pedagogiki. Želim ugotavljati in poudariti različne vidike - individualne, skupinske, skupnostne in družbene - uporabe umetnosti, ter raziskati, kje odpirajo potencial za strokovno delo socialnega pedagoga. V empiričnem in teoretičnem delu naloge je bilo pomembno preizpraševanje in preizkušanje različnih vidikov uporabe umetnosti ter principov ustvarjalnega procesa: pomoči z umetnostjo oz. umetnostne terapije, umetnosti kot sredstva komunikacije in izkustvenega učenja, umetnost kot medij povezovanja in opolnomočenja skupine in ustvarjanja pozitivne skupinske dinamike, umetnosti v vlogi refleksije in kritičnosti družbe, kot glasnice marginalnih skupin, kulturne animacije in sredstva za družbeno aktivacijo. V nalogi raziskujem tudi različne vidike razvijanja ustvarjalne naravnanosti. Omenjeno se združi v intervencijski potencial socialne pedagogike, v posebno realnost izkustvenega učenja, poimenovano »svobodni prostori« oz. »socialno-kulturna zatočišča«. Varnega okolja, ki pod vplivom umetnosti in drugih dejavnikov omogoča svobodnejše eksperimentiranje z lastnimi pojmi in potmi, navadami, mišljenjem in čustev. S tem podpira pozitivne spremembe, učenje in razvoj posameznikov ali skupine. Empirični del naloge predstavlja študijo primera - organiziranost, izpeljavo in evalvacijo sedem dnevnega mednarodnega izobraževanja ali kulturno animacijskega projekta. Na njem so različni posamezniki delili praktične izkušnje in refleksije o uporabi umetnosti pri delu z ljudmi. Je tudi praktična izvedba primera socialno-kulturnega zatočišča, v katerem me je posebej zanimala vloga in vpliv umetnostnih medijev na posameznike in skupino ter kakšne naj bodo pri tem intervencije socialnega pedagoga. Tako se vzpostavijo praktično uporabne smernice za bodoča smernice za bodoča kakovostna izobraževanja in širše intervencije na področju socialne pedagogike v preseku z umetnostjo.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The purpose of the presented diploma paper is to explain the meaning and role of art with its creative media and the role of the creative process in social pedagogy. I am exploring and emphasizing different aspects in use of art on individual, group, community and social level and researching, where there is a potential for their use in the professional field of social pedagogy. The importance in the empirical and theoretical part of the thesis was in questioning, exploring and trying out different uses of art and principles of creative process, for example: help through art and its different modalities, creative arts therapy, art as a communication tool and experiential learning, art as medium for connecting and empowering groups and creating a positive group dynamic, art in the role of reflection and critique of society, as harbinger of marginalized groups, cultural animation and resource of social activation. The thesis also explores various aspects of developing a creative attitude. All mentioned is unified as a potential for social pedagogical intervention, a particular reality of experiential learning, defined as »free spaces« »socio-cultural refugees«. A safe environment, which enables (by means of art and other arrangements) a more free experimenting with one’s own concepts, paths, habits, thinking and emotions. This supports a positive change, learning and development of individuality and collaboration skills. Empirical part of the paper presents a case study – an organized, carried out and evaluated international education and cultural animation project, which lasted for seven days. In it different individuals shared their practical experiences and reflections on the use of arts in working with people. The case study is also an example of practical implementation of a socio-cultural refuge in which I was especially interested in the role and influence of art media on individuals and groups. This helped me in discovering the proper ways of social pedagogical interventions with different art mediums. Finally, thesis results can be used as a basis to create practical guidelines for progressing quality of educational trainings and more efficient interventions in the field of social pedagogy combined with arts.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): creative arts therapy
ID: 8310112
Priporočena dela:
, ǂthe ǂcases of MyMachine, IDEATE.me, EMINDS and Kersnikova.org