diplomsko delo


Motnje požiranja pri starostnikih

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Lovše]
UDK: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 9614665 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1453
Št. prenosov: 232
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Swallowing disorders in the elderly
Sekundarni povzetek: Life expectancy is increasing; consequently, there are more and more older people. They live at home as long as they can take care of themselves or until other family members can look after them. Admission of elderly people into specialised institutions (nursing home) is usually related to bigger problems connected with everyday activities, which elderly people can no longer cope with and therefore need constant care. Many international studies point to the swallowing issues and many symptoms of swallowing disorder with elderly people. Studies often describe different illnesses and conditions of elderly people, of which the swallowing disorder is the most common and the most intensive one. There has been no study about the frequency of swallowing disorder in Slovene space. With this study I wanted to research the swallowing issues with Slovene elderly people. I was interested to see, how common these issues are, what the symptoms are, how frequently they appear and how intensive they are. I also wanted to verify whether the elderly people have any other illnesses where the swallowing problems are even bigger. I conducted a research interview. Almost half of the interviewees were residents in a nursing home (Dom upokojencev Danice Vogrinec Maribor), and others were in home care. I obtained a research sample of 66 elderly people. The occurrence of swallowing disorder was determined with the use of an interview based on professional literature. The interview was conducted with all the participants, and with their permission I used their medical records to summarize the diagnoses of their illnesses and conditions which could influence the swallowing disorder. The research showed that 40,9 % of elderly people have the swallowing disorder. In the group of elderly people that still live at home there are 17,6 % of those who have the swallowing issues. The ones living in the nursing home have more problems. Those issues are even more intense. There were statistically significant differences between the two research groups. Apparently, with the elderly people living in the nursing home it is common for more issues to occur at the same time. The research sample included elderly people with different illnesses and conditions of which swallowing disorder is the most common. The interview samples of the interviewees with the same conditions were small; however, I still noticed that elderly people mention approximately the same symptoms which occur while eating and immediately after it. The most common and the most intense symptoms of swallowing disorder with elderly people are coughing and fatigue, which are connected to swallowing and eating. Elderly people are well aware of their swallowing issues; nevertheless, there are always at least two symptoms of swallowing disorder present. The research of my diploma paper points to a number of often hidden swallowing problems of elderly people, gives us an insight into this issue and presents us possible options to help.
Sekundarne ključne besede: age;medicine;starost;medicina;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Strani: 98 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Swallowing disorders in the elderly
Ključne besede (ePrints): motnje požiranja
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): swallowing disorder
Povzetek (ePrints): Življenjska doba prebivalstva se podaljšuje, posledično je vedno več starega prebivalstva. Starostniki živijo doma, dokler se lahko sami oskrbujejo ali za njih skrbijo njihovi svojci. Odhod starostnika v specializirano ustanovo (dom za starejše) je ponavadi povezan z večjimi težavami pri vsakodnevnih aktivnostih, ki jih starostniki ne zmorejo več sami in potrebujejo stalno pomoč. Številne tuje raziskave opozarjajo na problematiko požiranja in številne simptome motenj požiranja, ki se pojavljajo pri starostnikih. Študije pogosto opisujejo različne bolezni in stanja pri starostnikih, pri katerih so motnje požiranja še pogostejše in intenzivnejše. V slovenskem prostoru doslej ni bilo raziskave o pogostnosti motenj požiranja pri starostnikih. Z raziskavo sem želela raziskati problematiko požiranja pri slovenskih starostnikih. Zanimalo me je, kako pogoste so težave, kateri simptomi se pojavljajo, kako pogosto se pojavljajo in kako intenzivni so. Preverjala sem tudi, ali imajo starostniki katero izmed bolezni, pri katerih so težave pri požiranju še izrazitejše. Raziskavo sem