Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
The differentiation and individualization of teaching in music education |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Teachers meet various students during the course of their work, such as talented students and special-needs students. Due to different abilities, desires and needs of individual students, it is important to implement differentiation and individualization in the education process. This means adapting the lesson to a particular group (differentiation) or individual (individualization). Various didactic segments can be adapted to students, from teaching aids, teaching materials, time and location to teaching methods (methods, formats) and contents. This thesis tries to determine if and how often do teachers utilize differentiation/individualization of music classes, and how and to what extent do they adapt music lessons to the needs of musically talented students and to various groups of special-needs students.
The theoretical part defines the concept of differentiation and individualization, describes their formats as well as musical activities, such as performing, creating and listening. The differentiation and individualization are defined according to the Music Education Curriculum (2011). This is followed by the definition of talent and musical talent and a description of work with musically talented students. Then comes the definition of special-needs students and a break down of special-needs student groups in general and from the viewpoint of music education.
The empirical part tries to discover if and how do teachers utilize differentiation and individualization of music classes, whether they adapt musical activities to musically talented students and various groups of students with special needs, and whether the frequency of music education adaptation depends on the number of years they have been teaching and additional music education they have received. It also tries to find out how do they encourage musically talented students and how do they perceive their own professional ability in this regard.
The empirical research was conducted on a sample of 59 elementary school teachers who filled out a questionnaire designed specifically for this thesis.
The results show that most teachers utilize differentiation/individualization of music classes. Teachers often utilize differentiation/individualization in homogeneous and heterogeneous student groups whose formation is most often related to the students' musical abilities. Depending on the individual stages of the course, music education differentiation/individualization is most often used when strengthening knowledge, assessing and evaluating knowledge and finally when teaching and discussing new material. In terms of musical activities, they are most often used for performing and the least often for listening. The methods of work are adapted more often than the content itself. The musical activities that are being adapted to musically talented students and to various groups of special-needs students are generally the same, but there differences within these musical activities in terms of arrangement depending on the frequency of adaptation. The differences between teachers in terms of how long have they been teaching and additional music education they have received have not proven to be statistically relevant. A good two thirds of the teachers expect more from their musically talented students, and almost all of them encourage these students to take part in musical extracurricular activities. The majority of the teachers believe that they are only partially qualified to work with musically talented students and special-needs students. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
music;gifted;teaching;glasba;nadarjeni;pouk; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Strani: |
146 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Učna diferenciacija in individualizacija pri glasbeni umetnosti |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
učna diferenciacija |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
differentiation of teaching |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Učitelji se pri svojem delu srečujejo z različnimi učenci; med njimi so tudi nadarjeni učenci in učenci s posebnimi potrebami. Zaradi razlik v sposobnostih, željah in potrebah posameznih učencev je pomembno upoštevanje učne diferenciacije in individualizacije. Gre za prilagajanje pouka določeni skupini (učna diferenciacija) oziroma posamezniku (učna individualizacija). Učencem lahko prilagodimo različne didaktične segmente: od učnih pripomočkov, učnega gradiva, časa, prostora do načina poučevanja (metod, oblik) in učne vsebine. V diplomskem delu me zanima, ali in kako pogosto učitelji diferencirajo/individualizirajo pouk glasbene umetnosti, kako in v kolikšni meri pouk glasbene umetnosti prilagajajo glasbeno talentiranim učencem in različnim skupinam učencev s posebnimi potrebami.
V teoretičnem delu bom opredelila pojem učne diferenciacije in učne individualizacije, opisala njune oblike ter glasbene dejavnosti izvajanja, ustvarjanja in poslušanja. Opredelila bom učno diferenciacijo in individualizacijo, kot sta predstavljeni v Učnem načrtu za glasbeno vzgojo (2011). V nadaljevanju bom predstavila pojem nadarjenosti in glasbene talentiranosti ter opisala delo z glasbeno nadarjenimi učenci. V nadaljevanju bom opredelila učence s posebnimi potrebami in predstavila njihove skupine v splošni opredelitvi in z vidika poučevanja glasbene umetnosti.
