diplomsko delo
Matic Nedog (Avtor), Nataša Samec (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava obligacijskopravne učinke prelivanj premoženjskih kategorij zakoncev oziroma zunajzakonskih partnerjev, ki so posledica učinkov stvarnega prava, s poudarkom na uporabi pravil o neupravičeni obogatitvi. Različna stališča teorije in prakse so si enotna v ugotovitvi, da je področje premoženjskih razmerij med zakoncema v veljavni slovenski zakonodaji podnormirano. Obstoj spornih dejanskih stanj oziroma življenjskih primerov, ki niso zakonsko natančno urejeni pa za rešitev spora zahteva, poleg poznavanja konkretnih okoliščin primera, uporabo ustrezne pravne razlage, s katero se zapolni navidezna pravna vrzel. S pomočjo razlag, teoretiki in sodna praksa zastopajo različna stališča glede vprašanja, ali ima zakonec, ki vlaga v nepremičnino, katere nima v lasti, na podlagi svojega prispevka stvarnopravni ali obligacijski zahtevek. Uvodno poglavje preučuje pojem premoženja in različne oblike premoženjskih kategorij, s poudarkom na premoženjskem režimu zakoncev. Predstavljene so tudi različne oblike prelivanj vrednosti med premoženjskimi kategorijami. V tretjem poglavju je predstavljena problematika vlaganj v nepremičnino, ki je posebno premoženje enega izmed zakoncev. V okviru izpostavljene problematike so preučena različna stališča teorije in prakse. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni stvarnopravni učinki izboljšave tuje nepremičnine s poudarkom na institutu akcesije. Predmet preučevanja je tudi načelo superficies solo cedit, ki je tesno povezano z institutom akcesije. Načelo je bilo tekom zgodovinskega razvoja deležno nekaterih sprememb, ki so pomembno vplivale na institut akcesije, zato diplomsko delo preučuje načelo superficies solo cedit tudi iz historičnega vidika. Peto poglavje je v celoti namenjeno pravu neupravičene pridobitve, v katero spadajo povračilne obveznosti v obliki kondikcij in verzij. Pravo neupravičene pridobitve je sredstvo za saniranje nepravičnosti oziroma porušene premoženjskopravne ekvivalence med udeleženimi strankami. V teoriji se pogosto uporablja za povračilne obveznosti izraz kvazikontraktne obveznosti, med katere se štejejo tudi obveznosti iz naslova poslovodstva brez naročila oziroma gestije. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena razvrstitev posameznih kvazikontraktnih obveznosti med kondikcije, verzije in gestije ter razlikovanje med posameznimi povračilnimi obveznostmi. Dostikrat se v teoriji za povračilne obveznosti uporablja širši izraz reparacije kot konstruktiven pripomoček, ki omogoča opredelitev skupnih značilnosti teh zahtevkov. Diplomsko delo je zaključeno z analizo položaja neupravičene obogatitve zaradi učinkov stvarnega prava na nepremičninskem področju in sklepnem razmišljanju o posledicah povečanja vrednosti nepremičnine, ki spada v posebno premoženje, s sredstvi iz skupnega premoženja zakoncev ter zastarljivosti verzijskega zahtevka, ki spada v skupno premoženje zakoncev.

Ključne besede

obligacijsko pravo;skupno premoženje zakoncev;superficies solo credit;neupravičena obogatitev;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Nedog]
UDK: 347.4/.5(043.2)
COBISS: 4573227 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 3571
Št. prenosov: 1031
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of the thesis is to examine the effects of the law of obligations induced by transitions of assets between different marital property regimes with the effects of property law. Theme of research is focused on the law of unjustified enrichment. Different points of view of legal theory and legal practice are united in ascertainment that martial property regime is under regulated. Existence of disputable facts of the matter or situations which are not particularly regulated require, beside acquaintance of all facts of the case, use of a proper legal interpretation in order to solve an apparent loop-holes in the law. With the use of legal interpretations legal theorists and legal practise take a different view on a question if a spouse who invested in a real estate, which is not his personal property, has on base of his investment a claim based on the law of things or a claim based on the law of obligations. Prefatory chapter examines the legal concept of property and different forms of property regimes with the emphasis on marital property regime. Different forms of transitions between particular property regimes are also presented. The third chapter presents the legal problems which occur when investments in real estate, owned by one spouse, are being derived from assets of community property. Different points of view regardless of the discussing legal problem are also presented and examined. The following chapter reveals the property law effects caused by improvements on the real estate owned by someone else with the focus on the accession institute. In field of research is also included the legal principle superficies solo cedit which is closely connected with the accession institute. This principle has been subject to some changes during the course of close history which has caused important consequences referring to accession institute. The legal principle superficies solo cedit is also examined from the historical point of view. Fifth chapter is entirely dedicated to the law of unjust enrichment which involves retributive obligations in form of condictions and actio de in rem verso. Law of unjust enrichment is a remedy for unjust enrichment to avoid injustice and to ensure fairness. In theory a term quasi-contract is often being used for retributive obligations and obligations induced by management of another's affairs. The following paragraphs present the classification of particular quasi-contracts to condictions, actiones de in rem verso and obligations induced by management of another's affairs. Furthermore, reciprocal distinctions are being presented between the respective quasi-contracts. Extensive term reparations is also being used in theory which is a constructive instrument to distinguish common characteristics of restitutorial claims. In conclusion of thesis is analysis of situation of unjust enrichment caused by the property law effects on the real estate. Concluding chapter also presents the authors deliberation of legal effects caused by investments in real estate, owned by one spouse, which are being derived from assets of community property and the limitation period of the actio de in rem verso claim included in community property of spouses.
Sekundarne ključne besede: property;community property;marital property regime;accession;superficies solo cedit;unjust enrichment;restitution;quasi-contract;reparations;personal remedy;retributive obligations;condiction;actio de in rem verso;management of another's affairs;officious intermeddler;limitation;limitation period;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: 30 f.
ID: 8727600