Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Aggressiveness |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
There are a lot of aspects of aggressiveness and everybody understands and defines it differently. Professionals define aggressiveness as actually inflicting damage to other organism or object6, the reaction which aims in damaging living organism or object. The objectives of aggressive behaviour are physical and mental damage. The difference between aggressiveness and aggression is that the term aggression relates to a momentary reaction, aggressiveness, however, means permanent characteristic of an individual. The understanding of aggression demands a multi-level approach. The purpose of this thesis is through the definitions compare and analyze different forms of aggressiveness and the description of the term “aggressiveness”. The research aims in learning about which forms of aggressiveness appear in children distinctively regarding the sex. In the sample there are randomly chosen children of upper classes (5th-9th grade), who attend primary schools in Celje and surroundings. There were 674 survey questionnaires distributed among children. The Buss-Durkee questionnaire about aggressiveness, which was used, includes eight forms of aggressive behaviour: physical aggressiveness, indirect aggressiveness, irritation, negativism, hostility, suspicion, verbal aggressiveness and sense of guilt. The data was processed with statistical computer programme SPSS (descriptive statistics, Cronbach Alpha, T-test, Pearson corrective coefficient). There were 647 pupils, thereof 329 boys and 345 girls, participating in the research. The results supported only four out of ten hypotheses. Supported hypotheses are as follows: girls are verbally more aggressive than boys, boys express hostility more than girls, children with distinct negative behaviour exhibit hostility to a greater extent, physically more aggressive children express sense of guilt more. Unsupported hypotheses are: boys are physically more aggressive than girls, girls express indirect aggressiveness more than boys, boys are more irritable than girls, girls exhibit more sense of guilt than boys. We face the differences between sexes in our everyday life, when choosing a career, in behaviour, temperament and speech as well as when expressing the aggressiveness. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
aggressiveness;sex role;agresivnost;vloga spola; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika |
Strani: |
41 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Aggressiveness |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
agresivnost |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
aggressiveness |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Vidikov agresivnosti je ogromno, vsak jo drugače dojema in definira. Strokovnjaki jo opredelijo kot dejansko prizadejanje škode drugemu organizmu ali predmetu, reakcijo, katere cilj je poškodba živega organizma ali objekta. Cilj agresivnega vedenja sta telesno in duševno škodovanje. Razlika med agresivnostjo in agresijo je v tem, da se izraz agresija nanaša na trenutno reakcijo, agresivnost pa pomeni trajno značilnost posameznika. Razumevanje agresije zahteva multinivojski pristop. Namen diplomskega dela je skozi definicije analizirati in primerjati različne oblike agresivnosti in opredelitve pojma agresivnosti. Namen raziskave je izvedeti, katere oblike agresivnosti se pri otrocih glede na spol izraziteje pojavljajo. Vzorec predstavljajo naključno izbrani učenci višje stopnje (5.-9.razred), ki obiskujejo osnovne šole v Celju in okolici. Razdeljenih je bilo 674 anketnih vprašalnikov. Kot instrument je bil uporabljen Buss-Durkeejev vprašalnik o agresivnosti, ki vključuje 8 oblik agresivnega vedenja: telesno agresivnost, posredno agresivnost, razdražljivost, negativizem, sovražnost, sumničavost, besedno agresivnost in občutke krivde. Podatki so obdelani s pomočjo statističnega računalniškega programa SPSS (deskriptivna statistika, Cronbach Alpha, T-test, Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient). V raziskavi je sodelovalo 674 učencev, od tega 329 fantov in 345 deklet. Rezultati so potrdili le štiri postavljene hipoteze od desetih. Potrjene hipoteze so slednje: dekleta so bolj besedno agresivna kot fantje, fantje bolj izražajo sovražnost kot dekleta, otroci z izrazitejšim negativističnim vedenjem v večji meri izkazujejo sovražnost, telesno bolj agresivni otroci bolj izkazujejo občutke krivde. Zavrnjene hipoteze pa so: fantje so bolj telesno agresivni kot dekleta, dekleta so bolj sumničava kot fantje, fantje bolj izražajo negativistično vedenje kot dekleta, dekleta bolj izražajo posredno agresivnost kot fantje, fantje so bolj razdražljivi kot dekleta, dekleta bolj izražajo občutke krivde kot fantje. Z razlikami med spoloma se srečujemo v vsakodnevnem življenju, pri izbiri poklica, v vedenju, temperamentu, govoru, in tudi pri izražanju agresivnosti. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
There are a lot of aspects of aggressiveness and everybody understands and defines it differently. Professionals define aggressiveness as actually inflicting damage to other organism or object6, the reaction which aims in damaging living organism or object. The objectives of aggressive behaviour are physical and mental damage. The difference between aggressiveness and aggression is that the term aggression relates to a momentary reaction, aggressiveness, however, means permanent characteristic of an individual. The understanding of aggression demands a multi-level approach. The purpose of this thesis is through the definitions compare and analyze different forms of aggressiveness and the description of the term “aggressiveness”. The research aims in learning about which forms of aggressiveness appear in children distinctively regarding the sex. In the sample there are randomly chosen children of upper classes (5th-9th grade), who attend primary schools in Celje and surroundings. There were 674 survey questionnaires distributed among children. The Buss-Durkee questionnaire about aggressiveness, which was used, includes eight forms of aggressive behaviour: physical aggressiveness, indirect aggressiveness, irritation, negativism, hostility, suspicion, verbal aggressiveness and sense of guilt. The data was processed with statistical computer programme SPSS (descriptive statistics, Cronbach Alpha, T-test, Pearson corrective coefficient). There were 647 pupils, thereof 329 boys and 345 girls, participating in the research. The results supported only four out of ten hypotheses. Supported hypotheses are as follows: girls are verbally more aggressive than boys, boys express hostility more than girls, children with distinct negative behaviour exhibit hostility to a greater extent, physically more aggressive children express sense of guilt more. Unsupported hypotheses are: boys are physically more aggressive than girls, girls express indirect aggressiveness more than boys, boys are more irritable than girls, girls exhibit more sense of guilt than boys. We face the differences between sexes in our everyday life, when choosing a career, in behaviour, temperament and speech as well as when expressing the aggressiveness. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
aggressiveness |
ID: |
8311681 |