diplomska naloga
Matevž Kocjan (Avtor), Boštjan Brank (Mentor), Janko Logar (Član komisije za zagovor), Mitja Košir (Član komisije za zagovor), Roman Kunič (Član komisije za zagovor), Andreja Kutnar (Član komisije za zagovor), Miroslav Premrov (Komentor)


Numerično modeliranje preskusov na leseno steklenih stenastih elementih

Ključne besede

gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;leseno stekleni paneli;adhezivi;metoda končnih elementov;nelinearna analiza;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [M. Kocjan]
UDK: 519.63:624.011.1:624.07(043.2)
COBISS: 6509921 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2324
Št. prenosov: 515
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Numerical modelling of experiments tests on timber-glass walls
Sekundarni povzetek: In the thesis I used nonlinear finite element method in order to perform computer simulations of experimental tests on timber-glass walls (also called panels). The experimental tests were done by panels' producer, Kager Hiše d.o.o. in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Maribor. Numerical simulations were performed by using commercial computer code SAP2000, which is designed for solving enginnering structural problems. The responses of the adhezives were modeled by nonlinear three-axial spring finite elements, while timber and glass were modeled by linear elastic beam and shell finite elements. The geometrical nonlinear effects were taken into account. Special attention was given to get adequate force-displacement relations for adhezives. They were obtained by using available material experimental tests and by employing hyperelastic material models of Arruda-Boyce, Marlow and Ogden type. The adhezives were silicone, polyurethane and epoxi based. In order to reliably model the experimental tests, I paid a lot of attention to model the supported parts of each panel boundary, where the supporting steel elements damaged (compressed) the timber. The computed results were compared with the experimental ones and reasonable match between the two was observed. At the end of the thesis I presented distribution of internal forces in the adhezives, timber and glass.
Sekundarne ključne besede: graduation thesis;civil engineering;timber-glass panels;adhezives;finite element method;nonlinear analysis;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: XIII, 71 str., 3 pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Numerično modeliranje preskusov na leseno stklenih stenastih elementih
Ključne besede (ePrints): leseno stekleni paneli;adhezivi;metoda končnih elementov;nelinearna analiza
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): timber-glass panels;adhezives;finite element method;nonlinear analysis
Povzetek (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi sem z nelinearno metodo končnih elementov računalniško simuliral eksperimentalne preizkuse na leseno steklenih stenastih elementih (v nadaljevanju tudi panelih). Eksperimentalne preizkuse je v sodelovanju s Fakulteto za gradbeništvo Univerze v Mariboru izvedel proizvajalec panelov Kager Hiše d.o.o. Numerične simulacije sem izvedel s pomočjo komercialnega programa za reševanje inženirskih konstrukcijskih problemov SAP2000. Obnašanje adhezivnih sredstev (v nadaljevanju tudi lepil) sem modeliral z nelinearnimi triosnimi kočnimi elementi za vzmeti, les in steklo pa z linearno elastičnimi končnimi elementi za nosilce in lupine. Upoštevana je bila geometrijska nelinearnost. Poseben poudarek je bil na izbiri ustreznih odnosov sila-pomik za lepila, ki sem jih določil na podlagi razpoložljivih materialnih eksperimentalnih testov in z uporabo hiperelastičnih materialnih modelov tipa Arruda-Boyce, Marlow in Ogden. Uporabljena lepila so bila silikonska, poliuretanska in epoksidna. Da bi čim natančneje simuliral preizkuse, sem veliko pozornosti posvetil modeliranju podprtja panelov, kjer je prišlo do vtiskovanja jeklenih delov podpor v les. Izračunane rezultate sem primerjal z rezultati preizkusov in ugotovil zadovoljivo ujemanje. Na koncu diplomske naloge sem prikazal razpored notranjih sil v adhezivih, lesu in steklu.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): In the thesis I used nonlinear finite element method in order to perform computer simulations of experimental tests on timber-glass walls (also called panels). The experimental tests were done by panels' producer, Kager Hiše d.o.o. in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Maribor. Numerical simulations were performed by using commercial computer code SAP2000, which is designed for solving enginnering structural problems. The responses of the adhezives were modeled by nonlinear three-axial spring finite elements, while timber and glass were modeled by linear elastic beam and shell finite elements. The geometrical nonlinear effects were taken into account. Special attention was given to get adequate force-displacement relations for adhezives. They were obtained by using available material experimental tests and by employing hyperelastic material models of Arruda-Boyce, Marlow and Ogden type. The adhezives were silicone, polyurethane and epoxi based. In order to reliably model the experimental tests, I paid a lot of attention to model the supported parts of each panel boundary, where the supporting steel elements damaged (compressed) the timber. The computed results were compared with the experimental ones and reasonable match between the two was observed. At the end of the thesis I presented distribution of internal forces in the adhezives, timber and glass.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): timber-glass panels;adhezives;finite element method;nonlinear analysis
ID: 8327173