Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Administrative and judicial boundary fixing |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
The land parcel boundary or part of the boundary is fixed in the boundary fixing procedure, performed by a geodetic company. On the basis of an administrative procedure performed by the Geodetic Administration, the fixed boundary is registered in the Land Register. The technical base for the initiation of the administrative procedure is the technical documentation prepared by the geodetic company, which has performed the boundary fixing procedure. The documentation shall be certified by a geodesisit, responsible for the procedure performed. If the land owners do not agree with the boundary proposed by the geodesist, the boundary becomes disputable, and the Geodetic Administration invites the owner or owners to institute a judicial proceeding for fixing the boundary in a non-litigation procedure.
The diploma paper presents the entire process of fixing the boundary in the administration procedure as well as in the judicial procedure, with the emphasis laid upon the judicial boundary fixing. To this purpose the legislation is presented, which regulates geodetic activities and the Land Register activities, the regulations concerning the sphere of work and authorities of court-appointed experts for geodetics, as well as the conditions to be met by a geodesist that he/she can be appointed a court expert, the mode of his/her appointment and his/her functioning. The paper presents also the legislation, regulating the non-litigation procedure, the concept of the judicial boundary fixing, the criteria for judicial boundary fixing and the role of a court-appointed geodetic expert. The boundary fixing procedure is illustrated also on the basis of practical cases. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
graduation thesis;geodesy;land Register;fixed boundary;judicial boundary fixing;court - appointed expert for geodetics;responsible geodesist; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo |
Strani: |
X, 70 str., [70] str. pril. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Administrative and judicial boundary fixing |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
zemljiški kataster;urejena meja;sodna ureditev meje;sodni izvedenec geodetske stroke;odgovorni geodet |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
land Register;fixed boundary;judicial boundary fixing;court - appointed expert for geodetics;responsible geodesist |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Meja parcele oziroma del meje se ureja v postopku ureditve meje, ki ga kot geodetsko storitev izvaja geodetsko podjetje, na podlagi upravnega postopka na Geodetski upravi pa se ta meja evidentira v zemljiškem katastru. Strokovna podlaga za uvedbo upravnega postopka je elaborat ureditve meje, ki ga izdela geodetsko podjetje, ki je izvajalo postopek ureditve meje, potrjuje pa ga odgovorni geodet pri konkretnem postopku. Če se lastniki ne strinjajo s predlagano mejo geodeta, le ta pa ostane sporna, geodetska uprava lastnika pozove, da v predpisanem roku sproži sodni postopek ureditve meje v nepravdnem postopku.
V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen celoten proces ureditve meje v upravnem in sodnem postopku s poudarkom na sodni določitvi meje. V ta namen je predstavljena zakonodaja, ki ureja področje geodetske dejavnosti in zemljiškega katastra, predpisi s področja sodnega izvedeništva za geodetsko stroko, ki opredeljujejo pojem izvedenca geodetske stroke, pogoje in način njegovega imenovanja ter delovanja. Predstavljena je zakonodaja, ki opredeljuje nepravdni postopek in pojem sodne ureditve meje, kriteriji za sodno ureditev ter vloga izvedenca geodetske stroke. Postopek ureditve meje je predstavljen tudi na primerih iz prakse. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
The land parcel boundary or part of the boundary is fixed in the boundary fixing procedure, performed by a geodetic company. On the basis of an administrative procedure performed by the Geodetic Administration, the fixed boundary is registered in the Land Register. The technical base for the initiation of the administrative procedure is the technical documentation prepared by the geodetic company, which has performed the boundary fixing procedure. The documentation shall be certified by a geodesisit, responsible for the procedure performed. If the land owners do not agree with the boundary proposed by the geodesist, the boundary becomes disputable, and the Geodetic Administration invites the owner or owners to institute a judicial proceeding for fixing the boundary in a non-litigation procedure.
The diploma paper presents the entire process of fixing the boundary in the administration procedure as well as in the judicial procedure, with the emphasis laid upon the judicial boundary fixing. To this purpose the legislation is presented, which regulates geodetic activities and the Land Register activities, the regulations concerning the sphere of work and authorities of court-appointed experts for geodetics, as well as the conditions to be met by a geodesist that he/she can be appointed a court expert, the mode of his/her appointment and his/her functioning. The paper presents also the legislation, regulating the non-litigation procedure, the concept of the judicial boundary fixing, the criteria for judicial boundary fixing and the role of a court-appointed geodetic expert. The boundary fixing procedure is illustrated also on the basis of practical cases. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
land Register;fixed boundary;judicial boundary fixing;court - appointed expert for geodetics;responsible geodesist |
ID: |
8311993 |