Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Construction based research project - shadow puppets in fairytales and children’s theatre |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
The undergraduate dissertation deals with the construction-based research project entitled Shadow Puppets in Fairytales and Children’s Theatre. By taking active part in each stage of the project, children gain knowledge in a new field and work together with each other and with adults.
The project work method is applied, introducing shadow puppetry, dramatisation and theatre to the children step by step, which enable empirical learning through their primary activity: play.
By making their own puppets and playing with them as well as through a spontaneous puppet animation, dramatisation and playing theatre, the children acquire vast knowledge in less typical curricular areas of preschool education.
The dissertation thus focuses on the role of puppets in different areas of children’s development with the emphasis on explaining the role of puppets in developing children’s language skills and on defining their attitude towards theatre and the art of theatre.
On the basis of the evaluation of each project stage, it is concluded that puppets are a very effective means to enhance children’s speaking and language skills. The research has also shown that the use of puppets is a pleasant way for children to acquire new knowledge in different areas of learning, and that children perceive theatre as an important component of the social environment. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
puppetry;pre-school child;fairy tale;theatre;lutke;predšolski otrok;pravljica;gledališče; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Strani: |
109 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Construction based research project - shadow puppets in fairytales and children’s theatre |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
senčne lutke |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
shadow puppets |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen projekt raziskovanja konstrukcijskega tipa z naslovom Senčne lutke v pravljicah in otroškem gledališču. Otroci so skozi posamezne etape projekta aktivni udeleženci pri pridobivanju znanja o novih vsebinah, skozi celoten proces pa sodelujejo drug z drugim in z odraslimi.
Tehniko senčnih lutk, dramatizacijo in gledališče spoznavajo postopoma, skozi metodo projektnega dela, ki omogoča izkustveno učenje skozi otrokovo primarno dejavnost – igro.
Ob izdelavi lastnih lutk, skozi sproščeno igro z njimi, v spontani animaciji lutke, ob dramatizaciji ter v ustvarjanju gledališča otroci pridobivajo pester mozaik znanja tudi iz drugih kurikularnih področij predšolske vzgoje.
V nalogi zato izpostavljam in raziskujem vlogo lutke na različnih področjih otrokovega razvoja, predvsem pa skušam pojasniti vlogo lutke pri razvoju otrokovih jezikovnih sposobnosti ter opredeliti otrokov odnos do gledališča in gledališkega ustvarjanja.
Na podlagi evalvacij posameznih etap projektnega dela v sklepnem delu ugotavljam, da je lutka odlično sredstvo za spodbujanje govornih in jezikovnih sposobnosti otrok, da z lutko otroci na prijeten način usvajajo nova znanja z različnih področij učenja, gledališče pa prepoznavajo kot pomemben sestavni del družbenega prostora. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
The undergraduate dissertation deals with the construction-based research project entitled Shadow Puppets in Fairytales and Children’s Theatre. By taking active part in each stage of the project, children gain knowledge in a new field and work together with each other and with adults.
The project work method is applied, introducing shadow puppetry, dramatisation and theatre to the children step by step, which enable empirical learning through their primary activity: play.
By making their own puppets and playing with them as well as through a spontaneous puppet animation, dramatisation and playing theatre, the children acquire vast knowledge in less typical curricular areas of preschool education.
The dissertation thus focuses on the role of puppets in different areas of children’s development with the emphasis on explaining the role of puppets in developing children’s language skills and on defining their attitude towards theatre and the art of theatre.
On the basis of the evaluation of each project stage, it is concluded that puppets are a very effective means to enhance children’s speaking and language skills. The research has also shown that the use of puppets is a pleasant way for children to acquire new knowledge in different areas of learning, and that children perceive theatre as an important component of the social environment. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
shadow puppets |
ID: |
8311422 |