magistrsko delo
Sandra Majcen (Avtor), Dušan Radonjič (Mentor)


Človeški viri so ena temeljnih konkurenčnih prednosti vsake organizacije. Podjetja, ki se tega zavedajo, si želijo pridobiti in obdržati najboljše, talentirane, uspešne ljudi. Teh pa na trgu dela ni neomejeno. Kot odziv na vojno za talenti ter problem plitkega kadrovskega bazena so organizacije začele iskati nove načine, kako pritegniti in zadržati najustreznejše kadre. Eden od načinov, ki se je dobro uveljavil, je strategija blagovne znamke delodajalca. Organizacije z različnimi prijemi skrbijo za dober imidž v zavesti zaposlenih in potencialnih kandidatov z namenom, da bi jih ti prepoznali kot odličnega ali celo izbornega delodajalca, torej kot prvo (idealno) izbiro. V prvem delu magistrske naloge opredeljujemo koncept blagovne znamke na splošno in blagovne znamke delodajalca, njene prednosti, vlogo posameznih oddelkov in zaposlenih pri ustvarjanju ter značilnosti in posebnosti komuniciranja. Nadalje predstavljamo koncept strateškega marketinga, saj je strategija uglednega delodajalca lahko uspešna le, če upošteva celovit vidik strateškega marketinga. Pomembno vlogo ima tudi interni marketing. V empiričnem delu smo raziskali in analizirali ključne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na izbiro (idealnega) delodajalca in ugotovili, da so TOP 3 delodajalci v Sloveniji Krka, Lek in Akrapovič. Ugotovili smo, da je potrebno sodelovanje večih oddelkov v organizaciji, če si le-ta želi zadovoljne in motivirane zaposlene, ki so dober vir pozitivnega ugleda. Dober ugled je izjemno pomemben, saj bi se več kot 80 % ljudi raje zaposlilo pri bolj uglednem delodajalcu. Zaposlenim je zraven ugleda pomembno, da jim delodajalec nudi zanimivo, izzivov polno delo, optimalne delovne pogoje z možnostjo usklajevanja družinskega življenja ter predvsem možnost izobraževanja, razvoja in napredovanja. Nadpovprečna plača je na repu pomembnih kriterijev. Z gotovostjo lahko trdimo, da je ugled podjetja izredno pomemben, če si organizacija želi stalen priliv talentiranih kadrov. Dolgoročna in proaktivna rešitev je blagovna znamka delodajalca, ki je proces, katerega je potrebno skrbno načrtovati in izvajati.

Ključne besede

blago;blagovne znamke;interni marketing;strategija trženja;človeški viri;delodajalci;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Majcen]
UDK: 658.626
COBISS: 11616284 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1651
Št. prenosov: 403
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Marketing aspects of building employer brand
Sekundarni povzetek: Human resources are one of the fundamental competitive advantages of each organisation. Companies being aware of this fact strive to recruit and retain the best, the most talented and efficient employees, who are, however, not present in abundance at the labour market. As a respond to the war for talent and the problem of a narrow pool of staff, the organisations began to search for new ways to attract and retain the most suitable personnel. One of the well-established ways is the employer brand strategy. By using various approaches, the organisations try to maintain good image in the minds of employees and potential candidates in order to be recognised as an excellent or even a ''selection'' employer, i.e. the first (ideal) selection. In the first part of this master thesis, a concept of a branding is defined in general and a concept of the employer brand, its advantages, the role of individual departments and employees in its creation as well as characteristics and peculiarities of communication. Furthermore, a concept of strategic marketing is presented as the strategy of a prominent employer can only be successful taking into account the comprehensive aspect of strategic marketing. An important role is also played by internal marketing. In the empirical part of the thesis, we investigated and analysed key factors affecting the choice of an (ideal) employer and found out that the top three employers in Slovenia were the following companies: Krka, Lek and Akrapovič. It was also established that it takes the cooperation of several departments within the organisation if it wants to have satisfied and motivated employees who are a good source of positive reputation. A good reputation is extremely important as more than 80% of people would rather be employed by the more prominent one if they had to choose between the two employers. Along with the reputation, it is also important to the employees that their employer provides them an interesting and challenging work, optimum working conditions including the possibility of reconciling family life, and in particular, the possibility of training, development and promotion. An above-average wage is one of the least important criteria. It is certainly true that the reputation of a company is extremely important if a company wants a steady influx of talented personnel. A long-term and proactive solution is an employer brand which is a process that needs to be planned and implemented carefully.
Sekundarne ključne besede: branding;employer brand;strategic marketing;internal marketing;human resources;reputation;top employers;employer selection criteria;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 109 str., 10 f. pril.
ID: 8727666
Priporočena dela:
, magistrsko delo Management kakovosti, Management kakovosti storitev
, zaključno delo