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Sekundarni naslov: |
Attitudes of (future) primary school teachers towards homosexuality and its integration in the learning process |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Homosexuality and its integration in the learning process has often been subject of discussion in professional and general public. Many people think that homosexuality is a moral issue. In spite of many researches proving the opposite, same-sex partnerships and rainbow families are still often interpreted as unnatural, abnormal, even deviant and because of that dangerous to the children. Intolerance towards gays and lesbians is reflected in negative attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes, which maintain heteronormativity in a society. At the same time homosexuals remain invisible to most socially relevant spheres, including the field of education. This is reflected mainly in lack or absence of learning objectives related to (same-) sex orientation in the school curricula, in teachers that are inadequately trained to deal with such topics, and in lack of regulations for the prevention of homophobia in schools.
The main objective of the empirical part of this diploma work was to examine the standpoints of (future) teachers towards homosexuality in schools. Based on the data obtained through Likert Scale for Attitude Measurement, I found that the views of the 210 respondents towards homosexuality in the classroom are largely positive. The analysis showed that the standpoints are independent of the size of the place of residence, while there are statistically significant differences between the claims depending on the respondent’s sex, age, experience with dealing with homosexuals, sex orientation, academic title and seniority in the field of education. More positive views are expressed by male respondents, those with experiences with gays and lesbians, by homosexuals and younger teachers. The comparison of attitude between teachers and students towards homosexuality showed statistically significant differences only in 2 out of total 34 claims, where greater tolerance is shown by the students. Statistically significant differences are also present among the views of respondents of different age groups, as greater support towards gays and lesbians is expressed by teachers and students aged 25—30. Two fifths of teachers believe that they have enough support in school (especially by the school management) when addressing homosexuality in the classroom. The most popular teaching aids or methods of teaching are: children’s literature, discussing the topic with the students (what they already know and what they would like to know), explaining the topic, discussing photographs and pictures. Opinions about when to start discussing the topic of homosexuality differ, but it is encouraging that most of the respondents (18%) agree on introducing it during the pre-school period. The vast majority (94%) believe that during their professional development they did not acquire enough training on teaching about homosexuality in the classroom, which is why it is necessary to implement changes in the field of education and professional development of (future) teachers. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
attitude;homoseksualnost;teacher;stereotype;stališče;učitelj;stereotip; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Strani: |
II, 103 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Attitudes of (future) primary school teachers towards homosexuality and its integration in the learning process |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
homoseksualnost |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
homosexuality |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Homoseksualnost in njena obravnava v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu sta v zadnjih letih predmet številnih razprav tako strokovne kot tudi laične javnosti. Mnogi menijo, da gre za moralno sporno temo, saj so istospolna partnerska razmerja in mavrične družine še vedno –kljub številnim raziskavam, ki dokazujejo nasprotno – pogosto interpretirani kot »nenaravni«, nenormalni, celo deviantni in zato ogrožajoči za otroke. Nestrpnost do gejev in lezbijk se kaže v obliki negativnih stališč, predsodkov in stereotipov, ki s svojo reprodukcijo ohranjajo heteronormativnost v družbi. Hkrati istospolno usmerjeni ostajajo nevidni na večini družbeno relevantnih področij – tudi na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja, kar se kaže v: odsotnosti oziroma pomanjkanju učnih ciljev, povezanih z (isto)spolno usmerjenostjo, v učnih načrtih; neustrezni strokovni usposobljenosti učiteljev in učiteljic za obravnavo omenjene tematike; pomanjkanju predpisov za preprečevanje homofobije v šolah.
