diplomsko delo
Olga Vodopivec (Avtor), Irena Lesar (Mentor)


Romi v osnovni šoli z romsko asistentko

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [O. Vodopivec]
UDK: 316.35:373.32(043.2)
COBISS: 9368393 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1132
Št. prenosov: 189
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Roma children in primary school with a Roma assistant
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis deals with the issue of schooling of Roma children in primary school. The empirical part explores the influence of a Roma assistant for Roma children on their motivation, success, and persistence in the selected primary school. Based on the dynamics of primary school enrolment of Roma children in the past 15 years, it is possible to establish that the influence of the assistant for Roma children is positive both in the growing number of Roma children in general and in their persistence to advance to a higher class. The analysis of interviews conducted with teachers suggests that they all believe a teacher instructing Roma children should know the basics of Romani and be familiar with Roma culture. In addition, the majority of the interviewees think that Roma children do not have working and study habits and that the main reason for leaving school lies in the lifestyle of Roma people. The interviewed pupils emphasise the importance of learning assistance by the Roma assistant as they admit having difficulties with Slovenian and English in particular. As for the parents, they find it harder to provide learning assistance and thus acknowledge that the presence of the Roma assistant at school is positive. The interview with the school counsellor indicates that prior to the introduction of the Roma assistant the school put particular emphasis on the issue of schooling of Roma children. The counsellor also establishes that after the assistant became part of the staff, the situation regarding enrolment, success and non-attendance of Roma pupils improved significantly. The counsellor is of the opinion that Roma children cannot attain a similar level of Slovenian than other pupils who speak it as mother tongue. To this end, she suggests that different standards should be applied for Roma children. The Roma assistant works at the school mainly to provide assistance to Roma children within the class under the teacher's guidance. She also offers individual help to the pupils and tries to preserve Roma culture. The interview with the Roma assistant implies that she is extremely devoted to the work with Roma people; she organises and leads meetings with elderly Roma people, writes children's books with Roma content, and organises holiday activities with Roma pupils. Both the school and the local community have made a significant step forward by employing the Roma assistant and built a bridge between the school and the home as well as between the local and Roma community.
Sekundarne ključne besede: right to education;integration;primary school;pravica do izobraževanja;integracija;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: VII, 95 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Roma children in primary school with a Roma assistant
Ključne besede (ePrints): Romi
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Roma
Povzetek (ePrints): V diplomskem delu je izpostavljena problematika šolanja romskih učencev v Osnovni šoli. V empiričnem delu se preko študije primera izbrane šole posebej osredotočam na vprašanje vpliva romske asistentke na motivacijo, uspešnost in vztrajanje v šoli romskih učencev. Na podlagi dinamike vpisa romskih učencev na izbrani šoli v zadnjih 15-ih letih je možno prepoznati pozitiven vpliv romske asistentke, ki se kaže tako v večjem številu romskih učencev nasploh kot tudi v prisotnosti le – teh v višjih razredih osnovne šole. Analiza intervjujev z učitelji pokaže, da večina meni, da bi učitelj, ki poučuje romske učence moral poznati vsaj osnove romskega jezika, nujno pa bi moral poznati romsko kulturo. Večina učiteljev tudi meni, da romski učenci nimajo delovnih in učnih navad in da je glavni vzrok za prenehanje šolanja v načinu življenja Romov. Tudi intervjuvani učenci posebej izpostavljajo pomen učne pomoči romske asistentke, saj poročajo o večjih učnih težavah zlasti pri slovenščini in angleščini. Starši svojim otrokom težje nudijo učno pomoč, zato tudi oni prepoznavajo pozitiven vpliv romske asistentke na šoli. Iz intervjujev z svetovalno delavko lahko razberemo, da so se na proučevani šoli že pred prihodom romske asistentke intenzivneje ukvarjali s problematiko šolanja romskih učencev, ugotavlja, da se je z njenim prihodom vpis, uspeh in izostajanje romskih učencev bistveno izboljšalo. Svetovalna delavka meni, da znanje slovenščine pri romskih učencih ne more biti enakovredno ostalim učencem, ki jim je to materin jezik. Predlaga drugačne standarde za romske učence kot za ostale učence. Romska asistentka je na šoli zaposlena predvsem kot pomoč romskim učencem znotraj razreda, pod vodstvom učiteljev. Njena vloga je tudi, da dela z učenci individualno. Skrbela naj bi tudi za ohranjanje romske kulture. Iz intervjuja z romsko asistentko se da razbrati, da je njena predanost delu z Romi zelo velika (organizira in vodi srečanja z ostarelimi Romi, piše knjige z romsko tematiko za otroke, organizira počitniške dejavnosti za romske učence). Šola in lokalna skupnost je z zaposlitvijo romske asistentke veliko pridobila, je kot nekakšen most med šolo in domom, oz. med večinsko in romsko skupnostjo.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The thesis deals with the issue of schooling of Roma children in primary school. The empirical part explores the influence of a Roma assistant for Roma children on their motivation, success, and persistence in the selected primary school. Based on the dynamics of primary school enrolment of Roma children in the past 15 years, it is possible to establish that the influence of the assistant for Roma children is positive both in the growing number of Roma children in general and in their persistence to advance to a higher class. The analysis of interviews conducted with teachers suggests that they all believe a teacher instructing Roma children should know the basics of Romani and be familiar with Roma culture. In addition, the majority of the interviewees think that Roma children do not have working and study habits and that the main reason for leaving school lies in the lifestyle of Roma people. The interviewed pupils emphasise the importance of learning assistance by the Roma assistant as they admit having difficulties with Slovenian and English in particular. As for the parents, they find it harder to provide learning assistance and thus acknowledge that the presence of the Roma assistant at school is positive. The interview with the school counsellor indicates that prior to the introduction of the Roma assistant the school put particular emphasis on the issue of schooling of Roma children. The counsellor also establishes that after the assistant became part of the staff, the situation regarding enrolment, success and non-attendance of Roma pupils improved significantly. The counsellor is of the opinion that Roma children cannot attain a similar level of Slovenian than other pupils who speak it as mother tongue. To this end, she suggests that different standards should be applied for Roma children. The Roma assistant works at the school mainly to provide assistance to Roma children within the class under the teacher's guidance. She also offers individual help to the pupils and tries to preserve Roma culture. The interview with the Roma assistant implies that she is extremely devoted to the work with Roma people; she organises and leads meetings with elderly Roma people, writes children's books with Roma content, and organises holiday activities with Roma pupils. Both the school and the local community have made a significant step forward by employing the Roma assistant and built a bridge between the school and the home as well as between the local and Roma community.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Roma
ID: 8310723