Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
The emergence of new fatherhood and the role of father in child raising prior to entering school |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
The role of the father in the family has changed over time. Traditionally, fathers were not involved with the care and upbringing of their children, this role belonged to mothers only. Social and environmental changes have brought about the changes in family life, since women began to involve in the public sphere and politics. Due to a changed way of life, the problem regarding active parenting arouse. The role of fathers in childcare has become more and more important, and this led to greater gender equality.Active involvement of fathers in the family should mean more distribution of work and responsibility, which is linked to the creation of new fatherhood. New fatherhood means integrating man as the father in entire family work and not only involving in term of care for children. The new role of fathers in modern family was mainly the result of changes in the field of labour market. Mass emergence of women's employment outside the family and their education as a means of achieving gender equality is a major impact on society as a whole. A need for rationalization and distribution of domestic work has appeared. Now we can no longer speak of male and female work and mother's absence has no bad influence on children's development.The first chapter is about changes in modern society. I summarize the importance of the process of individualization, involving both, individuals and society as a whole, institutions, groups, families and business groups. Self-reflexive relationship in modern times does not provide any assurance, security, anticipation. Normal biographies of people are no longer possible, life in all areas pluralizes. Individuals are the starting point and goal of manipulation in the sphere of production, consumption and trade of the modern market and media. In the society, reorganized family communities appear, social parenthood replaces biological parenthood, there are more divorces, fewer marriages and an increasing number of single people. Parenting becomes binding to both parents.The second chapter focuses on the development of fatherhood up to the emergence of modern fatherhood – new fatherhood. The notion of fatherhood and the distribution of roles within the family have been affected on by the following factors: the feminist movement, women's employment outside home, changes in education, and some other social changes.
The emergence of new fatherhood indicates a shift towards greater involvement of fathers in family work as a whole and stressed cooperation in caring for children. Changes take place slowly and are more notable at the point of subjective views than on the level of actual implementation. Determination of paternity leave and childcare is a key mechanism for the country that wishes to protect and support fatherhood and gender equality.
In the same way as women can be included in the public sphere and politics today, the role of men can become compatible with feelings and care for children.
In the last chapter I note that father develops creativity, self-involvement, general adaptability to the requirements of reality and social maturity in the child. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
early childhood education;paternal behaviour;vzgoja v ranem otroštvu;očetovsko vedenje; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Strani: |
IV f., 52 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
The emergence of new fatherhood and the role of father in child raising prior to entering school |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
starševstvo |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
parenting |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Vloga očeta v družini se je spreminjala skozi čas. Tradicionalno se očetje niso ukvarjali z vzgojo in nego svojih otrok, saj je ta vloga pripadala predvsem materam. Družbene in okoljske spremembe so vplivale na spremembe v družinskem življenju, saj so se začele ženske v veliki večini vključevati v sfere javnosti in politike. Zaradi spremenjenega načina življenja se je pojavil problem v zvezi z aktivnim starševstvom. Vloga očetov pri skrbi za otroke je postala vse pomembnejša ter s tem povzročila večjo enakost med spoloma.
Aktivno vključevanje moških v družino naj bi pomenilo enakomernejšo razporeditev del in odgovornosti, kar je povezano z oblikovanjem novega očetovstva. Novo očetovstvo pomeni vključevanje moškega kot očeta v vsa družinska dela in ne le aktivnejše vključevanje v skrbstvene dejavnosti za otroka. Na novo vlogo očetov v moderni družini so vplivale predvsem spremembe na področju trga delovne sile. Množičen pojav zaposlovanja žensk izven družine in njihovo izobraževanje kot sredstvo za doseganje enakopravnosti med spoloma je močno vplival na celotno družbo. Pojavila se je potreba po racionalizaciji in distribuciji domačega dela. Sedaj ne moremo več govoriti o moških in ženskih delih, materina odsotnost pa nima nobenega slabega vpliva na otrokov razvoj.