V empiričnem delu bom predstavila raziskavo, ali in na kakšen način učitelji diferencirajo/individualizirajo pouk glasbene umetnosti, ali glasbeno talentiranim učencem in različnim skupinam učencev s posebnimi potrebami prilagajajo različne glasbene dejavnosti, ali se med učitelji glede na dolžino delovne dobe in dodatno glasbeno izobrazbo pojavljajo razlike v pogostosti prilagajanja pouka glasbene umetnosti. Zanima me tudi, kako spodbujajo glasbeno talentirane učence in kakšna je njihova zaznava glede lastne strokovne kompetentnosti s tega področja.
Empirično raziskavo sem izvedla na vzorcu 59 učiteljev razrednega pouka, ki so za namen diplomskega dela izpolnili anketni vprašalnik.
Rezultati kažejo, da večina anketiranih učiteljev diferencira/individualizira pouk glasbene umetnosti. Učitelji pogosto uresničujejo učno diferenciacijo/individualizacijo v okviru homogenih in heterogenih učnih skupin, pri oblikovanju le-teh pa najpogosteje upoštevajo glasbene sposobnosti učencev. Glede na posamezne etape pouka učitelji najpogosteje diferencirajo/individualizirajo pouk glasbene umetnosti pri utrjevanju znanja, nato pri preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja in nazadnje v etapi podajanja in obravnavanja nove učne snovi. Najpogosteje ju uresničujejo pri glasbeni dejavnosti izvajanja, najredkeje pa pri glasbeni dejavnosti poslušanja. Pogosteje kot učno vsebino prilagajajo način dela. Glasbeno talentiranim učencem in različnim skupinam učencev s posebnimi potrebami večinoma prilagajajo enake glasbene dejavnosti, vendar znotraj teh glasbenih dejavnosti prihaja do razlik v razporeditvi glede na pogostost prilagajanja. Razlike med učitelji glede na dolžino delovne dobe in dodatno glasbeno izobrazbo večinoma niso statistično pomembne. Dobri dve tretjini učiteljev od glasbeno talentiranih učencev pričakuje dodatno znanje, skoraj vsi učitelji pa tem učencem predlagajo sodelovanje v glasbenih interesnih dejavnostih. Največ učiteljev meni, da so za delo z glasbeno talentiranimi učenci in z učenci s posebnimi potrebami le delno usposobljeni. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
Teachers meet various students during the course of their work, such as talented students and special-needs students. Due to different abilities, desires and needs of individual students, it is important to implement differentiation and individualization in the education process. This means adapting the lesson to a particular group (differentiation) or individual (individualization). Various didactic segments can be adapted to students, from teaching aids, teaching materials, time and location to teaching methods (methods, formats) and contents. This thesis tries to determine if and how often do teachers utilize differentiation/individualization of music classes, and how and to what extent do they adapt music lessons to the needs of musically talented students and to various groups of special-needs students.
The theoretical part defines the concept of differentiation and individualization, describes their formats as well as musical activities, such as performing, creating and listening. The differentiation and individualization are defined according to the Music Education Curriculum (2011). This is followed by the definition of talent and musical talent and a description of work with musically talented students. Then comes the definition of special-needs students and a break down of special-needs student groups in general and from the viewpoint of music education.
The empirical part tries to discover if and how do teachers utilize differentiation and individualization of music classes, whether they adapt musical activities to musically talented students and various groups of students with special needs, and whether the frequency of music education adaptation depends on the number of years they have been teaching and additional music education they have received. It also tries to find out how do they encourage musically talented students and how do they perceive their own professional ability in this regard.
The empirical research was conducted on a sample of 59 elementary school teachers who filled out a questionnaire designed specifically for this thesis.
The results show that most teachers utilize differentiation/individualization of music classes. Teachers often utilize differentiation/individualization in homogeneous and heterogeneous student groups whose formation is most often related to the students' musical abilities. Depending on the individual stages of the course, music education differentiation/individualization is most often used when strengthening knowledge, assessing and evaluating knowledge and finally when teaching and discussing new material. In terms of musical activities, they are most often used for performing and the least often for listening. The methods of work are adapted more often than the content itself. The musical activities that are being adapted to musically talented students and to various groups of special-needs students are generally the same, but there differences within these musical activities in terms of arrangement depending on the frequency of adaptation. The differences between teachers in terms of how long have they been teaching and additional music education they have received have not proven to be statistically relevant. A good two thirds of the teachers expect more from their musically talented students, and almost all of them encourage these students to take part in musical extracurricular activities. The majority of the teachers believe that they are only partially qualified to work with musically talented students and special-needs students. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
differentiation of teaching |
ID: |
8327963 |