izvedla v obliki intervjuja. Približno polovica intervjuvancev je bila nastanjena v Domu upokojencev Danice Vogrinec Maribor, polovica pa v domači oskrbi. Pridobila sem vzorec 66 starostnikov. Pojav motenj požiranja pri starostnikih sem ugotavljala s pomočjo vprašalnika, sestavljenega na podlagi strokovne literature. Izvedla sem intervju z vsemi udeleženci raziskave; iz njihove zdravstvene dokumentacije pa z njihovim dovoljenjem povzela diagnoze njihovih bolezni in stanj, ki bi lahko vplivala na motnje požiranja. Ugotovila sem, da ima 40,9 % starostnikov motnje požiranja. V skupini starostnikov, ki biva doma o motnjah požiranja poroča 17,6 % starostnikov. Starostniki nastanjeni v domu za ostarele imajo več težav. Te težave so tudi intenzivnejše. Skupini sta se statistično značilno razlikovali med seboj. Pri starostnikih v domski oskrbi se pogosteje pojavlja tudi več znakov hkrati. V vzorec sem zajela starostnike z različnimi boleznimi in stanji, pri katerih so motnje požiranja pogostejše. Vzorci intervjuvancev z isto boleznijo oziroma stanjem so bili majhni, vendar sem kljub temu opazila, da starostniki naštevajo približno iste znake, ki se pojavljajo med hranjenjem oziroma tik po njem. Najpogostejša in najintenzivnejša znaka motenj požiranja pri starostnikih sta kašelj in utrujenost povezana s požiranjem in hranjenjem. Starostniki se svojih težav pri požiranju večinoma dobro zavedajo, vendar se pri vseh, ki navajajo motnje požiranja pojavljata vsaj dva znaka za motnje požiranja. Raziskava diplomskega dela opozarja na številne, a pogosto skrite težave starostnikov pri požiranju, nam daje vpogled v problematiko in ponuja možnosti za pomoč.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Life expectancy is increasing; consequently, there are more and more older people. They live at home as long as they can take care of themselves or until other family members can look after them. Admission of elderly people into specialised institutions (nursing home) is usually related to bigger problems connected with everyday activities, which elderly people can no longer cope with and therefore need constant care. Many international studies point to the swallowing issues and many symptoms of swallowing disorder with elderly people. Studies often describe different illnesses and conditions of elderly people, of which the swallowing disorder is the most common and the most intensive one. There has been no study about the frequency of swallowing disorder in Slovene space. With this study I wanted to research the swallowing issues with Slovene elderly people. I was interested to see, how common these issues are, what the symptoms are, how frequently they appear and how intensive they are. I also wanted to verify whether the elderly people have any other illnesses where the swallowing problems are even bigger. I conducted a research interview. Almost half of the interviewees were residents in a nursing home (Dom upokojencev Danice Vogrinec Maribor), and others were in home care. I obtained a research sample of 66 elderly people. The occurrence of swallowing disorder was determined with the use of an interview based on professional literature. The interview was conducted with all the participants, and with their permission I used their medical records to summarize the diagnoses of their illnesses and conditions which could influence the swallowing disorder. The research showed that 40,9 % of elderly people have the swallowing disorder. In the group of elderly people that still live at home there are 17,6 % of those who have the swallowing issues. The ones living in the nursing home have more problems. Those issues are even more intense. There were statistically significant differences between the two research groups. Apparently, with the elderly people living in the nursing home it is common for more issues to occur at the same time. The research sample included elderly people with different illnesses and conditions of which swallowing disorder is the most common. The interview samples of the interviewees with the same conditions were small; however, I still noticed that elderly people mention approximately the same symptoms which occur while eating and immediately after it. The most common and the most intense symptoms of swallowing disorder with elderly people are coughing and fatigue, which are connected to swallowing and eating. Elderly people are well aware of their swallowing issues; nevertheless, there are always at least two symptoms of swallowing disorder present. The research of my diploma paper points to a number of often hidden swallowing problems of elderly people, gives us an insight into this issue and presents us possible options to help.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): swallowing disorder
ID: 8311338