Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
The class teacher’s opinions on the physical education |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
In this thesis, I established class teacher’s opinions on the physical education. In the theoretical part, I defined the sport activity and its meaning, the meaning of sport activity for children; I focused on physical education in the primary school, its scope and planning. The teacher is also one of the important factors of the sport-educational process, therefore I also wrote some words on this theme; I also defined their role, knowledge and their improvement and the meaning of the quality sport-educational process for children. In the last chapter I briefly described some activities that are in the additional program of physical education.
225 teachers from different Slovenian primary schools cooperated at the empirical part. In the survey, I was interested in whether the physical education is a popular subject to teach among the teachers and whether the teachers classify it as a subject important for life; which contents do they like to teach and which contents they do not like to teach at physical education. I was also interested in what changes they would introduce in the curriculum for physical education and whether they carry out activities of the additional programme with the students, remedial classes and demonstration of the contents. The teachers also answered questions about the parents’ warnings about problems in physical education and the presentation of the results of the sport-educational chart and about their competences for teaching physical education and their wishes for further education.
The results showed interesting findings. Physical education is, according to the teachers, the most popular subject among the students, but among the teachers themselves, it is not that popular to teach. The teachers are aware of the importance of the physical education and sport activity for the development of the children, so they place it among the three life most important school subjects.
The teachers at physical education really like to teach ball games and athletics, the least favourite to teach is gymnastics. In general, the teachers are content with the physical education curriculum; most of them would change the physical education into an hour on daily basis on the school schedule. As expected, the most of the teachers do not give homework to students and they mostly do not include the students in remedial classes, since it does not seem necessary. A minute for health and an active break are positively accepted among the teachers, since they are mostly carried out during school hours, or they are of the opinion that it would be implemented no matter if the school practices it yet. The teachers talk with parents about the problems that occur at physical education as frequently as with any other problems, the results of the sport-educational chart are mostly not introduced to parents. In general, the teachers have enough competences to teach physical education and are themselves able to perform high-quality hours of physical education, but I also discovered that some teachers do not know well enough the physical education curriculum. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
physical education;teacher;sport;športna vzgoja;učitelj;šport; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Strani: |
X, 114 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Mnenje razrednih učiteljev o predmetu šport |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
športna dejavnost |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
sport activity |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu sem ugotavljala mnenje razrednih učiteljev o predmetu šport.
V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila športno dejavnost in njen pomen, pomen športne dejavnosti za otroke. Osredotočila sem se na šport v osnovni šoli, njegov obseg in načrtovanje. Učitelj je tudi eden izmed pomembnih dejavnikov športno-vzgojnega procesa, zato sem nekaj besed namenila tudi temu, opredelila sem njegovo vlogo, znanja in izpopolnjevanje le-teh ter pomen kakovostnega športno-vzgojnega procesa za otroke. V zadnjem poglavju sem na kratko opisala nekatere dejavnosti dodatnega programa pri športu.
V empiričnem delu je sodelovalo 225 učiteljev različnih slovenskih osnovnih šol. Zanimalo me je, ali je šport med učitelji priljubljen predmet za poučevanje, ali ga uvrščajo med predmete, pomembne za življenje, katere vsebine radi poučujejo pri športu ter katerih ne marajo. Zanimalo me je tudi, katere spremembe bi uvedli v učni načrt za šport, ali z učenci izvajajo aktivnosti dodatnega programa, dopolnilni pouk in demonstracijo vsebin. Učitelji so odgovarjali tudi na vprašanja o opozarjanju staršev na težave pri športu in predstavitvi rezultatov športnovzgojnega kartona o njihovih kompetencah za poučevanje športa in željah za dodatno izobraževanje.
Rezultati so pokazali zanimive ugotovitve. Šport je po mnenju učiteljev med najbolj priljubljenimi predmeti med učenci, med njimi samimi pa ni tako zelo priljubljen za poučevanje. Učitelji se zavedajo pomembnosti športa in športne dejavnosti za razvoj otrok, zato ga uvrščajo med tri življenjsko najpomembnejše šolske predmete.
Učitelji se pri športu najbolj navdušujejo za poučevanje iger z žogo in atletskih vsebin, najmanj radi pa poučujejo gimnastične vsebine. Na splošno so učitelji z učnim načrtom za šport zadovoljni; večina bi jih kot spremembo uvedla vsak dan uro športa na šolskem urniku. Pričakovano večina učiteljev učencem pri športu ne daje domačih nalog in jih navadno ne vključuje v dopolnilni pouk, saj se jim to ne zdi potrebno. Minuta za zdravje in aktivni odmor sta med učitelji pozitivno sprejeta, saj jih večinoma izvajajo med poukom oziroma so mnenja, da bi jih lahko izvajali, ne glede na to, da tega na šoli še ne prakticirajo. S starši se o težavah, ki se pojavijo pri športu, pogovarjajo enako pogosto kot o ostalih težavah, rezultatov športnovzgojnega kartona pa največ učiteljev staršem ne predstavi. Na splošno imajo učitelji dovolj kompetenc za poučevanje športa in so sami sposobni izvesti kakovostne ure športa, zasledila pa sem, da nekateri ne poznajo dovolj dobro učnega načrta za šport. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
In this thesis, I established class teacher’s opinions on the physical education. In the theoretical part, I defined the sport activity and its meaning, the meaning of sport activity for children; I focused on physical education in the primary school, its scope and planning. The teacher is also one of the important factors of the sport-educational process, therefore I also wrote some words on this theme; I also defined their role, knowledge and their improvement and the meaning of the quality sport-educational process for children. In the last chapter I briefly described some activities that are in the additional program of physical education.
225 teachers from different Slovenian primary schools cooperated at the empirical part. In the survey, I was interested in whether the physical education is a popular subject to teach among the teachers and whether the teachers classify it as a subject important for life; which contents do they like to teach and which contents they do not like to teach at physical education. I was also interested in what changes they would introduce in the curriculum for physical education and whether they carry out activities of the additional programme with the students, remedial classes and demonstration of the contents. The teachers also answered questions about the parents’ warnings about problems in physical education and the presentation of the results of the sport-educational chart and about their competences for teaching physical education and their wishes for further education.
The results showed interesting findings. Physical education is, according to the teachers, the most popular subject among the students, but among the teachers themselves, it is not that popular to teach. The teachers are aware of the importance of the physical education and sport activity for the development of the children, so they place it among the three life most important school subjects.
The teachers at physical education really like to teach ball games and athletics, the least favourite to teach is gymnastics. In general, the teachers are content with the physical education curriculum; most of them would change the physical education into an hour on daily basis on the school schedule. As expected, the most of the teachers do not give homework to students and they mostly do not include the students in remedial classes, since it does not seem necessary. A minute for health and an active break are positively accepted among the teachers, since they are mostly carried out during school hours, or they are of the opinion that it would be implemented no matter if the school practices it yet. The teachers talk with parents about the problems that occur at physical education as frequently as with any other problems, the results of the sport-educational chart are mostly not introduced to parents. In general, the teachers have enough competences to teach physical education and are themselves able to perform high-quality hours of physical education, but I also discovered that some teachers do not know well enough the physical education curriculum. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
sport activity |
ID: |
8328028 |