diplomska naloga
Natalija Majetič (Avtor), Alenka Cemič (Mentor), Jera Gregorc (Komentor)


Analiza mnenj staršev in vzgojiteljev o gibalni aktivnosti na prostem

Ključne besede

gibalna aktivnost;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Majetič]
UDK: 373.2.016:79(043.2)
COBISS: 9368137 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 601
Št. prenosov: 137
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Analysis of opinion of parents and teachers on outdoor physical activities
Sekundarni povzetek: The aim of the thesis is to establish how often kindergartens organise conducted physical activities outdoors and analyse the opinion of parents and pre-school teachers on the significance of mastering physical activities for successful work with pre-school children. The thesis is based on both Slovenian and foreign literature dealing with the importance of outdoor physical activities, on contemporary research examining the influence of outdoor physical activities on the child's integral development and the role of the parents and teachers in the process. The analysis of the results provided by contemporary research indicates that teachers are relatively poorly trained to conduct outdoor physical activities. To this end, the thesis intends to: examine the general opinion of the teachers and parents on outdoor physical activities; establish whether the teachers are properly trained to conduct such activities; and determine their assessment of both the significance of training and mastering physical activities for successful work with pre-school children. In addition, the thesis aims to ascertain their opinion on the type of training that teachers should receive during their studies and the quantity, quality and type of outdoor physical activities conducted with children. The sample of respondents included eight teachers and 56 parents of children attending two kindergartens in Ljubljana. We randomly selected four teachers working in the Hans Christian Andersen kindergarten and four teachers from the second kindergarten. A total of 23 randomly selected parents (43.4%) had their child attending the Hans Christian Andersen kindergarten, while 30 (56.6%) parents had their child attending the second kindergarten. Three parents (5.4%) refused to divulge which kindergarten their child was attending and were thus left out of further analysis. The average age of children attending the Hans Christian Andersen kindergarten was 3.5 years, with standard deviation of 1.46. As for the second kindergarten, the average age of the children was 4.18 years, with standard deviation of 1.26. The average age of all the children was 3.7 years, with standard deviation of 1.45. Two questionnaires were designed, one for the parents and one for the teachers. The questionnaire intended for the parents comprised five broader close-ended questions, with the first two questions relating to the parents and the children, and the remaining three questions with the parents' opinion on the importance of outdoor physical activities and the significance of competence of teachers conducting outdoor activities. The questionnaire intended for the teachers consisted of six broader close-ended questions, with the first three questions dealing with the teachers' physical activity and the frequency of conducted physical activities outdoors. The remaining three questions were similar to the second section of the questionnaire for the parents. The questionnaires were distributed and completed in May 2011. The teachers, who took part voluntarily, were given closed envelopes containing the questionnaire. They submitted their enveloped questionnaire on the same day one week later, placing them into a special box. The parents received and submitted the questionnaire in the same way. Out of 140 questionnaires distributed to the parents, 56 were returned completed. The data was processed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The frequency of individual answers was calculated with subprogram FREQUENCIES, while descriptive statistics was calculated with subprogram DESCRIPTIVES. Subprogram CROSSTABS was used to evaluate relation between ordinal and nominal variables, while numeral variables were analysed with a T-TEST. Statistical significance was tested at 5% risk (p 0,05). The analysis of the results suggests that those parents whose children attended the Hans Christian Andersen kindergarten attached greater importance to mastering physical activities for successful work with pre-school children than the parents of the children attending the second kindergarten. The differences are noticeable, but statistically insignificant. We have established that teachers relatively rarely conduct outdoor physical activities, such as ball games, walks, hiking, roller skating, cycling, etc. We presume that the teachers' subjective theories and their personal activity have great influence in this respect.
