magistrsko delo
Milanka Munda (Avtor), Mojca Peček (Mentor)


Počutje romskih učencev v osnovni šoli v Mariboru

Ključne besede

Romi;izobraževalni programi;inkluzija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Munda]
UDK: 37.011.3-052(=214.58)(497.412)(043.2)
COBISS: 9305673 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1387
Št. prenosov: 277
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Well-being of Romany pupils in primary school in Maribor
Sekundarni povzetek: This Master Theses deals with Romani people in Maribor and it focuses on the Romani primary school students. The starting point and the problem that is analysed in this paper is low education of the Romani people, however, it also presents their cultural specificities. For their tradition is strongly connected with religion which dictates to them to finish their education as soon as possible in order to devote their attention to taking care of the family. Nevertheless, the life of this society has been rapidly changing over the last decade. The traditional values are giving way to the new ones: young people are getting married later; their education lasts longer, which can also be seen in the empirical part of this paper. The later part also answers the question about the aspirations of the Romani parents about the education of their children. The research has confirmed the fact that education is important to Romani people and that they understand the importance of education for better quality of their lives. The reason why the Romani people are uneducated lies also in their poor socioeconomic status, although this is more favourable among Maribor’s Romani people than in other areas. Moreover, the research has also shown that the learning results of the Romani pupils in Maribor are generally better than in other areas of Slovenia and around the world. The Master Theses contains a discrimination analysis which appears on different levels in the present society and occurs repeatedly in school. It shows social experiences of the Romani children in school, moreover, it answers the questions about how these children feel in school. The results of the research have pointed out the fact that the Romani pupils in Maribor are neither exposed to peer and teachers’ prejudice nor to feelings of rejection or declinatory attitude that is otherwise present in some areas of Slovenia and around the world. The answers that the Romani children have given namely show acceptance and emotional connection with their teachers; the Romani pupils feel secure and comfortable among their Slovene peers. They trust their teachers and experience them as suitable partners in the teaching interaction. This paper also discusses the problem of exercising the inclusion of the Romani pupils on formal and execution level within Slovene primary education. It also indicates numerous problems that the Romani pupils cope with in school. They learn the teaching contents in a language that is not their mother tongue; they are exposed to double cultural influences; their parents have difficulties to help them with their learning since they are not well educated or they even lack education. In spite of that, the parents do encourage their children to learn, as shown in the research. The research presents several projects which were carried out in Maribor for the sake of raising the motivation and quality of education of the Romani people. The results of the research lead us to the conclusion that these projects have had an influence on the improved attitude towards school as well as on their agreeable feelings among the school premises, which has also influenced their learning efficiency. The theoretical and empirical parts of this paper are filling up the gap in the research and familiarity with the Romani population in Maribor and are indicating the need of knowing that culture more precisely and to study that numerous and diverse Romani community in Maribor systematically. Better understanding of the Romani community is namely the urgent necessity for creating education that will come to meet their needs.
Sekundarne ključne besede: migrant;social integration;cultural integration;socialna integracija;kulturna integracija;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 195 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Well-being of Romany pupils in primary school in Maribor
Ključne besede (ePrints): Romi v Mariboru
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Romani people in Maribor
Povzetek (ePrints): Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z Romi v Mariboru, izpostavlja pa romske učence osnovnih šol. Izhodiščna točka raziskave in problem, ki ga to delo razčlenjuje, je nizka izobraženost Romov. V nalogi so predstavljene tudi kulturne posebnosti Romov. Njihova tradicija je močno povezana z vero in ta jim narekuje, da se hitro nehajo izobraževati in se posvetijo skrbi za družino. A življenje te skupnosti se v zadnjem desetletju hitro spreminja. Tradicionalne vrednote se umikajo novemu: mladi se poročajo pozneje, izobražujejo se dlje, kar dokazuje tudi empirični del naloge. Ta odgovarja še na vprašanje, kakšne so aspiracije romskih staršev glede izobraževanja svojih otrok. Raziskava je potrdila, da je Romom šolanje pomembno ter da razumejo in se zavedajo pomena izobrazbe za kvalitetnejše življenje. Vzrok, zakaj so Romi neizobraženi, je tudi slab socialno-ekonomski položaj, vendar je ta med mariborskimi Romi ugodnejši kot kje drugje. Raziskava je prav tako pokazala, da je učni uspeh romskih učencev v Mariboru boljši kot v Sloveniji na splošno in po svetu. V magistrskem delu je analizirana diskriminacija Romov, ki se tudi v sodobni družbi pojavlja na različnih ravneh ter se kaže in ponavlja tudi v šoli. Prikazuje socialne izkušnje romskih otrok v šoli ter odgovarja na vprašanja, kako se le-ti počutijo v šoli. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da romski učenci v Mariboru niso izpostavljeni predsodkom vrstnikov in učiteljev, niti ne nesprejetosti ali odklonilnemu odnosu, kar sicer velja za nekatera okolja v Sloveniji in po svetu. Odgovori romskih otrok namreč večinoma izražajo sprejemanje in emocionalno povezanost z učitelji, romski učenci se med svojimi slovenskimi vrstniki počutijo varno in prijetno. Učiteljem zaupajo, doživljajo jih kot ustrezne partnerje v poučevalni interakciji. Naloga obravnava tudi problem uresničevanja inkluzije romskih učencev na formalni in izvedbeni ravni v okviru osnovnega šolanja v Sloveniji. V njej so prav tako prikazane številne težave, s katerimi se srečujejo romski učenci v šoli. Učnih vsebin se učijo v nematernem jeziku, izpostavljeni so dvojnim kulturnim vplivom, njihovi starši jim, ker sami niso dovolj izobraženi ali so sploh neizobraženi, težje pomagajo pri učenju. Jih pa pri tem spodbujajo, je pokazala raziskava. Raziskava predstavlja številne projekte, ki so bili izvedeni v Mariboru, katerih namen je bil dvigniti motiviranost in kakovost izobraževanja Romov. Glede na rezultate raziskave sklepamo, da so ti projekti vplivali na boljši odnos Romov do šole in na njihovo prijetnejše počutje med šolskimi zidovi, to pa je tudi povečalo njihovo šolsko uspešnost. Teoretični in empirični del naloge zapolnjujeta vrzel v raziskovanju in poznavanju romske populacije v Mariboru in kažeta na to, da bi bilo nujno natančnejše poznati ter sistematično preučevati številčno in raznoliko romsko skupnost v Mariboru. Boljše poznavanje romske skupnosti je namreč nujni pogoj za oblikovanje izobraževanja, ki bo bolje naravnano na njihove potrebe.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): This Master Theses deals with Romani people in Maribor and it focuses on the Romani primary school students. The starting point and the problem that is analysed in this paper is low education of the Romani people, however, it also presents their cultural specificities. For their tradition is strongly connected with religion which dictates to them to finish their education as soon as possible in order to devote their attention to taking care of the family. Nevertheless, the life of this society has been rapidly changing over the last decade. The traditional values are giving way to the new ones: young people are getting married later; their education lasts longer, which can also be seen in the empirical part of this paper. The later part also answers the question about the aspirations of the Romani parents about the education of their children. The research has confirmed the fact that education is important to Romani people and that they understand the importance of education for better quality of their lives. The reason why the Romani people are uneducated lies also in their poor socioeconomic status, although this is more favourable among Maribor’s Romani people than in other areas. Moreover, the research has also shown that the learning results of the Romani pupils in Maribor are generally better than in other areas of Slovenia and around the world. The Master Theses contains a discrimination analysis which appears on different levels in the present society and occurs repeatedly in school. It shows social experiences of the Romani children in school, moreover, it answers the questions about how these children feel in school. The results of the research have pointed out the fact that the Romani pupils in Maribor are neither exposed to peer and teachers’ prejudice nor to feelings of rejection or declinatory attitude that is otherwise present in some areas of Slovenia and around the world. The answers that the Romani children have given namely show acceptance and emotional connection with their teachers; the Romani pupils feel secure and comfortable among their Slovene peers. They trust their teachers and experience them as suitable partners in the teaching interaction. This paper also discusses the problem of exercising the inclusion of the Romani pupils on formal and execution level within Slovene primary education. It also indicates numerous problems that the Romani pupils cope with in school. They learn the teaching contents in a language that is not their mother tongue; they are exposed to double cultural influences; their parents have difficulties to help them with their learning since they are not well educated or they even lack education. In spite of that, the parents do encourage their children to learn, as shown in the research. The research presents several projects which were carried out in Maribor for the sake of raising the motivation and quality of education of the Romani people. The results of the research lead us to the conclusion that these projects have had an influence on the improved attitude towards school as well as on their agreeable feelings among the school premises, which has also influenced their learning efficiency. The theoretical and empirical parts of this paper are filling up the gap in the research and familiarity with the Romani population in Maribor and are indicating the need of knowing that culture more precisely and to study that numerous and diverse Romani community in Maribor systematically. Better understanding of the Romani community is namely the urgent necessity for creating education that will come to meet their needs.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Romani people in Maribor
ID: 8310662