specialistično delo
Marija Perdih (Avtor), Milena Blažič (Mentor), Tomaž Gorjup (Komentor)


Pripovedovanje in ustvarjanje zgodb v likovni terapiji z odraslimi

Ključne besede

pomoč z umetnostjo;likovna terapija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Perdih]
UDK: 74:82(043.2)
COBISS: 9311817 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1185
Št. prenosov: 264
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Storytelling and creating stories in art therapy with adults
Sekundarni povzetek: Adults reshape their self-image and relations with environment when they face critical situations and turning points in life. Identity shaping is also influenced by individual's position in the society. Storytelling and storymaking is a method that influences individual's thinking process and creativity, and allows him to strive for his own point of view and to defend it. Art therapy is very important in research of individual's feelings and ideas. Process of art making allows for involvement of inner reality, self-exploration and identity shaping. It is through artistic and literary creative process that an individual can recognize various possibilities, allows himself gradual changes in perspective and beliefs, and above all develops his own creativity. The goal of this research is to show how the art therapy process that employs storytelling and storymaking method is experienced by individuals. There were three female volunteers between 25 and 42 years of age involved in the qualitative research done by descriptive method of pedagogic research. Research is done by 12 art therapy sessions. Each session is 90 minutes long and is done once a week. Before the therapy began interviews were conducted to discover clients' reasons for participation, their expectations, how important are creative activities to them and on what terms are they with narratives. Art therapy programme is prepared based on theoretical materials and practical experience. Interviews are done again between the fifth and sixth therapy session and finally at the end of art therapy process. Realizations of expectations influence of storymaking on feelings, and experiences of connection between literary and artistic creativity are examined. Impressions, implementations of changes in real life, changes in relations to artistic creativity, and changes in clients' terms with narratives are examined, too. It was shown that individuals do sense a change in feelings when they are involved in the art therapy process. They are aware of their own standpoints and beliefs about their artistic creativity. They do sense an impact of art therapy process on accepting their own artistic creativity. They have partially confirmed stimulus of independent art creativity during their own free time.
Sekundarne ključne besede: adult;identity;story telling;fine arts;odrasli;identiteta;pripovedovanje zgodb;likovna umetnost;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Specialistično delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 175 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Telling and creating stories in art therapy with adults
Ključne besede (ePrints): odrasli
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): adults
Povzetek (ePrints): Ob življenjskih krizah in prelomnicah si odrasli ponovno oblikuje predstave o sebi in odnos med njim in njegovim okoljem. Na oblikovanje identitete vpliva tudi posameznikovo samoumeščanje v družbo, v kateri živi. Pripovedovanje in ustvarjanje zgodb je metoda, ki vpliva na posameznikovo razmišljanje in ustvarjalnost ter omogoča posamezniku, da si prizadeva za svoja stališča in jih tudi zagovarja. Likovna terapija je pomembna pri raziskovanju občutkov in misli posameznika. Proces likovnega izdelovanja omogoča posamezniku vključevanje notranje resničnosti, samoraziskovanje in oblikovanje identitete. Skozi likovni in besedni ustvarjalni proces posameznik prepoznava različne možnosti, si dopušča postopno spreminjanje stališč in prepričanj, predvsem pa razvija lastno ustvarjalnost. Namen raziskave je prikazati, kako osebe doživljajo likovnoterapevtski proces z metodo pripovedovanja in ustvarjanja zgodb. V kvalitativno raziskavo z deskriptivno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja so vključene tri ženske med 25. in 42. letom, njihova udeležba je prostovoljna. Raziskava obsega 12 likovnoterapevtskih delavnic. Posamezno srečanje traja 90 minut in se izvaja enkrat tedensko. Pred začetkom obravnave so podatki o motivih za udeležbo v raziskavi in njihovih pričakovanjih, o pomenu ustvarjalnih dejavnosti in odnosu do pripovednih besedil zbrani z intervjuji. Na osnovi teoretičnega gradiva in praktičnih izkušenj je oblikovan likovnoterapevtski program. Zbiranje podatkov z intervjuji poteka tudi med peto in šesto likovnoterapevtsko delavnico ter ob zaključku likovnoterapevtskega procesa. Preverja se uresničitev pričakovanj, vpliv na počutje ob ustvarjanju pripovednih besedil ter doživljanje povezave med literarnim in likovnim ustvarjanjem. Preverja se vtise, uvajanje pomembnih sprememb v vsakdanje življenje, spremembe v odnosu do likovnega ustvarjanja in spremembe v odnosu do pripovednih besedil. Izkazalo se je, da osebe v procesu likovne terapije zaznavajo spremembe v počutju. Zavedajo se svojih stališč in prepričanj o lastnem likovnem ustvarjanju. Zaznavajo vpliv likovnoterapevtskega procesa na sprejemanje svojega likovnega ustvarjanja. Deloma potrjujejo spodbudo k samostojnemu likovnemu ustvarjanju v prostem času.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Adults reshape their self-image and relations with environment when they face critical situations and turning points in life. Identity shaping is also influenced by individual's position in the society. Storytelling and storymaking is a method that influences individual's thinking process and creativity, and allows him to strive for his own point of view and to defend it. Art therapy is very important in research of individual's feelings and ideas. Process of art making allows for involvement of inner reality, self-exploration and identity shaping. It is through artistic and literary creative process that an individual can recognize various possibilities, allows himself gradual changes in perspective and beliefs, and above all develops his own creativity. The goal of this research is to show how the art therapy process that employs storytelling and storymaking method is experienced by individuals. There were three female volunteers between 25 and 42 years of age involved in the qualitative research done by descriptive method of pedagogic research. Research is done by 12 art therapy sessions. Each session is 90 minutes long and is done once a week. Before the therapy began interviews were conducted to discover clients' reasons for participation, their expectations, how important are creative activities to them and on what terms are they with narratives. Art therapy programme is prepared based on theoretical materials and practical experience. Interviews are done again between the fifth and sixth therapy session and finally at the end of art therapy process. Realizations of expectations influence of storymaking on feelings, and experiences of connection between literary and artistic creativity are examined. Impressions, implementations of changes in real life, changes in relations to artistic creativity, and changes in clients' terms with narratives are examined, too. It was shown that individuals do sense a change in feelings when they are involved in the art therapy process. They are aware of their own standpoints and beliefs about their artistic creativity. They do sense an impact of art therapy process on accepting their own artistic creativity. They have partially confirmed stimulus of independent art creativity during their own free time.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): adults
ID: 8310512