doktorska disertacija
Suzana Pulec Lah (Avtor), Simona Tancig (Mentor)


Dejavniki učiteljeve usposobljenosti za poučevanje učencev z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnostjo

Ključne besede

kognitivne teorije;teorije samoučinkovitosti;vprašalnik;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Pulec Lah]
UDK: 376.1(043.3)
COBISS: 9638729 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1880
Št. prenosov: 242
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Factors of teachers' competence for teaching students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Sekundarni povzetek: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most frequently diagnosed disorder during the childhood period. Prevalence estimates of ADHD among the school population vary, with the dominating estimates ranging from 3 to 7 per cent (APA, 2000; NCCMH, 2009). The characteristic features that are primarily defined as attention deficit, impulsivity and hyperactivity by diagnostic classifications may to a great extent inhibit a person’s functioning in every important aspect of their life. The vagueness concerning the aetiology, nature and dynamics of the problems as well as the success rate of different treatments have resulted in various beliefs, understanding of and approaches to the treatment of individuals with ADHD. During the schooling period, one of the most important aims of the treatment of ADHD individuals is to form an appropriate educational programme, i.e. suitable individualisation and differentiation of the learning process, which is mainly carried out by the teacher. The teacher’s competence to teach students with ADHD is therefore of key importance to ensure a quality educational process for children with ADHD. The thesis presents modern concepts of definitions as well as currently accepted facts concerning the ADHD. This is followed by a presentation of the impact of ADHD on both learning and teaching as well as some basic tenets of social cognitive theory and self-efficacy theory that were used to determine and explain selected factors of the teacher’s qualification for efficient teaching of ADHD students. The findings made by other researchers on ADHD are presented as a starting point for the planning of the research on this, until now rarely treated issue in Slovenia. The basic aim of the thesis is to explore the teacher's scope of knowledge, experience, and beliefs, the sense of self-efficacy, practice and self-perceived needs related to the teaching of ADHD students. The sample included primary school teachers from various Slovene regions. The data was gathered by a battery of assessment tools made especially for the purpose of this research. In the process of gathering and analyzing the data, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used to suit the needs of the present research as well as the research questions formed; however, the prevailing methodology was quantitative. The results show that teachers need extra in-service training to be able to teach ADHD students, which is what they have sensed themselves. Apart from selected general knowledge on the ADHD phenomenon, they require specific knowledge on efficient teaching elements for this group of students. Different analyses have shown that these two factors have the greatest impact on the efficiency of the solving of problems of ADHD students (vignettes). The teacher’s sense of self-efficacy and a sense of systemic support when working with ADHD students also turn out to be quite influential factors, but to a lesser extent and only in specific subgroups. The teachers who have achieved statistically significant different results in the majority of the content sections measured (except for beliefs about ADHD students and teaching students with ADHD) were identified and classified into three groups. Present findings were considered when creating guidelines for further professional development and in-service training and when proposing a model of systemic support for teachers working with ADHD students. The set of instruments thus formed to ascertain a teacher's knowledge, beliefs, sense of self-efficacy, problem-solving, and sense of support when teaching ADHD students has proved to be appropriate in terms of content and psychometric characteristics. Following some modification, it could be used for the teacher's self-evaluation of their knowledge, beliefs and practice as well as for self-regulation of their further professional development resulting in more efficient work with ADHD students. We believe that the findings presented are important for a better understanding of the teacher's practice, for appropriate communication with teachers, and the creation of more realistic expectations of teachers; the findings may therefore be of help to all those involved in providing teacher support, in forming programmes for further in-service training as well as pre-service training of teachers and school counsellors. Finally, some limitations of the research are presented and some suggestions for further research on the issue given.