V prvem poglavju sprememb v moderni družbi povzemam pomembnost procesa individualizacije, ki zadeva tako posameznike kot celotno družbo, institucije, skupine, družino in poslovne skupine. Samorefleksiven odnos v sodobnosti ne prinaša nikakršne zanesljivosti, varnosti, predvidevanj; normalne biografije ljudi niso več mogoče, pluralizira se življenje na vseh področjih. Posamezniki so izhodišče in cilj manipulacije v sferi produkcije in potrošnje in menjave modernega trga in medijev. V družbi se pojavijo reorganizirane družinske skupnosti, biološko starševstvo zamenjuje socialno starševstvo, več je ločitev, manj porok, narašča število samskih ljudi. Starševstvo postane zavezujoče za oba starša.
V drugem poglavju je poudarek na razvoju očetovstva do pojava modernega – novega očetovstva. Na predstave o očetovstvu in na delitve vlog v družini so vplivali: feministično gibanje, zaposlovanje žensk izven doma, spremembe pri izobraževanju in nekatere druge spremembe.
Pojav novega očetovstva označuje premik k večji vpletenosti očetov v družinsko delo v celoti, poudarjeno pa je sodelovanje pri skrbi za otroke. Spremembe se odvijajo počasi, izraziteje se kažejo na ravni subjektivnih stališč kot na ravni dejanskega izvajanja.
Določitev očetovskega dopusta in dopusta za nego in varstvo pa je ključen mehanizem države, ki želi zaščititi in podpreti očetovanje ter enakopravnost med spoloma.
Tako kot se danes ženske v veliki večini lahko vključujejo v sfere javnosti in politike, tako postaja tudi vloga moškega kompatibilna s čustvenostjo in skrbjo za otroke.
V zadnjem poglavju ugotavljam, da oče pri otroku razvija ustvarjalnost, samostojno udejstvovanje, splošno prilagodljivost zahtevam stvarnosti in socialno zrelost. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
The role of the father in the family has changed over time. Traditionally, fathers were not involved with the care and upbringing of their children, this role belonged to mothers only. Social and environmental changes have brought about the changes in family life, since women began to involve in the public sphere and politics. Due to a changed way of life, the problem regarding active parenting arouse. The role of fathers in childcare has become more and more important, and this led to greater gender equality.Active involvement of fathers in the family should mean more distribution of work and responsibility, which is linked to the creation of new fatherhood. New fatherhood means integrating man as the father in entire family work and not only involving in term of care for children. The new role of fathers in modern family was mainly the result of changes in the field of labour market. Mass emergence of women's employment outside the family and their education as a means of achieving gender equality is a major impact on society as a whole. A need for rationalization and distribution of domestic work has appeared. Now we can no longer speak of male and female work and mother's absence has no bad influence on children's development.The first chapter is about changes in modern society. I summarize the importance of the process of individualization, involving both, individuals and society as a whole, institutions, groups, families and business groups. Self-reflexive relationship in modern times does not provide any assurance, security, anticipation. Normal biographies of people are no longer possible, life in all areas pluralizes. Individuals are the starting point and goal of manipulation in the sphere of production, consumption and trade of the modern market and media. In the society, reorganized family communities appear, social parenthood replaces biological parenthood, there are more divorces, fewer marriages and an increasing number of single people. Parenting becomes binding to both parents.The second chapter focuses on the development of fatherhood up to the emergence of modern fatherhood – new fatherhood. The notion of fatherhood and the distribution of roles within the family have been affected on by the following factors: the feminist movement, women's employment outside home, changes in education, and some other social changes.
The emergence of new fatherhood indicates a shift towards greater involvement of fathers in family work as a whole and stressed cooperation in caring for children. Changes take place slowly and are more notable at the point of subjective views than on the level of actual implementation. Determination of paternity leave and childcare is a key mechanism for the country that wishes to protect and support fatherhood and gender equality.
In the same way as women can be included in the public sphere and politics today, the role of men can become compatible with feelings and care for children.
In the last chapter I note that father develops creativity, self-involvement, general adaptability to the requirements of reality and social maturity in the child. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
parenting |
ID: |
8311327 |