diplomsko delo
Irena Božič (Avtor), Bojan Dekleva (Mentor)


Socialna pedagogika in umetnost na križišču tradicije in sodobnosti

Ključne besede

socialna pedagogika;socialnopedagoške intervencije;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [I. Božič]
UDK: 37.01:7.01(043.2)
COBISS: 9385033 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 909
Št. prenosov: 246
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Social pedagogy and arts at the crossroad of tradition and today
Sekundarni povzetek: In my degree thesis I tried researching theories in the fields of social pedagogy and art, as my purpose was to find a few connections between these two social phenomena, which exist in the world, each in its own way, in the form of the work of social pedagogues and artists, and respond to concurrent social state of affairs in the world. My degree thesis is a theoretical work which takes source in the experience, experiences, ideas, descriptions, explanations, sensations and feelings, stands, values and beliefs, as well as in approximations of activities of some other authors who researched or still do so, to upgrade the knowledge in the fields of sociology, psychology, anthropology, pedagogy, social pedagogy, and of more recent branches of social sciences and their correlations. The thesis then completes the findings with some theories on creativity, art, authors, artists, and on contemporary art practices (mostly in the field of fine arts). I conceive my thought as a possible description of social pedagogy by selecting existing descriptions and definitions which denote it as a young social science taking active part in the world, especially in involving vulnerable and marginal individuals and groups in a wider social context, and finding source for its basic theories in other sciences and social theories. Like social pedagogy, I pay special attention to sociological explanations of the current state of affairs which our world finds itself in at the turn of the third millennium. In my degree thesis the current state of affairs refers to the social context, the current European or western society, to which Slovenia or the community of people living on its territory are generally believed to belong. I am interested in what the profession of a social pedagogue means and what is meant by »professional life with others«, as it is described by one of the definitions. Further on, I try to define the notion of art. I collect some of the traditional and most commonly used explanations of still current authors. I find out why art, as a form of human creativity, is considered a special human activity, what it means to be an artist, what an artist is (supposedly) doing in the world and in the society, and why, in the social thought, at least in the western world, an artist is attributed a special status. I am also interested in researching the relation between »a great master of arts« and »a common author«. In the chapter on social pedagogy I describe the basic rules which define the characteristics of communication and interventions with which a social pedagogue intervenes into social reality. Furthermore, in the chapter on art I focus on the artist's communication with the world, which also involves change in the society and in individuals. Then, I deal with modified themes, forms and social status of art, which we have witnessed in the past century, and with some explanations of current art practices which occur in the interesting form of abandoning artistic traditions by taking up direct social action as a response to the social state of the western world. In them I find similarities with socio-pedagogic practices which go towards »changing« the social order of the world, towards changing of some social facts. At the end, as an addition to my reflection, I expose a few questions which came to my mind in the process of searching, gathering, saving, processing, combining, recombining and creating old-new relations between art and social pedagogy. As I did not deal with those in detail previously, it is here that give a few answers.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pedagogical theory;creativity;art;pedagoška teorija;ustvarjalnost;umetnost;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: 109 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Social pedagogy and arts at the crossroad of tradition and today
Ključne besede (ePrints): socialna pedagogika
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): social pedagogy
Povzetek (ePrints): V svojem diplomskem delu sem se preizkusila v raziskovanju na področju teorij socialne pedagogike in umetnosti, saj sem želela najti nekaj povezav med tema dvema družbenima pojavoma, ki vsak na svoj način bivata v svetu kot socialni pedagogi, socialne pedagoginje, umetniki, umetnice in njihovo delo ter odgovarjata na vsakokratno aktualno družbeno stanje v njem. Diploma je teoretično delo in črpa izkustva, izkušnje, ideje, opise, razlage, občutke, čustva, mnenja, stališča, vrednote, verovanja in približke aktivnostim nekaterih drugih avtorjev in avtoric, ki so raziskovali oziroma še vedno raziskujejo in dopolnjujejo občo vednost v polju sociologije, psihologije, antropologije, pedagogike, socialne pedagogike, novejših vej družbenih znanosti in njihovih vmesnih povezav ter jih dopolni z nekaterimi teorijami o ustvarjalnosti (kreativnosti), umetnosti, ustvarjalcih, ustvarjalkah, umetnikih, umetnicah in o sodobnih umetniških (predvsem likovnih) praksah. Svojo misel zastavim kot enega od možnih opisov socialne pedagogike z izborom že obstoječih opisov in definicij, ki jo določajo kot mlado družbeno vedo, ki se aktivno vpenja v svet še posebej na področju vključevanja ranljivih in marginaliziranih posameznikov in skupin v širšo družbeno okolje in črpa svoje temeljne teorije iz svetov drugih znanosti in družbenih teorij. Posebno pozornost, podobno kot