Sekundarne ključne besede: hyperactivity;teacher;pupil;hiperaktivnost;učitelj;učenec;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Doktorska disertacija
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 310, [47] str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Factors of teachers' competence for teaching students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Ključne besede (ePrints): motnja pozornosti in hiperaktivnost (ADHD)
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Povzetek (ePrints): Motnja pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti (v nadaljevanju ADHD) je najpogosteje diagnosticirana motnja v obdobju otroštva. Ocene o pogostosti ADHD v šolski populaciji so različne, prevladujejo ocene pogostosti od 3 do 7 % (APA, 2000; NCCMH, 2009). Značilnosti, ki so v diagnostičnih klasifikacijah primarno opredeljene kot pomanjkljiva pozornost, impulzivnost in hiperaktivnost, lahko v veliki meri ovirajo posameznikovo funkcioniranje na vseh pomembnih življenjskih področjih. Nedorečenosti na področju etiologije, narave in dinamike težav ter uspešnosti različnih obravnav omogočajo oblikovanje raznolikih prepričanj, razumevanj in pristopov k obravnavi posameznikov z ADHD. V šolskem obdobju je eden pomembnejših ciljev obravnave posameznikov z ADHD, če ne najpomembnejši, oblikovanje ustreznega vzgojno izobraževalnega (VIZ) programa oz. ustrezna individualizacija in diferenciacija izvedbe učnega procesa, ki je v največji meri odgovornost učiteljev. Učitelj oz. učiteljeva usposobljenost za poučevanje učencev z ADHD je torej ključnega pomena za zagotavljanje kakovostnega VIZ procesa za otroke z ADHD. V doktorskem delu predstavljamo sodobne koncepte razlage in trenutno sprejeta dejstva o motnjah pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti, vpliv motnje pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti na učenje in poučevanje ter temeljne predpostavke socialno kognitivne teorije in teorije samoučinkovitosti, na osnovi katerih smo želeli ugotoviti in pojasniti izbrane dejavnike učiteljeve usposobljenosti za učinkovito poučevanje učencev z ADHD. Predstavljamo tudi ugotovitve drugih raziskovalcev o obravnavanem problemu kot izhodišče za načrtovanje raziskovanja obravnavanega problema v slovenskem prostoru. Osnovni cilj doktorskega dela je raziskati v slovenskem prostoru še neraziskano učiteljevo polje znanj, izkušenj, prepričanj, zaznave samoučinkovitosti, ravnanj in potreb, povezanih s poučevanjem učencev z ADHD. V vzorec smo vključili osnovnošolske učitelje iz različnih slovenskih regij. Podatke smo zbrali z baterijo merskih pripomočkov oblikovano posebej za namen raziskave. Skladno z namenom raziskave in oblikovanimi raziskovalnimi vprašanji smo v procesu pridobivanja in analize podatkov komplementarno uporabili kvantitativne in kvalitativne metode raziskovanja s prevladujočo kvantitativno metodologijo. Rezultati kažejo, da učitelji potrebujejo, kar zaznavajo tudi sami, dodatno usposabljanje o poučevanju učencev z ADHD, poleg izbranih splošnih znanj o fenomenu ADHD predvsem specifična znanja o učinkovitih elementih poučevanja te skupine učencev. To sta tudi dejavnika, ki po različnih analizah v največji meri vplivata na učinkovitost reševanja problemov učencev z ADHD. V manjši meri in v določenih podskupinah se izkažeta kot vplivna tudi učiteljeva zaznava samoučinkovitosti ter doživljanje sistemske podpore pri delu z učenci z ADHD. Identificirali smo tri skupine učiteljev, ki dosegajo pomembno različne rezultate pri večini merjenih vsebinskih sklopov, razen pri prepričanjih o učencih in poučevanju učencev z ADHD, kar smo upoštevali pri oblikovanju smernic za nadaljnje profesionalno izobraževanje in usposabljanje učiteljev za delo z učenci z ADHD ter predlogu modela sistemske podpore učiteljev pri delu z učenci z ADHD. Oblikovani sklop inštrumentarija za ugotavljanje učiteljevega znanja, prepričanj, samoučinkovitosti, reševanja problemov in doživljanja podpore pri delu z učenci z ADHD se je izkazal kot vsebinsko in psihometrično primeren ter ob manjši modifikaciji uporaben za učiteljevo samoevalvacijo lastnega znanja, prepričanj in ravnanj, ter samoregulacijo nadaljnjega profesionalnega razvoja za bolj učinkovito delo z učenci z ADHD. Menimo, da so ugotovitve pomembne za ustreznejše razumevanje učiteljevega ravnanja, ustreznejšo komunikacijo z učitelji in oblikovanje bolj realnih pričakovanj do učiteljev, torej za vse, ki sooblikujejo podporo učiteljem pri njihovem delu, programe nadaljnjega profesionalnega usposabljanja učiteljev in tudi izobražujejo bodoče učitelje in šolske svetovalne delavce. V sklepnih ugotovitvah smo izpostavili tudi nekatere omejitve izvedene raziskave in podali predloge za nadaljnje raziskovanje obravnavanega problema.