magistrsko delo
Manica Pisek (Avtor), Rajko Vute (Mentor), Anita Goltnik Urnaut (Komentor)


Vpliv telesne vadbe na kakovost življenja oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju

Ključne besede

osebe s posebnimi potrebami;kakovost;vprašalnik;telesna vadba;gibalne sposobnosti;mladi;športnovzgojni karton;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Pisek]
UDK: 796:376(043.2)
COBISS: 9671753 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1333
Št. prenosov: 260
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The impact of physical exercises on the quality of life of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Sekundarni povzetek: The central question of this thesis focuses on the influence of regular programmed physical exercise on the quality of life of young and adult individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the consequential improvement of their motor skills and greater subjective life satisfaction. Motor skills play a decisive role in any individual's motor efficiency, which conditions the execution of various motor tasks (Šturm, & Strojnik, 1994), and therefore influences importantly the execution of daily chores. The improvement of motor skills signifies an increase in independence, general productivity and health improvement, which is invaluable for individuals with moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities, leading to greater independence from the assistance of other adult individuals. Life satisfaction is also considered an important criterion for determining the quality of life of every individual. 30 individuals with moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities over 18 years of age, male and female, participated in the research. 15 of the said individuals actively participated in the programmed physical exercise programme while the remaining 15 participated as a control group and were not included in the regular physical exercise programme. The active exercise programme extended over a three-month period and was executed once a week under professional guidance and independently during the rest of each week, with the guidance and encouragement of parents or educators in regard to the recommended motor skill development exercises, with an emphasis on mobility, speed, strength and coordination. Physical characteristics and motor skills were measured twice - with modified physical education forms with individuals in the experimental (attendants of regular physical exercise sessions) and the control group (not included in the physical exercise programme). Individuals from both groups also answered the life satisfaction questionnaire twice – prior to the commencement of participation in the exercise programme and after the conclusion of the afore-mentioned three month period. After three months of regular physical exercise, the analysed results of the motor skills test showed a significant, statistically relevant improvement in strength, coordination, speed and mobility in the members of the experimental group in comparison with the control group members. Analysing life satisfaction in the control members failed to confirm a statistically significant difference between life satisfaction before and after the experiment, while the results in the experimental group showed a statistically relevant improvement. We were able to confirm a positive impact of physical exercise on life satisfaction. Additionally, a research in sports preferences and an assessment of general state were performed. Sports preferences are an indicator of the level of interest for individual sporting activities. Result analysis showed that individuals with moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities are more inclined to individual rather than collective sporting activities, and also pointed out those sporting activities the participants would like to be included in, and possibilities for their inclusion should be made available. The topic presented broadens introspection in the field of special and rehabilitation pedagogy in the sense of preventative rehabilitation of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It points to the influence of regular physical exercise on the overall quality of life of this specific group, particularly concerning the improvement of their motor skills such as mobility, strength, coordination, speed and general wellbeing. Since individuals with moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities also require guidance in adulthood, the practical applicability of this research lies in the positive effect of encouragement in the immediate living environment of such individuals as well as society in general and competent institutions, to facilitate the conditions for regular adapted motor/sporting activities and provide positive encouragement for participation in such activities.
Sekundarne ključne besede: special education;sport;pouk po prilagojenem programu;šport;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: XVI, 181 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): The impact of physical exercises on the quality of life of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Ključne besede (ePrints): osebe z motnjo v duševnem razvoju
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Povzetek (ePrints): Osnovni problem naloge predstavlja vprašanje, ali lahko redna programirana telesna vadba vpliva na kakovost življenja mladostnikov in odraslih oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju v smislu izboljšanja njihovih gibalnih sposobnosti in večjega subjektivnega zadovoljstva z življenjem. Gibalne sposobnosti so odločilne za posameznikovo gibalno učinkovitost, od katere je odvisno izvajanje različnih gibalnih nalog (Šturm, & Strojnik, 1994), torej pomembno vplivajo na opravljanje vsakodnevnih opravil. Izboljšanje gibalnih sposobnosti pomeni povečanje samostojnosti in splošne storilnosti ter izboljšanje zdravja, kar je za osebe z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju izrednega pomena, saj pomeni večjo neodvisnost od pomoči drugih odraslih oseb. Zadovoljstvo z življenjem pa je prav tako pomemben kriterij za določanje kakovosti življenja vsakega posameznika. