diplomsko delo
Andreja Simčič (Avtor), Olga Poljšak-Škraban (Mentor), Tomaž Vec (Komentor)


Odzivi vzgojiteljic na moteče vedenje otrok v vrtcu

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Simčič]
UDK: 373.2.011.3-051:37.013.42(043.2)
COBISS: 10036553 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1227
Št. prenosov: 190
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The response of educators to disturbing behaviour of children in kindergarten
Sekundarni povzetek: Educators come up against disruptive behaviour in children already in the pre-school period. Childhood is one of the most sensitive and important periods in the life of individuals, because experiences (social experiences in particular) gained in this period shape both the individual and his/her relationship towards himself/herself and the others. In my thesis, I try to highlight the significance of educators' response to disruptive children behaviour, which may further intensify and strengthen as a result of inappropriate action, while a stimulative and understanding environment may attenuate the manifestation of such behaviour or even encourage its disappearance after some time. In order to become acquaintned with the possible approaches and methods of work with children with externalising behaviour problems as well as with their practical use, educators must first and foremost be aware of and understand children's psychosocial development and disruptive behaviour. At the beginning of the theoretical part of my thesis, I brefly touch upon children's emotional and social development in the early childhood. I continue with an in-depth description of the characteristics of disruptive behaviour and finally present the possible guidelines of management of behavioural difficulties. With the help of a quality research consisting of interviews with four educators and observation of two children from two different educating groups, I tried to find out what forms of disturbing behaviour the educators most often encounter and how they respond to such behaviour. On the basis of the approaches and working methods obtained from the educators' interview statements, I conducted a research to find out if these approaches and methods are actually put in practice. The research showed that children with externalising behaviour are most often aggressive, defiant and restless. The causes of such behaviour are mainly attributed to children themselves and an inappropriate family education. In the case of disruptive behaviour, educators tend to withdraw from the situation and resort to conversation that does not seek to find a solution to the child's problematic behaviour. I also found out that in “critical situations” educators most often react authoritatively and take punitive measures. Moreover, conversation, additional professional help and further professional training of educators are considered a concrete form of support both for children and educators.
Sekundarne ključne besede: trainer;nursery school;behaviour;vzgojitelj;vrtec;vedenje;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: VI, 138 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Odzivi vzgojiteljic na moteče vedenje otrok v vrtcu
Ključne besede (ePrints): moteče vedenje
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): disruptive behaviour
Povzetek (ePrints): S pojavom motečega vedenja se pedagoški delavci srečujemo že zelo zgodaj, v predšolskem obdobju. Otroštvo je eno izmed najbolj občutljivih in najpomembnejših obdobij v posameznikovem življenju, saj izkušnje (predvsem socialne), ki se jih pridobi v tem obdobju, oblikujejo posameznika in njegove odnosne relacije do sebe in drugih. V diplomskem delu poskušam osvetliti pomen vzgojiteljevih odzivov na moteče vedenje otroka. Slednje se namreč ob neustreznem ravnanju okolice le še dodatno poglablja in utrjuje, v spodbudnem in razumevajočem okolju pa se lahko njegova pojavnost omili ali po določenem času celo izzveni. Seznanjanje z možnimi pristopi in načini dela z otrokom, ki je vedenjsko izstopajoč, ter njihova uporaba, pa ni mogoča brez predhodnega poznavanja in razumevanja otrokovega psihosocialnega razvoja ter znanja o motečem vedenju. V teoretičnem delu se torej najprej na kratko dotaknem otrokovega čustvenega in socialnega razvoja v zgodnjem otroštvu ter nadaljujem s poglobljenim opisom značilnosti motečega vedenja. V zadnjem delu spregovorim še o možnih smernicah ravnanja za delo z otroki, ki so težje vzgojljivi. S pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave, ki vključuje izvedbo intervjuja s štirimi vzgojiteljicami in opazovanje dveh otrok v dveh različnih vzgojnih skupinah, sem poskušala ugotoviti, s katerimi oblikami motečega vedenja se strokovne delavke najpogosteje srečujejo ter kako se nanj odzivajo. Njihove pristope in načine dela najprej pridobim s pomočjo izjav, ki jih podajo v intervjujih, nato pa preverim, ali jih udejanjajo tudi v praksi. Na osnovi raziskave sem ugotovila, da se vzgojiteljice pri svojem delu z vedenjsko izstopajočim otrokom najpogosteje srečujejo z agresivnim in izzivalnim vedenjem ter nemirnostjo. Vzroke zanj večinoma pripisujejo otroku in neustrezni družinski vzgoji. V primeru pojava motečega vedenja pri otroku, vzgojiteljice uporabljajo umik iz situacije ter pogovor, ki pa pri otroku ne spodbuja iskanja rešitev, kako v prihodnje ravnati drugače. Prav tako sem prišla do ugotovitve, da se vzgojiteljice v »kriznih situacijah« najpogosteje odzivajo do otroka avtoritarno in kaznovalno. Med konkretne oblike pomoči otroku in njim samim pa uvrščajo pogovor z otrokom, dodatno strokovno pomoč ter dodatna strokovna usposabljanja namenjena pedagoškim delavcem.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Educators come up against disruptive behaviour in children already in the pre-school period. Childhood is one of the most sensitive and important periods in the life of individuals, because experiences (social experiences in particular) gained in this period shape both the individual and his/her relationship towards himself/herself and the others. In my thesis, I try to highlight the significance of educators' response to disruptive children behaviour, which may further intensify and strengthen as a result of inappropriate action, while a stimulative and understanding environment may attenuate the manifestation of such behaviour or even encourage its disappearance after some time. In order to become acquaintned with the possible approaches and methods of work with children with externalising behaviour problems as well as with their practical use, educators must first and foremost be aware of and understand children's psychosocial development and disruptive behaviour. At the beginning of the theoretical part of my thesis, I brefly touch upon children's emotional and social development in the early childhood. I continue with an in-depth description of the characteristics of disruptive behaviour and finally present the possible guidelines of management of behavioural difficulties. With the help of a quality research consisting of interviews with four educators and observation of two children from two different educating groups, I tried to find out what forms of disturbing behaviour the educators most often encounter and how they respond to such behaviour. On the basis of the approaches and working methods obtained from the educators' interview statements, I conducted a research to find out if these approaches and methods are actually put in practice. The research showed that children with externalising behaviour are most often aggressive, defiant and restless. The causes of such behaviour are mainly attributed to children themselves and an inappropriate family education. In the case of disruptive behaviour, educators tend to withdraw from the situation and resort to conversation that does not seek to find a solution to the child's problematic behaviour. I also found out that in “critical situations” educators most often react authoritatively and take punitive measures. Moreover, conversation, additional professional help and further professional training of educators are considered a concrete form of support both for children and educators.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): disruptive behaviour
ID: 8327986
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo
, diplomska naloga
, diplomska naloga
, diplomska naloga