Jezik: | Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: | 2013 |
Izvor: | Ljubljana |
Tipologija: | 2.08 - Doktorska disertacija |
Organizacija: | UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta |
Založnik: | [M. Škrbec] |
UDK: | 51:373.3(043.3) |
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Št. ogledov: | 1751 |
Št. prenosov: | 194 |
Ocena: | 0 (0 glasov) |
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Sekundarni jezik: | Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: | Approach to geometry teaching according to van Hiele in the second triad of elementary school |
Sekundarni povzetek: | Geometry is an abstract science where the relations between the concepts are controlled through appropriate use of language. Dutch mathematician Pierre M. van Hiele developed a theory how to determine a level of geometric thinking of an individual on the basis of solving geometrical problem. Dina van Hiele-Geldof was working on how to develop a higher level of geometric thinking. In our research we determined that the teachers are not familiar with the theory of van Hiele and that they have a positive attitude towards the content of geometry. We also found out that there are big differences how teachers teach geometry concepts. Because in Slovenia there wasn’t made any significant research dealing with levels of geometric thinking of pupils in elementary school we decided to research this problem. We found out that the minority of the pupils of the second triad are between the 0 and the first level or on the first level of geometric thinking. According to the whole test only 2 % of children were on the second level of geometric thinking. Using appropriate vocabulary was the biggest problem the pupils had. That is why we decided to develop a teaching approach for accelerating transition to higher level of geometrical thinking. The teaching approach has proven to be successful. It was based on using different didactic material, concrete experience and it encourage pupils to use appropriate geometric vocabulary. Among other things we created numerous games. Pupils liked to play with these games. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: | mathematics;geometry;primary school;matematika;geometrija;osnovna šola; |
Vrsta datoteke: | application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): | Doktorska disertacija |
Komentar na gradivo: | Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak. |
Strani: | 262, [38] str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): | thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): | Approach to geometry teaching according to van Hiele in the second triad of elementary school |
Ključne besede (ePrints): | geometrija |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): | geometry |
Povzetek (ePrints): | Geometrija je abstraktna veda, kjer se odnosi med pojmi obvladujejo s pomočjo ustrezne rabe jezika. Nizozemski matematik Pierre M. van Hiele je razvil teorijo, pri kateri se na podlagi reševanja geometrijskih problemov določi nivo geometrijskega mišljenja, na katerem se posameznik nahaja. Dina van Hiele-Geldof pa se je ukvarjala s spodbujanjem višjih nivojev geometrijskega mišljenja. V raziskavi, ki smo jo opravili, smo med drugim anketirali učitelje in ugotovili, da ne poznajo teorije van Hiela, da imajo pozitiven odnos do vsebin iz geometrije ter da se poučevanje geometrije od učitelja do učitelja močno razlikuje. Ker v našem prostoru ni bilo opravljene večje raziskave, s katero bi se ugotavljalo, na katerem nivoju geometrijskega mišljenja so učenci, ki obiskujejo osnovno šolo, smo se odločili raziskati to problematiko. Ugotovili smo, da se največ učencev drugega triletja nahaja na prehodu med nivojem nič in prvim nivojem ter na prvem nivoju geometrijskega mišljenja, medtem ko je na drugem nivoju glede na celoten preizkus znanja le okrog 2 % učencev. Učenci so imeli največ težav z uporabo ustreznega geometrijskega besedišča, zato smo oblikovali učni pristop, s katerim bi omenjeno besedišče izboljšali ter s tem skušali pospešiti prehod na višji nivo geometrijskega mišljenja. Učni pristop, ki se je izkazal za uspešnega, je temeljil na uporabi različnega materiala, konkretnih izkušenj ter spodbujanju uporabe ustreznega geometrijskega besedišča, saj smo med drugim oblikovali številne igre, ki so se jih učenci radi igrali. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): | Geometry is an abstract science where the relations between the concepts are controlled through appropriate use of language. Dutch mathematician Pierre M. van Hiele developed a theory how to determine a level of geometric thinking of an individual on the basis of solving geometrical problem. Dina van Hiele-Geldof was working on how to develop a higher level of geometric thinking. In our research we determined that the teachers are not familiar with the theory of van Hiele and that they have a positive attitude towards the content of geometry. We also found out that there are big differences how teachers teach geometry concepts. Because in Slovenia there wasn’t made any significant research dealing with levels of geometric thinking of pupils in elementary school we decided to research this problem. We found out that the minority of the pupils of the second triad are between the 0 and the first level or on the first level of geometric thinking. According to the whole test only 2 % of children were on the second level of geometric thinking. Using appropriate vocabulary was the biggest problem the pupils had. That is why we decided to develop a teaching approach for accelerating transition to higher level of geometrical thinking. The teaching approach has proven to be successful. It was based on using different didactic material, concrete experience and it encourage pupils to use appropriate geometric vocabulary. Among other things we created numerous games. Pupils liked to play with these games. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): | geometry |
ID: | 8311449 |