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 30 oseb z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju, tako ženskega kot moškega spola, starejših od 18 let, od tega je bilo 15 oseb aktivno vključenih v program redne programirane telesne vadbe, 15 oseb pa je sodelovalo kot kontrolna skupina in se v program telesne vadbe niso vključevale. Izvajanje programirane telesne vadbe je potekalo aktivno tri mesece, enkrat na teden pod strokovnim vodstvom ter ostale dni v tednu samostojno ob usmerjanju in spodbudi staršev ali vzgojiteljev, glede na priporočene vaje za razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti s poudarkom na gibljivosti, hitrosti, moči in koordinaciji. Telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti smo merili z modificiranim športnovzgojnim kartonom pri osebah eksperimentalne (udeleženci telesne vadbe) in kontrole skupine (niso bili v programu telesne vadbe) dvakrat, prav tako so udeleženci obeh skupin dvakrat izpolnjevali vprašalnik zadovoljstva z življenjem – v času pred začetkom vadbe in v času po zaključku trimesečne vadbe. Analiza rezultatov gibalnih testov udeležencev eksperimentalne skupine je po trimesečni programirani telesni vadbi, v primerjavi z udeleženci kontrolne skupine, pokazala statistično značilno izboljšanje moči, koordinacije, hitrosti in gibljivosti. Pri analizi zadovoljstva z življenjem v kontrolni skupini nismo mogli potrditi statistično značilne razlike v zadovoljstvu z življenjem pred in po eksperimentu, medtem ko je v eksperimentalni skupini prišlo do statistično pomembnega izboljšanja. Pozitiven učinek telesne vadbe na zadovoljstvo z življenjem smo potrdili. Izvedli smo še analizo športnih preferenc in splošne ocene stanja. Športne preference so pokazatelj zanimanja za posamezne športne aktivnosti. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da se osebe z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju v večji meri ukvarjajo z individualnimi kot s kolektivnimi športnimi aktivnostmi, hkrati pa je pokazala tudi, pri katerih športnih aktivnostih se kaže želja po udeležbi in bi bilo torej treba ustvariti možnosti, da se v njih vključujejo. Obravnavana problematika širi spoznanja na področju specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike v smislu preventivne rehabilitacije oseb z motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Pokaže na vpliv redne telesne vadbe na kakovost življenja teh oseb v smislu izboljšanja gibalnih sposobnosti, ki se nanašajo na gibljivost, moč, koordinacijo in hitrost ter zadovoljstva z življenjem. Ker osebe z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju potrebujejo usmerjanje tudi v obdobju odraslosti, je uporabna vrednost raziskave v spodbudi tako ožjega okolja, v katerem živijo, kot tudi širše družbe in ustreznih institucij, da tem osebam omogočajo pogoje za redne prilagojene gibalne/športne aktivnosti ter jim nudijo pozitivne spodbude, da se v te dejavnosti vključujejo.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The central question of this thesis focuses on the influence of regular programmed physical exercise on the quality of life of young and adult individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the consequential improvement of their motor skills and greater subjective life satisfaction. Motor skills play a decisive role in any individual's motor efficiency, which conditions the execution of various motor tasks (Šturm, & Strojnik, 1994), and therefore influences importantly the execution of daily chores. The improvement of motor skills signifies an increase in independence, general productivity and health improvement, which is invaluable for individuals with moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities, leading to greater independence from the assistance of other adult individuals. Life satisfaction is also considered an important criterion for determining the quality of life of every individual. 30 individuals with moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities over 18 years of age, male and female, participated in the research. 15 of the said individuals actively participated in the programmed physical exercise programme while the remaining 15 participated as a control group and were not included in the regular physical exercise programme. The active exercise programme extended over a three-month period and was executed once a week under professional guidance and independently during the rest of each week, with the guidance and encouragement of parents or educators in regard to the recommended motor skill development exercises, with an emphasis on mobility, speed, strength and coordination. Physical characteristics and motor skills were measured twice - with modified physical education forms with individuals in the experimental (attendants of regular physical exercise sessions) and the control group (not included in the physical exercise programme). Individuals from both groups also answered the life satisfaction questionnaire twice – prior to the commencement of participation in the exercise programme and after the conclusion of the afore-mentioned three month period. After three months of regular physical exercise, the analysed results of the motor skills test showed a significant, statistically relevant improvement in strength, coordination, speed and mobility in the members of the experimental group in comparison with the control group members. Analysing life satisfaction in the control members failed to confirm a statistically significant difference between life satisfaction before and after the experiment, while the results in the experimental group showed a statistically relevant improvement. We were able to confirm a positive impact of physical exercise on life satisfaction. Additionally, a research in sports preferences and an assessment of general state were performed. Sports preferences are an indicator of the level of interest for individual sporting activities. Result analysis showed that individuals with moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities are more inclined to individual rather than collective sporting activities, and also pointed out those sporting activities the participants would like to be included in, and possibilities for their inclusion should be made available. The topic presented broadens introspection in the field of special and rehabilitation pedagogy in the sense of preventative rehabilitation of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It points to the influence of regular physical exercise on the overall quality of life of this specific group, particularly concerning the improvement of their motor skills such as mobility, strength, coordination, speed and general wellbeing. Since individuals with moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities also require guidance in adulthood, the practical applicability of this research lies in the positive effect of encouragement in the immediate living environment of such individuals as well as society in general and competent institutions, to facilitate the conditions for regular adapted motor/sporting activities and provide positive encouragement for participation in such activities.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
ID: 8311484