diplomska naloga
Andreja Gregorčič (Avtor), Alenka Polak (Mentor)


Pogledi vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice na timsko delo v vrtcu

Ključne besede

timsko delo;tandem;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Šmarješke Toplice
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Gregorčič]
UDK: 373.21(043.2)
COBISS: 9464649 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1656
Št. prenosov: 172
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Views of preschool teachers and their assistants on team work in preschool
Sekundarni povzetek: Teamwork in preschool has been around for quite a long time, but in the past teachers and teacher assistants, sometimes also known as paraprofessionals, had different and strictly separated tasks. Teachers were responsible for teaching and paraprofessionals took care of and nurtured children. With the introduction of the preschool curriculum, the task team or tandem (i.e., teachers and assistant teachers team-up) have changed. Tandem teacher and assistant teacher plan activities together, both carry out the activities and evaluate them. The tasks of teachers and assistant teachers are intertwined and are complementary. However, in practice, there are still many tandems that face problems that are largely related to personal relationships and lack of communication. To create an effective tandem, psychological factors such as motivation, communication, and analysis of interpersonal relations, are important. Communication is a basic tool of communication in a tandem that allows for interaction between members. The main aim of the undergraduate thesis is to examine how teamwork in preschool is viewed by teachers and teacher assistants, how often all three stages of teamwork is carried out, and to compare their standpoints with respect to teamwork. Based on the theoretical background and research questions, a questionnaire was developed to collect data. The study also examined how teachers and teacher assistants perceived their own and each other’s strengths’. The study involved 99 professional workers in the Dolenjska region preschools (46 teachers and 53 teacher assistants). The results of the study showed that teachers and teacher assistants designed, implemented and evaluated together, they have good communication with each other, appropriately solve problems and share teaching based on their individual strengths. In most tandems, tasks are clearly defined; work is evenly distributed between both members of the tandem. Teachers and assistant teachers perceived their strengths in cooperation with parents, motivating children, giving feedback to children, consistency in hygiene requirements, organizing playrooms, and introducing children to compliance with rules. Slightly less was in their perception of competences in the field of public speaking and speaking in front of their colleagues. Conflict avoidance, indulgence, distrust of collaborators in tandem, and the failure to adapt can lead to conflicts within tandems. Communication between both professional workers in tandems provides opportunities to introduce new methods for children, personal self-improvement, and evaluation of work, as well as a starting point for problem-solving and conflicts. It is important for tandem members to be aware that both have to suggest solutions to each other and both have to solve problems together.
Sekundarne ključne besede: nursery school;trainer;vrtec;vzgojitelj;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: VIII, 103 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Views of preschool teachers and their assistants on team work in preschool
Ključne besede (ePrints): timsko delo
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): teamwork
Povzetek (ePrints): Timsko delo v oddelku vrtca je prisotno že zelo dolgo, vendar so imele v preteklosti vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice, včasih poimenovane tudi varuhinje, zelo različne in medsebojno strogo ločene naloge. Vzgojiteljice so bile odgovorne za pedagoško delo, varuhinje pa so otroke predvsem varovale in negovale. Z vpeljavo kurikula za vrtce pa so se naloge tima, oziroma tandema, kot imenujemo tim vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice, zelo spremenile. Tandem vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice naj bi skupaj načrtoval dejavnosti, obe naj bi dejavnosti timsko izvajali in jih tudi evalvirali. Naloge vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice naj bi se v oddelku vrtca prepletale in dopolnjevale. Vendar pa se v praksi še vedno veliko tandemov sooča s problemi, ki so v veliki meri povezani z osebnimi odnosi in pomanjkanjem medsebojne komunikacije. Za oblikovanje učinkovitega tandema so pomembni psihološki dejavniki, kot so motivacija, komunikacija ter analiza medsebojnih odnosov. Komunikacija je osnovno orodje sporazumevanja v tandemu in omogoča interakcijo med člani. Osrednji cilj diplomskega dela je preveriti, kako na timsko delo v vrtcu gledajo vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice, kako pogosto izvajajo vse tri etape timskega dela in primerjava njihovih stališč, v zvezi s timskim delom. Na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč in postavljenih raziskovalnih vprašanj sem oblikovala anketni vprašalnik, na osnovi katerega sem zbrala podatke. V raziskavi me je zanimalo tudi, kako vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice zaznavajo močna področja same sebe in druga druge. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 99 strokovnih delavk dolenjskih vrtcev (46 vzgojiteljic in 53 pomočnic vzgojiteljice). Ugotovila sem, da vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice načrtujejo, izvajajo in evalvirajo skupaj, da imajo dobro medsebojno komunikacijo in da korektno rešujejo probleme ter da si delijo pedagoško delo glede na svoja močna področja. V večini tandemov so naloge jasno opredeljene, delo pa je enakomerno porazdeljeno med obe članici tandema. Vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice kot svoja močna področja zaznavajo sodelovanje s starši, motiviranje otrok, dajanje povratnih informacij otrokom, doslednost pri higienskih zahtevah, urejanje igralnice, navajanje otrok na dosledno upoštevanje pravil, nekoliko slabše pa so zaznale svoje kompetence na področju nastopanja v javnosti in pred sodelavci. Izogibanje konfliktom, popustljivost, nezaupljivost do sodelavke v tandemu ter nesposobnost prilagajanja lahko vodi v konflikte znotraj tandema. Komunikacija med obema strokovnima delavkama v tandemu zagotavlja priložnosti za uvajanje novih metod dala z otroki, osebno napredovanje in vrednotenje dela in je izhodišče za reševanje problemov in konfliktov. Pomembno je zavedanje članic tandema, da rešitve predlagata obe članici in da se težave rešujejo skupaj.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Teamwork in preschool has been around for quite a long time, but in the past teachers and teacher assistants, sometimes also known as paraprofessionals, had different and strictly separated tasks. Teachers were responsible for teaching and paraprofessionals took care of and nurtured children. With the introduction of the preschool curriculum, the task team or tandem (i.e., teachers and assistant teachers team-up) have changed. Tandem teacher and assistant teacher plan activities together, both carry out the activities and evaluate them. The tasks of teachers and assistant teachers are intertwined and are complementary. However, in practice, there are still many tandems that face problems that are largely related to personal relationships and lack of communication. To create an effective tandem, psychological factors such as motivation, communication, and analysis of interpersonal relations, are important. Communication is a basic tool of communication in a tandem that allows for interaction between members. The main aim of the undergraduate thesis is to examine how teamwork in preschool is viewed by teachers and teacher assistants, how often all three stages of teamwork is carried out, and to compare their standpoints with respect to teamwork. Based on the theoretical background and research questions, a questionnaire was developed to collect data. The study also examined how teachers and teacher assistants perceived their own and each other’s strengths’. The study involved 99 professional workers in the Dolenjska region preschools (46 teachers and 53 teacher assistants). The results of the study showed that teachers and teacher assistants designed, implemented and evaluated together, they have good communication with each other, appropriately solve problems and share teaching based on their individual strengths. In most tandems, tasks are clearly defined; work is evenly distributed between both members of the tandem. Teachers and assistant teachers perceived their strengths in cooperation with parents, motivating children, giving feedback to children, consistency in hygiene requirements, organizing playrooms, and introducing children to compliance with rules. Slightly less was in their perception of competences in the field of public speaking and speaking in front of their colleagues. Conflict avoidance, indulgence, distrust of collaborators in tandem, and the failure to adapt can lead to conflicts within tandems. Communication between both professional workers in tandems provides opportunities to introduce new methods for children, personal self-improvement, and evaluation of work, as well as a starting point for problem-solving and conflicts. It is important for tandem members to be aware that both have to suggest solutions to each other and both have to solve problems together.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): teamwork
ID: 8310924