socialna pedagogika, namenim sociološkim razlagam trenutnega stanja, v katerem se je znašel naš svet (ta mi v diplomskem delu pomeni družbeni svet, aktualno evropsko oziroma zahodno družbo, kamor v skladu s splošnim konsenzom prištevamo tudi Slovenijo oziroma skupnost prebivalcev, ki živijo na njenem ozemlju) v začetku tretjega tisočletja. Zanima me, kaj pomeni poklic socialnega pedagoga, kaj je to, kar ena od definicij opiše z razlago – »poklicno življenje z drugimi«. V nadaljevanju poskusim definirati pojem – umetnost. Zberem nekatere njene tradicionalne in še vedno uporabne in uporabljane razlage še vedno aktualnih avtorjev. Ugotavljam, zakaj umetnost kot oblika človekove ustvarjalnosti velja za posebno človekovo dejavnost, kaj pomeni, da je nekdo umetnik in kaj (naj) v svetu in družbi umetnik počne, zakaj je praviloma (vsaj v zahodnem svetu) v družbeni misli deležen posebnega statusa in kakšno je razmerje med »velikim umetnikom« in »običajnim človekom – ustvarjalcem«. V poglavju o socialni pedagogiki opisujem temeljna pravila, ki določajo lastnosti komunikacije in intervencij, s katerimi socialni pedagog/socialna pedagoginja posega v družbeno stvarnost, v poglavju o umetnosti se osredotočim na umetnikovo/umetničino in umetniško komunikacijo s svetom, ki tudi pomeni spremembe posameznikovega in družbenega sveta. Nato se usmerim k spremenjenim vsebini, formi in družbeni poziciji umetnosti, ki smo jim priča nekako v zadnjih sto letih in k nekaterim razlagam o sodobnih umetniških (likovnih) praksah, ki se kot zanimiv pojav prekinjanja z umetnostno tradicijo s prestopom v neposredno družbeno akcijo pojavijo v odgovor na družbeni položaj zahodnega sveta. V njih najdem podobnosti s socialnopedagoškim praktičnim udejstvovanjem v »spreminjanju« družbenega sveta, torej nekaterih družbenih dejstev. Za konec kot dodatek razmišljanju izpostavim še nekatera vprašanja, ki so se mi tudi zastavljala v procesu iskanja, zbiranja, shranjevanja, procesiranja, rekombiniranja in ustvarjanja »novih« – starih povezav med umetnostjo in socialno pedagogiko, pa jim prej v diplomskem delu nisem namenila večje pozornosti in podrobnejših razlag in ponudim nekaj najdenih odgovorov.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): In my degree thesis I tried researching theories in the fields of social pedagogy and art, as my purpose was to find a few connections between these two social phenomena, which exist in the world, each in its own way, in the form of the work of social pedagogues and artists, and respond to concurrent social state of affairs in the world. My degree thesis is a theoretical work which takes source in the experience, experiences, ideas, descriptions, explanations, sensations and feelings, stands, values and beliefs, as well as in approximations of activities of some other authors who researched or still do so, to upgrade the knowledge in the fields of sociology, psychology, anthropology, pedagogy, social pedagogy, and of more recent branches of social sciences and their correlations. The thesis then completes the findings with some theories on creativity, art, authors, artists, and on contemporary art practices (mostly in the field of fine arts). I conceive my thought as a possible description of social pedagogy by selecting existing descriptions and definitions which denote it as a young social science taking active part in the world, especially in involving vulnerable and marginal individuals and groups in a wider social context, and finding source for its basic theories in other sciences and social theories. Like social pedagogy, I pay special attention to sociological explanations of the current state of affairs which our world finds itself in at the turn of the third millennium. In my degree thesis the current state of affairs refers to the social context, the current European or western society, to which Slovenia or the community of people living on its territory are generally believed to belong. I am interested in what the profession of a social pedagogue means and what is meant by »professional life with others«, as it is described by one of the definitions. Further on, I try to define the notion of art. I collect some of the traditional and most commonly used explanations of still current authors. I find out why art, as a form of human creativity, is considered a special human activity, what it means to be an artist, what an artist is (supposedly) doing in the world and in the society, and why, in the social thought, at least in the western world, an artist is attributed a special status. I am also interested in researching the relation between »a great master of arts« and »a common author«. In the chapter on social pedagogy I describe the basic rules which define the characteristics of communication and interventions with which a social pedagogue intervenes into social reality. Furthermore, in the chapter on art I focus on the artist's communication with the world, which also involves change in the society and in individuals. Then, I deal with modified themes, forms and social status of art, which we have witnessed in the past century, and with some explanations of current art practices which occur in the interesting form of abandoning artistic traditions by taking up direct social action as a response to the social state of the western world. In them I find similarities with socio-pedagogic practices which go towards »changing« the social order of the world, towards changing of some social facts. At the end, as an addition to my reflection, I expose a few questions which came to my mind in the process of searching, gathering, saving, processing, combining, recombining and creating old-new relations between art and social pedagogy. As I did not deal with those in detail previously, it is here that give a few answers.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): social pedagogy
ID: 8310770