Sekundarne ključne besede: open air activities;pre-school child;motion;dejavnosti na prostem;predšolski otrok;gibanje;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 57 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Analysis of opinion of parents and teachers on outdoor physical activities
Ključne besede (ePrints): gibanje na prostem
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): outdoor activity
Povzetek (ePrints): Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, kako pogosto v vrtcih izvajajo vodene gibalne dejavnosti na prostem, ter analizirati mnenja staršev in vzgojiteljev o tem, kako ocenjujejo pomembnost obvladovanja gibalnih dejavnosti za uspešnost dela s predšolskimi otroki. Diplomska naloga temelji na pregledu slovenske in tuje literature, ki preučuje pomembnost gibanja na prostem, ter na sodobnih raziskavah, ki preučujejo vpliv gibanja na prostem na otrokov celostni razvoj ter vlogo staršev in vzgojiteljev pri tem. Analiza rezultatov sodobnih raziskav je pokazala, da so vzgojiteljice relativno slabo usposobljene za vodenje gibalnih dejavnosti na prostem, zato smo v diplomski nalogi želeli preučiti mnenja vzgojiteljic in staršev o splošni gibalni dejavnosti na prostem, ugotoviti, ali so vzgojiteljice usposobljene za vodenje teh dejavnosti, kako ocenjujejo pomembnost same usposobljenosti ter gibalnega obvladovanja le-te za uspešnost dela s predšolskimi otroki. Ugotoviti smo želeli tudi njihova mnenja o tem, katere usposobljenosti bi morale vzgojiteljice pridobiti v času študija ter količino, kakovost in vrsto gibalnih dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo z otroki na prostem. V vzorec merjencev smo zajeli 8 vzgojiteljic in 56 staršev otrok, ki obiskujejo dva ljubljanska vrtca. Naključno smo izbrali štiri (4) vzgojiteljice, ki so zaposlene v vrtcu Andersen, in štiri (4) v drugem ljubljanskem vrtcu. 23 (43,4 %) naključno izbranih staršev ima otroka, vključenega v vrtec Andersen, 30 (56,6 %) pa v drug ljubljanski vrtec. Trije starši (5,4 %) se niso želeli opredeliti o tem, katerega obiskuje njihov otrok, zato smo jih iz nadaljnje analize izpustili. Povprečna starost otrok, ki obiskujejo vrtec Andersen, je bila 3,05 let, s standardnim odklonom 1,46. V drugem vrtcu pa je bila povprečna starost otrok 4,18 let, s standardnim odklonom 1,26 let. Povprečna starost vseh otrok pa je bila 3,7 let, s standardnim odklonom 1,45. Vzorec spremenljivk predstavljata dva anketna vprašalnika, sestavljena posebej za starše in vzgojiteljice. Vprašalnik za starše je sestavljen iz petih širše zastavljenih vprašanj zaprtega tipa, kjer se prvi dve vprašanji nanašata na starše oziroma njihove otroke, z drugimi tremi pa ugotavljamo mnenja o pomembnosti gibalnih dejavnosti na prostem ter pomenu usposobljenosti vzgojiteljev za vodenje teh dejavnosti. Ta del vprašalnika je poenoten z vprašalnikom za vzgojitelje. Slednji je razdeljen na šest širše zastavljenih vprašanj zaprtega tipa, kjer se prva tri nanašajo na njihovo gibalno dejavnost in pogostost izvajanja vodenih gibalnih dejavnosti zunaj. Drugi sklop vprašanj pa je poenoten z vprašalnikom za starše. Podatke smo z vprašalniki zbirali maja 2011. Vzgojiteljice, ki so pri raziskavi prostovoljno sodelovale, so hkrati prejele zaprte ovojnice z vprašalniki zanje in jih v enem tednu na isti dan vrnile v ovojnici v posebej pripravljeno škatlo. Enako so vprašalnike prejeli tudi starši in jih v zaprti ovojnici čez en teden pustili v škatli. Razdeljenih je bilo 140 vprašalnikov za starše. Vrnjenih je bilo 56 izpolnjenih vprašalnikov. Podatke smo obdelali s statističnim paketom SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Za izračun frekvence posameznih odgovorov smo uporabili podprogram FREQUENCIES, za izračun opisne statistike pa podprogram DESCRIPTIVES. Za ugotavljanje povezanosti ordinalnih in nominalnih spremenljivk smo uporabili podprogram CROSSTABS, na številčnih spremenljivkah pa T-TEST. Statistično značilnost smo preverjali na ravni petodstotnega tveganja (p 0,05). Analiza rezultatov je med drugim pokazala, da starši otrok, ki obiskujejo vrtec Hans Christian Andersen, višje ocenjujejo pomembnost obvladovanja gibalnih aktivnosti za uspešnost dela s predšolskimi otroki, kot starši otrok, ki obiskujejo drug vrtec. Te razlike so opazne, a niso statistično pomembne. Ugotovili smo, da se vzgojitelji relativno malo poslužujejo vodenih gibalnih aktivnosti na prostem, kot so igre z žogo, sprehodi, gorništvo, rolanje, kolesarjenje in drugo. Predpostavljamo, da na to najbolj vplivajo subjektivne teorije vzgojiteljic in njihova lastna samoaktivnost.