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most frequently diagnosed disorder during the childhood period. Prevalence estimates of ADHD among the school population vary, with the dominating estimates ranging from 3 to 7 per cent (APA, 2000; NCCMH, 2009). The characteristic features that are primarily defined as attention deficit, impulsivity and hyperactivity by diagnostic classifications may to a great extent inhibit a person’s functioning in every important aspect of their life. The vagueness concerning the aetiology, nature and dynamics of the problems as well as the success rate of different treatments have resulted in various beliefs, understanding of and approaches to the treatment of individuals with ADHD. During the schooling period, one of the most important aims of the treatment of ADHD individuals is to form an appropriate educational programme, i.e. suitable individualisation and differentiation of the learning process, which is mainly carried out by the teacher. The teacher’s competence to teach students with ADHD is therefore of key importance to ensure a quality educational process for children with ADHD. The thesis presents modern concepts of definitions as well as currently accepted facts concerning the ADHD. This is followed by a presentation of the impact of ADHD on both learning and teaching as well as some basic tenets of social cognitive theory and self-efficacy theory that were used to determine and explain selected factors of the teacher’s qualification for efficient teaching of ADHD students. The findings made by other researchers on ADHD are presented as a starting point for the planning of the research on this, until now rarely treated issue in Slovenia. The basic aim of the thesis is to explore the teacher's scope of knowledge, experience, and beliefs, the sense of self-efficacy, practice and self-perceived needs related to the teaching of ADHD students. The sample included primary school teachers from various Slovene regions. The data was gathered by a battery of assessment tools made especially for the purpose of this research. In the process of gathering and analyzing the data, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used to suit the needs of the present research as well as the research questions formed; however, the prevailing methodology was quantitative. The results show that teachers need extra in-service training to be able to teach ADHD students, which is what they have sensed themselves. Apart from selected general knowledge on the ADHD phenomenon, they require specific knowledge on efficient teaching elements for this group of students. Different analyses have shown that these two factors have the greatest impact on the efficiency of the solving of problems of ADHD students (vignettes). The teacher’s sense of self-efficacy and a sense of systemic support when working with ADHD students also turn out to be quite influential factors, but to a lesser extent and only in specific subgroups. The teachers who have achieved statistically significant different results in the majority of the content sections measured (except for beliefs about ADHD students and teaching students with ADHD) were identified and classified into three groups. Present findings were considered when creating guidelines for further professional development and in-service training and when proposing a model of systemic support for teachers working with ADHD students. The set of instruments thus formed to ascertain a teacher's knowledge, beliefs, sense of self-efficacy, problem-solving, and sense of support when teaching ADHD students has proved to be appropriate in terms of content and psychometric characteristics. Following some modification, it could be used for the teacher's self-evaluation of their knowledge, beliefs and practice as well as for self-regulation of their further professional development resulting in more efficient work with ADHD students. We believe that the findings presented are important for a better understanding of the teacher's practice, for appropriate communication with teachers, and the creation of more realistic expectations of teachers; the findings may therefore be of help to all those involved in providing teacher support, in forming programmes for further in-service training as well as pre-service training of teachers and school counsellors. Finally, some limitations of the research are presented and some suggestions for further research on the issue given.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
ID: 8311380