diplomska naloga
Iša Pliberšek (Avtor), Jože Lopatič (Mentor), Janko Logar (Član komisije za zagovor), Sebastjan Bratina (Član komisije za zagovor)


Konstruiranje večetažne lesene poslovne stavbe in dimenzioniranje nosilnih elementov

Ključne besede

projektiranje lesenih okvirnih konstrukcij;križno lepljene lesene plošče;lepljeni lamelirani nosilci in stebri;jeklena vezna sredstva;mejna stanja;potresna odpornost;zaščita lesenih konstrukcij


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [I. Pliberšek]
UDK: 624.07:693(043.2)
COBISS: 5749857 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1927
Št. prenosov: 465
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Design of multi-storey timber framed office building and its load-bearing elements
Sekundarni povzetek: Wood is a natural wealth of our country and to encourage its use encourages country's economic growth. It is also becoming a popular material in modern construction because of its ecological benefits. Designing timber framed structures in seismic areas has been quite difficult if not an impossible task, with cross-laminated wooden panels it has became possible. Structurally it can be used as a shear wall or as a slab, which gives the structure its rigidness in the plane of the panel. Glued laminated timber (Glulam) elements have greater loading capacity than dimensionally equal elements of solid timber. Glulam is suitable for load-bearing elements in wooden structures, in which loading is expected to be greater. We wanted to verify the suitability of choice of the structural load-bearing system and dimensions of the load-bearing elements of a wooden office building in a seismic area. As a load-bearing system we chose frame, which is attached to two concrete kernels. For connection of load-bearing elements we chose steel connectors. The design of the concrete kernels and the joints between the timber frame and kernels are not included in the study. The structural modeling and its analysis was done by using software tool called Sofistik. During the study some assumptions were made, some were underpinned by tests. The conclusion is that with the use of cross laminated timber slabs, diagonals and concrete kernels sufficient horizontal resistance within the structure is achieved. The use of glued laminated timber for the beam elements is justified, although the dimensions are quite large, the same applies to the selected joints. We assume that most of the horizontal load is carried by kernels since they are much more rigid compared to the timber frame. For a more detailed analysis of the adequacy of the selected load-bearing system it would be necessary to include the design of the concrete kernels and joints between timber and concrete structure in the study. It should also be noted that the program used for structural analysis of the building does not give an option to define combination rules for serviceability limit state, although it is often decisive in the design of timber structures.
Sekundarne ključne besede: design of timber framed structures;cross laminated wooden slabs;glued laminated timber beams and columns;steel connectors;limit state;seismic resistance;protection of timber structures
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: XI, 112 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Design of multi-storey timber framed office building and its load-bearing elements
Ključne besede (ePrints): projektiranje lesenih okvirnih konstrukcij;križno lepljene lesene plošče;lepljeni lamelirani nosilci in stebri;jeklena vezna sredstva;mejna stanja;potresna odpornost;zaščita lesenih konstrukcij
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): design of timber framed structures;cross laminated wooden slabs;glued laminated timber beams and columns;steel connectors;limit state;seismic resistance;protection of timber structures
Povzetek (ePrints): Les je naravno bogastvo naše države. Z njegovo uporabo spodbujamo rast gospodarstva. Ker je naraven material, postaja čedalje bolj priljubljen za gradnjo. Gradnja lesenih okvirnih konstrukcij na potresnem območju je bila v preteklosti precej težavna, če ne nemogoča naloga. S pojavom križno lepljenih lesenih panelov je to postalo mogoče. Križno lepljene lesene panele se v konstrukcijske namene uporabljajo kot strižne stene ali pa kot plošče, ki dajejo konstrukciji togost v ravnini plošče. Lepljeni lamelirani leseni elementi prevzemajo večje obremenitve kot elementi enakih dimenzij iz masivnega lesa, zato so primerni za gradnjo lesenih stavb, za katere se pričakujejo večje obremenitve njenih nosilnih elementov. Namen naloge je bil preveriti ustreznost izbire oblike nosilne konstrukcije in dimenzij nosilnih elementov lesene poslovne stavbe na potresnem območju. Izbrali smo lesen okvirni sistem, ki se pripenja na dve betonski jedri. Za spajanje nosilnih elementov smo uporabili jeklena vezna sredstva. Dimenzioniranje betonskih jeder in spojev med lesenim okvirjem in jedri smo v nalogi izpustili. Konstrukcijo smo modelirali s pomočjo programskega orodja Sofistik. Naredili smo nekaj predpostavk in več testnih primerov, s pomočjo katerih smo predpostavke podprli. Ugotovili smo, da z uporabo križno lepljenih lesenih plošč, diagonal in z betonskima jedroma nudimo zadostno horizontalno odpornost konstrukcije. Uporaba lepljenega lameliranega lesa za preostale nosilne elemente konstrukcije je upravičena, vendar so dimenzije le teh velike. Enako velja za izbrane spoje. Predvidevamo, da večino horizontalne obtežbe prevzameta jedri, saj sta v primerjavi z lesenim delom veliko bolj togi. Za natančnejšo analizo ustreznosti izbranega nosilnega sistema na potresnem območju, bi bilo potrebno preveriti obremenitve v betonskih jedrih in spojih med lesenim in betonskim delom konstrukcije. Ugotovili smo tudi, da uporabljen program ne ponuja možnosti podajanja obtežnih kombinacij za preverjanje mejnega stanja uporabnosti, ki pa se pri lesenih konstrukcijah velikokrat izkaže za merodajno.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Wood is a natural wealth of our country and to encourage its use encourages country's economic growth. It is also becoming a popular material in modern construction because of its ecological benefits. Designing timber framed structures in seismic areas has been quite difficult if not an impossible task, with cross-laminated wooden panels it has became possible. Structurally it can be used as a shear wall or as a slab, which gives the structure its rigidness in the plane of the panel. Glued laminated timber (Glulam) elements have greater loading capacity than dimensionally equal elements of solid timber. Glulam is suitable for load-bearing elements in wooden structures, in which loading is expected to be greater. We wanted to verify the suitability of choice of the structural load-bearing system and dimensions of the load-bearing elements of a wooden office building in a seismic area. As a load-bearing system we chose frame, which is attached to two concrete kernels. For connection of load-bearing elements we chose steel connectors. The design of the concrete kernels and the joints between the timber frame and kernels are not included in the study. The structural modeling and its analysis was done by using software tool called Sofistik. During the study some assumptions were made, some were underpinned by tests. The conclusion is that with the use of cross laminated timber slabs, diagonals and concrete kernels sufficient horizontal resistance within the structure is achieved. The use of glued laminated timber for the beam elements is justified, although the dimensions are quite large, the same applies to the selected joints. We assume that most of the horizontal load is carried by kernels since they are much more rigid compared to the timber frame. For a more detailed analysis of the adequacy of the selected load-bearing system it would be necessary to include the design of the concrete kernels and joints between timber and concrete structure in the study. It should also be noted that the program used for structural analysis of the building does not give an option to define combination rules for serviceability limit state, although it is often decisive in the design of timber structures.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): design of timber framed structures;cross laminated wooden slabs;glued laminated timber beams and columns;steel connectors;limit state;seismic resistance;protection of timber structures
ID: 8312306