diplomsko delo
Abortus je tisto področje, kjer skoraj ni posameznika, ki o njem ne bi imel izoblikovanega mnenja, bodisi, da je odklonilno bodisi, da ni. Če že ne zavzameš nobene strani, si najbolj pridobiš naklonjenost obeh, če zavzameš vmesni položaj. Tak položaj so zavzele marsikatere ureditve, ki splav na načelni ravni prepovedujejo, a ga ob zakonsko določenih pogojih vseeno dopuščajo. Prepričanost mnogih, da bi uzakonitev splava vodila v degradacijo vrednot družbe, načeloma ni utemeljena. S pojavom splava se srečamo že v najzgodnejših zgodovinskih obdobjih, moralno – etični pogled in pravna ureditev se tekom zgodovine spreminjata, vendar niti moralne dileme, niti stroga pravna ureditev nista odvrnile žensk od splava. Prav tako, kot tudi danes, ureditve, ki so inkriminirale splav, vseeno niso splavu fetusa pripisovala enake teže, kot umoru rojenega človeka, kar se odraža v sankcijah za storjeno dejanje.
V Sloveniji na zakonski ravni še vedno velja zakon iz leta 1977, ki ima podlago v 55. členu Ustave Republike Slovenije. Predvsem ob osamosvojitvi so ponovno načeli temo pravne regulacije prekinitve nosečnosti, kjer se je skušalo vpeljati bolj restriktivno zakonodajo. Obveljala je dotedanja in kljub liberalni pravni ureditvi abortusa v Sloveniji število opravljenih splavov upada. Medtem ko se v državah z restriktivno zakonodajo sicer srečamo z nizko statistiko legalno opravljanih splavov, se v ozadju pojavlja problem ilegalnih splavov in maternalna umrljivost, zaradi nestrokovno opravljenih splavov.
Razprava o tem, ali je zarodek že človek, v kateri fazi razvoja začne živeti ali mu priznati pravice in katere, je prisotna že toliko časa, kolikor je prisoten sam pojav. Naše pravo je zavzelo stališče, da zarodek ne moremo šteti za enakovrednega rojenemu človeku, vendar pa mu določene pravice vseeno pripadajo tudi že pred rojstvom, v kolikor se rodi živ. Na drugi strani pa je predvsem v podzakonski ureditvi nakazano do katerega tedna nosečnosti se prekinitev nosečnosti imenuje splav in od katerega tedna naprej prekinitev nosečnosti lahko enačimo z rojstvom mrtvorojenega otroka.
Pravni status zarodka je določen, vendar pa na dejanski ravni dvoumnost ostaja. Znanstveni dokazi so le podlaga za izoblikovanje lastnega mnenja, ne dajejo pa točnega in zanesljivega odgovora. Dokler bo status zarodka predmet religioznih, moralnih, etičnih, skratka osebnih prepričanj, menim, da je potrebno ščititi predvsem tisto življenje, telesno in duševno integriteto, za katero smo prepričana, da obstaja, namreč žensko. Varovati njeno zasebnost, dostojanstvo in svobodo izbire in na drugi strani, ne preveč liberalno ravnati s potencialnim življenjem, vsaj ne po tisti točki razvoja, ko je sposoben samostojnega življenja izven materinega telesa.
Ključne besede
družinsko pravo;splav;abortus;pravna ureditev;diplomska dela;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2013 |
Tipologija: |
2.11 - Diplomsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UM PF - Pravna fakulteta |
Založnik: |
[A. M. Fartek] |
UDK: |
347.61/.64(043.2) |
Št. ogledov: |
2666 |
Št. prenosov: |
762 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Abortion is the issue that leaves out almost no one without their opinion, be it negative or positive. Those who choose not to take sides gain the most sympathy from both sides because of their neutral position. Many countries have decided to ban abortion, but nevertheless still tolerate it. General belief that the enactment of abortion would lead to degradation of values is not justified in principle. Abortion has been there from the earliest periods of history; the morality and legal regulation of this phenomenon have constantly changed in the course of history, yet neither moral dilemmas nor strict regulations have dissuaded women from abortion. Just like today, in the societies that criminalized abortion in the past abortion of a fetus did not have the same gravity as the murder of a human who was already born, which was also reflected in the penalties for the offenses.
In Slovenia the Act of 1977, which is based on Article 55 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, is still in effect. At the time of Slovenia's independence the subject of legal regulation of abortion that sought to introduce more restrictive legislation was brought up again but despite this the existing legislation remained unchanged, and despite the liberal regulation of abortion in Slovenia the number of abortions is decreasing, while the number of births is increasing. While the countries with restrictive legislation have low abortion rates, the problem of illegal abortions and maternal mortality from unsafe abortions still remains.
The debate on issues such as whether or not the fetus is already a human being; at what stage of development it is considered to be alive; whether to recognize its rights, and which ones, etc. has been around for as long as the problem itself has existed. According to Slovenian abortion laws the fetus cannot be considered a person, but it still has certain rights even prior to birth, if born alive. On the other hand, especially the executive acts indicate the week of pregnancy up to which termination of pregnancy is called abortion, and the week from which onward abortion can be equated with the birth of a stillborn child.
Even though the legal status of the fetus is clarified its implementation still remains ambiguous. The scientific evidence serves only as a basis for forming one's opinion, but it does not provide any precise and reliable answers. For as long as the status of the fetus is a subject of religious, moral, and ethical views, i.e., of personal morals, it is, in my opinion, particularly necessary to protect that life, that physical and mental integrity, which exists without a doubt, namely a woman's life. It is of the utmost importance to protect her privacy, dignity and freedom of choice, and, on the other hand, it is also important not to deal with a potential life too liberally, at least not at the point in development when the fetus is already able to live independently and outside its mother's womb. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
termination of pregnancy;abortion history;abortion law in Slovenia;abortion law in Poland and Ireland;women's reproductive rights; |
URN: |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Strani: |
77 f. |
ID: |
8728120 |