magistrsko delo
Ana Gerčar (Avtor), Darija Skubic (Mentor), Alenka Polak (Komentor)


Zaznavanje komunikacije pedagoških delavcev pri timskem delu v oddelku vrtca

Ključne besede

konflikti;sodelovalna naravnanost;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Gerčar]
UDK: 373.2:37.091.312(043.2)
COBISS: 10070857 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1153
Št. prenosov: 187
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Perception communication of pedagogical workers at teamwork in a kindergarten group
Sekundarni povzetek: Constructive communication of kindergarten teachers at team work within a section is very important for maintaining interpersonal relations as well as for effective team work. It is the main bearer of social occurrences among participants (Lipičnik 1996: 68). Feedback is important to maintain a positive communication process (ibid. 69). With the research within my master’s thesis I wanted to determine how kindergarten teachers feel communication in their teams. I formed research goals and hypotheses which I wanted to answer and which are bound to experience, opinions and observations of kindergarten teachers and their assistants. The research sample includes kindergarten teachers and assistants from Slovene kindergartens. I chose a non-probability, convenience sample. The research included 156 educators, among them 100 (64.1 %) kindergarten teachers and 56 (35.9 %) kindergarten-teacher assistants. The data was collected with a pre-set questionnaire which included closed- and open-type questions and a marking scale. To form the questionnaire I collected the questions and statements from scholarly sources by different authors (A. Polak 2012: 59; 2007: 51—55; C. Razdevšek-Pučko 1994: 23—25). The questionnaire included 4 closed-type questions, 3 open-type questions and a marking scale with 30 statements. The data was gathered anonymously; the educators answered the questionnaire in the form of an internet survey. Based on the research results I can affirm that the perception of communication in teams of kindergarten educators is constructive. With the second research question I explored the expectations of educators regarding team communication. I found out that educators in most cases expect friendly communication, straightforward expressing of criticism in a team, two-way communication, and the possibility of expressing opinions and ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. In the third research question, Which communication problems do kindergarten teachers within a section encounter, the educators most often expressed that there were no problems regarding interpersonal communication within teams in kindergarten sections. In the fourth question I asked about the successfulness of resolving communication problems within a team, and the research results showed that resolving communication problems in teams is successful. In the fifth research question I asked about the strategies of resolving communication problems, and the interviewees in most cases stated that they solved communication problems together with their team co-workers. In the sixth research question I asked about the opinion of educators on advantages of constructive communication, and as an advantage most often the interviewees listed atmosphere (respect, trust, feeling of acceptance, relaxed atmosphere). With the research I confirmed (H1) that in the perception of communication in a team there is a statistically important difference between kindergarten teachers and kindergarten-teacher assistants, (H3), that there is a statistically important difference between kindergarten teachers and kindergarten-teacher assistants in the perception of the successfulness of solving communication problems at team work, and rejected H2. I can conclude that teamwork communication in a kindergarten section has to be positive, honest, open, two-way and trust-worthy, so that the team can work more effectively.
Sekundarne ključne besede: nursery school;team teaching;communication;vrtec;timski pouk;komunikacija;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 75 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Zaznavanje komunikacije pedagoških delavcev pri timskem delu v oddelku vrtca
Ključne besede (ePrints): komunikacija
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): communication
Povzetek (ePrints): Konstruktivna komunikacija pedagoških delavcev pri timskem delu v oddelku vrtca je zelo pomembna tako za ohranjanje medosebnih odnosov kot tudi za učinkovito timsko delo. Je glavni nosilec socialnih dogajanj med soudeleženimi (Lipičnik 1996: 68). Pomembno za vzdrževanje pozitivnega komunikacijskega procesa so povratne informacije (Lipičnik 1996: 69). Z raziskavo v okviru magistrskega dela sem želela ugotoviti, kako pedagoške delavke zaznavajo komunikacijo v svojem timu. Oblikovala sem raziskovalne cilje in hipoteze, na katere sem želela odgovoriti in so vezani na izkušnje, mnenja in opažanja vzgojiteljic ter pomočnic vzgojiteljice. V vzorec sem zajela vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice iz vrtcev po Sloveniji. Vzorec je bil neslučajnostni, priložnostni. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 156 pedagoških delavk, od tega 100 (64,1 %) vzgojiteljic in 56 (35,9 %) pomočnic vzgojiteljice. Podatke sem zbrala z vnaprej pripravljenim vprašalnikom, ki vključuje vprašanja zaprtega in odprtega tipa ter ocenjevalno lestvico. Pri oblikovanju vprašalnika sem vprašanja in trditve črpala iz strokovne literature različnih avtorjev (A. Polak 2012: 59; 2007: 51—55), C. Razdevšek-Pučko (1994: 23—25). Vprašalnik vsebuje 4 vprašanja zaprtega tipa, 3 odprtega tipa in ocenjevalno lestvico tridesetih trditev. Pridobivanje podatkov je potekalo anonimno; strokovne delavke so anketni vprašalnik reševale na kot spletno anketo. Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov lahko trdim, da je zaznavanje komunikacije v timih strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu konstruktivno. Z drugim raziskovalnim vprašanjem sem raziskovala pričakovanja pedagoških delavk v zvezi s komunikacijo v timu in ugotovila, da pedagoške delavke pričakujejo predvsem prijazno komuniciranje, direktno izražanje kritike v timu, dvosmerno komunikacijo ter sproščeno izražanje mnenj in idej. V okviru tretjega raziskovalnega vprašanja, S katerimi problemi se pri komunikaciji srečujejo pedagoški delavci v oddelku vrtca, so strokovne delavke največkrat izpostavile, da problemov pri medosebni komunikaciji znotraj tima v oddelku vrtca ni. Pri četrtem raziskovalnem vprašanju sprašujem po uspešnosti reševanja komunikacijskih problemov v timu in rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je reševanje komunikacijskih problemov v timu uspešno. Pri petem raziskovalnem vprašanju sprašujem po strategijah reševanja komunikacijskih problemov, kjer anketiranke največkrat navajajo, da komunikacijske probleme rešujejo s timsko sodelavko. Pri šestem raziskovalnem vprašanju sem spraševala po mnenju pedagoških delavcev po prednostih konstruktivne komunikacije, kjer največ anketirank kot prednost izpostavlja vzdušje (spoštovanje, zaupanje, občutek sprejetosti, sproščenost). Z raziskavo sem ugotovila (H1), da se zaznavanje komunikacije v timu med vzgojiteljicami in pomočnicami vzgojiteljic statistično pomembno razlikuje, (H3), da se zaznavanje vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljice glede uspešnosti reševanja komunikacijskih problemov pri timskem delu statistično pomembno razlikuje, zavrnila pa H2. Sklenem lahko, da mora biti komunikacija pri timskem delu v oddelku vrtca pozitivna, iskrena, odkrita, dvosmerna in zaupanja vredna, tako bo tim lahko bolj učinkovito deloval.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Constructive communication of kindergarten teachers at team work within a section is very important for maintaining interpersonal relations as well as for effective team work. It is the main bearer of social occurrences among participants (Lipičnik 1996: 68). Feedback is important to maintain a positive communication process (ibid. 69). With the research within my master’s thesis I wanted to determine how kindergarten teachers feel communication in their teams. I formed research goals and hypotheses which I wanted to answer and which are bound to experience, opinions and observations of kindergarten teachers and their assistants. The research sample includes kindergarten teachers and assistants from Slovene kindergartens. I chose a non-probability, convenience sample. The research included 156 educators, among them 100 (64.1 %) kindergarten teachers and 56 (35.9 %) kindergarten-teacher assistants. The data was collected with a pre-set questionnaire which included closed- and open-type questions and a marking scale. To form the questionnaire I collected the questions and statements from scholarly sources by different authors (A. Polak 2012: 59; 2007: 51—55; C. Razdevšek-Pučko 1994: 23—25). The questionnaire included 4 closed-type questions, 3 open-type questions and a marking scale with 30 statements. The data was gathered anonymously; the educators answered the questionnaire in the form of an internet survey. Based on the research results I can affirm that the perception of communication in teams of kindergarten educators is constructive. With the second research question I explored the expectations of educators regarding team communication. I found out that educators in most cases expect friendly communication, straightforward expressing of criticism in a team, two-way communication, and the possibility of expressing opinions and ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. In the third research question, Which communication problems do kindergarten teachers within a section encounter, the educators most often expressed that there were no problems regarding interpersonal communication within teams in kindergarten sections. In the fourth question I asked about the successfulness of resolving communication problems within a team, and the research results showed that resolving communication problems in teams is successful. In the fifth research question I asked about the strategies of resolving communication problems, and the interviewees in most cases stated that they solved communication problems together with their team co-workers. In the sixth research question I asked about the opinion of educators on advantages of constructive communication, and as an advantage most often the interviewees listed atmosphere (respect, trust, feeling of acceptance, relaxed atmosphere). With the research I confirmed (H1) that in the perception of communication in a team there is a statistically important difference between kindergarten teachers and kindergarten-teacher assistants, (H3), that there is a statistically important difference between kindergarten teachers and kindergarten-teacher assistants in the perception of the successfulness of solving communication problems at team work, and rejected H2. I can conclude that teamwork communication in a kindergarten section has to be positive, honest, open, two-way and trust-worthy, so that the team can work more effectively.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): communication
ID: 8328037