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The aim of the thesis is to establish how often kindergartens organise conducted physical activities outdoors and analyse the opinion of parents and pre-school teachers on the significance of mastering physical activities for successful work with pre-school children. The thesis is based on both Slovenian and foreign literature dealing with the importance of outdoor physical activities, on contemporary research examining the influence of outdoor physical activities on the child's integral development and the role of the parents and teachers in the process. The analysis of the results provided by contemporary research indicates that teachers are relatively poorly trained to conduct outdoor physical activities. To this end, the thesis intends to: examine the general opinion of the teachers and parents on outdoor physical activities; establish whether the teachers are properly trained to conduct such activities; and determine their assessment of both the significance of training and mastering physical activities for successful work with pre-school children. In addition, the thesis aims to ascertain their opinion on the type of training that teachers should receive during their studies and the quantity, quality and type of outdoor physical activities conducted with children. The sample of respondents included eight teachers and 56 parents of children attending two kindergartens in Ljubljana. We randomly selected four teachers working in the Hans Christian Andersen kindergarten and four teachers from the second kindergarten. A total of 23 randomly selected parents (43.4%) had their child attending the Hans Christian Andersen kindergarten, while 30 (56.6%) parents had their child attending the second kindergarten. Three parents (5.4%) refused to divulge which kindergarten their child was attending and were thus left out of further analysis. The average age of children attending the Hans Christian Andersen kindergarten was 3.5 years, with standard deviation of 1.46. As for the second kindergarten, the average age of the children was 4.18 years, with standard deviation of 1.26. The average age of all the children was 3.7 years, with standard deviation of 1.45. Two questionnaires were designed, one for the parents and one for the teachers. The questionnaire intended for the parents comprised five broader close-ended questions, with the first two questions relating to the parents and the children, and the remaining three questions with the parents' opinion on the importance of outdoor physical activities and the significance of competence of teachers conducting outdoor activities. The questionnaire intended for the teachers consisted of six broader close-ended questions, with the first three questions dealing with the teachers' physical activity and the frequency of conducted physical activities outdoors. The remaining three questions were similar to the second section of the questionnaire for the parents. The questionnaires were distributed and completed in May 2011. The teachers, who took part voluntarily, were given closed envelopes containing the questionnaire. They submitted their enveloped questionnaire on the same day one week later, placing them into a special box. The parents received and submitted the questionnaire in the same way. Out of 140 questionnaires distributed to the parents, 56 were returned completed. The data was processed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The frequency of individual answers was calculated with subprogram FREQUENCIES, while descriptive statistics was calculated with subprogram DESCRIPTIVES. Subprogram CROSSTABS was used to evaluate relation between ordinal and nominal variables, while numeral variables were analysed with a T-TEST. Statistical significance was tested at 5% risk (p 0,05). The analysis of the results suggests that those parents whose children attended the Hans Christian Andersen kindergarten attached greater importance to mastering physical activities for successful work with pre-school children than the parents of the children attending the second kindergarten. The differences are noticeable, but statistically insignificant. We have established that teachers relatively rarely conduct outdoor physical activities, such as ball games, walks, hiking, roller skating, cycling, etc. We presume that the teachers' subjective theories and their personal activity have great influence in this respect.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): outdoor activity
ID: 8310720