diplomsko delo
Suzana Gorenc (Avtor), Matjaž Jaklin (Mentor)


Diplomsko naloga predstavlja spoznavanje materialov v prvem starostnem obdobju in igro z njimi. Namen diplomske naloge je, da otroci sami preko projekta spoznajo različne materiale, z njimi manipulirajo in jih uporabijo za igro. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sem predstavila, zakaj in kako je tehnika pomembna v tem obdobju, razvoj otroka med 2. in 3. letom starosti, kaj je aktivno učenje in kako poteka, kaj je igra, katere vrste iger poznamo in kako potekajo ter s katerimi materiali so se otroci seznanili in jih uporabili za igro. V empiričnem delu je predstavljeno projektno delo, ki sem ga izvajala v skupini. Za raziskovalni instrument sem uporabila 14 otrok starosti 2–3 let iz novomeškega vrtca Pedenjped, Enote Škratek. Za bolj nazoren prikaz je priloženo tudi slikovno gradivo. Otrokom prve starostne skupine sem ponudila materiale, kot so papir, les in tekstil. Želela sem ugotoviti, kako otroci raziskujejo, manipulirajo in s tem pridobivajo nove izkušnje, spoznanja. Ugotovila sem, da poznajo materiale, le da jih drugače imenujejo, in sicer po namenu uporabe (nekatere). Ponudila sem jim veliko časa za spoznavanje materialov in manipulacijo z njimi. Otroci so bili zelo radovedni, vztrajni in iznajdljivi. Materiale so uporabili na načine, na katere nisem pomislila, ko sem se pripravljala na dejavnost. Na začetku ni bilo skupinske igre, vendar se je razvila skozi projekt. Močno je bila prisotna tudi simbolna igra. Otroci so razvijali socialni čut, saj so si pomagali in se spodbujali pri igri. Med pisanjem diplomske naloge in med izvajanjem projekta sem ugotovila, da otroci ne potrebujejo toliko igrač, kot jih imamo v vrtcu, ampak so dovolj tudi odpadni materiali, saj jih spodbujajo k ustvarjalnosti in interakciji. Otroci morajo imeti čim več možnosti za igro z različnimi materiali, saj bodo z njimi in z lastnim prizadevanjem prišli do rešitve in si širili obzorje znanja.

Ključne besede

aktivno učenje;materiali;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Gorenc]
UDK: 373.2.016:62(043.2)
COBISS: 10270281 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 962
Št. prenosov: 155
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Meeting and playing with materials in the early childhood education
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis provides insight into learning about materials and playing with them in the first age group. The purpose of the thesis is to encourage children through the project to learn about various materials, manipulate them and use them for play. The theoretical part explains why and how design is important in the above age group, and presents the development of the child aged from 2 to 3 years. It also defines active learning and its process, touches on the types of available games and how to perform them, and looks into which materials the children learned about and played with. The empirical part presents the project work that was conducted in the group. A total of 14 children aged from 2 to 3 years attending the kindergarten Pedenjped, unit Škratek, in Novo mesto, were used as our research instrument. Pictorial materials are included for a more graphic presentation. The children were offered different materials, such as paper, wood and textile. We wanted to determine how they explore and manipulate the materials and thus acquire new experience and knowledge. The results suggest that the children know the materials; however, they tend to name some of them in a different way, i.e. according to their intended use. They were offered a considerable amount of time to deal with the materials and manipulate them. The children were very curious, persistent and resourceful. They used the materials in ways that were not anticipated in the preparatory phase. Group activities were not envisaged, but they developed throughout the project. Moreover, symbolic play was also important. The children were building their social awareness, because they helped and encouraged each other during play. While writing the thesis and carrying out the project, we concluded that children do not need as many toys as they have in the kindergarten. Waste materials would suffice as well, because they encourage creativity and interaction. The children should be provided with as many options as possible for play with different materials so they can find solutions and expand their horizons through their own effort.
Sekundarne ključne besede: pre-school child;technical education;engineering;play;predšolski otrok;tehniško izobraževanje;tehnika;igra;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 56 str.
ID: 8708297