Glavni cilj empiričnega dela diplome je bil preveriti, kakšna so stališča (bodočih) učiteljic oz. učiteljev do homoseksualcev in do obravnave teme homoseksualnosti v šoli. Podatki, pridobljeni s pomočjo Likertove lestvice stališč, kažejo, da so stališča 210 vprašancev do homoseksualnosti in njene obravnave pri pouku večinoma pozitivna. Analiza je pokazala, da so stališča neodvisna od velikosti kraja bivanja, medtem ko se pojavljajo pomembne razlike pri nekaterih trditvah glede na spol, starost, izkušnje s homoseksualci, spolno usmerjenost, strokovni naziv ter staž na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Bolj pozitivna stališča izražajo moški, vprašanci, stari med 25–30 let, tisti, ki že imajo izkušnje z geji/lezbijkami, neheteroseksualno usmerjeni ter učitelji in učiteljice s krajšim stažem. Primerjava stališč razrednih učiteljev/učiteljic ter študentov/študentk do homoseksualnosti je pokazala statistično pomembne razlike le pri 2 trditvah od 34, pri čemer so večjo strpnost pokazali slednji. Dobri dve petini učiteljev in učiteljic menita, da imajo na šoli dovolj podpore (predvsem s strani vodstva šole), ko gre za obravnavo teme homoseksualnosti pri pouku. Najbolj priljubljeni pripomočki oziroma načini za poučevanje so: otroška in mladinska literatura; pogovor o tem, kaj učenci že vedo in kaj jih še zanima; razlaga; pogovor ob fotografijah in slikah. Mnenja o tem, v katerem razredu začeti z obravnavo teme homoseksualnosti, so deljena, vendar pa je spodbudno dejstvo, da jo največ (18 %) vprašancev umešča že v predšolsko obdobje. Velika večina (dobrih 94 %) vprašancev meni, da tekom študija niso pridobili dovolj znanja za poučevanje teme homoseksualnosti pri pouku, zato je nujno poskrbeti za spremembe na področju izobraževanja in strokovnega izpopolnjevanja (bodočih) učiteljev in učiteljic. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
Homosexuality and its integration in the learning process has often been subject of discussion in professional and general public. Many people think that homosexuality is a moral issue. In spite of many researches proving the opposite, same-sex partnerships and rainbow families are still often interpreted as unnatural, abnormal, even deviant and because of that dangerous to the children. Intolerance towards gays and lesbians is reflected in negative attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes, which maintain heteronormativity in a society. At the same time homosexuals remain invisible to most socially relevant spheres, including the field of education. This is reflected mainly in lack or absence of learning objectives related to (same-) sex orientation in the school curricula, in teachers that are inadequately trained to deal with such topics, and in lack of regulations for the prevention of homophobia in schools.
The main objective of the empirical part of this diploma work was to examine the standpoints of (future) teachers towards homosexuality in schools. Based on the data obtained through Likert Scale for Attitude Measurement, I found that the views of the 210 respondents towards homosexuality in the classroom are largely positive. The analysis showed that the standpoints are independent of the size of the place of residence, while there are statistically significant differences between the claims depending on the respondent’s sex, age, experience with dealing with homosexuals, sex orientation, academic title and seniority in the field of education. More positive views are expressed by male respondents, those with experiences with gays and lesbians, by homosexuals and younger teachers. The comparison of attitude between teachers and students towards homosexuality showed statistically significant differences only in 2 out of total 34 claims, where greater tolerance is shown by the students. Statistically significant differences are also present among the views of respondents of different age groups, as greater support towards gays and lesbians is expressed by teachers and students aged 25—30. Two fifths of teachers believe that they have enough support in school (especially by the school management) when addressing homosexuality in the classroom. The most popular teaching aids or methods of teaching are: children’s literature, discussing the topic with the students (what they already know and what they would like to know), explaining the topic, discussing photographs and pictures. Opinions about when to start discussing the topic of homosexuality differ, but it is encouraging that most of the respondents (18%) agree on introducing it during the pre-school period. The vast majority (94%) believe that during their professional development they did not acquire enough training on teaching about homosexuality in the classroom, which is why it is necessary to implement changes in the field of education and professional development of (future) teachers. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
homosexuality |
ID: |
8311350 |