diplomsko delo
Katja Lenartič (Avtor), Zlatka Cugmas (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo Povezanost otrokovih čustev z barvami v njegovi risbi je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Teoretični del podrobneje predstavlja pomen besede čustva ter vrste čustev. Natančneje smo predstavili celoten čustveni razvoj otroka, pomen barv, oblik ter črt v otroških risbah. Dotaknili smo se otroške risbe s psihodiagnostičnega vidika. Posvetili smo se tudi likovnemu izražanju predšolskih otrok, in sicer natančneje smo opisali, kakšen pomen ima risanje za otroke, vlogo odraslih med likovnim izražanjem njihovih otrok ter razvojno obdobje likovnega izražanja. V empiričnem delu smo nameravali ugotoviti, kakšna so čustva otrok pred in po ogledu risanke z žalostno in veselo vsebino ter ali obstajajo razlike med dečki in deklicami pri učinku, ki ga imajo risanke z različno vsebino na njihovo počutje. Natančneje smo analizirali barve v otroških risbah v povezavi s čustvi, ki jih otroci izražajo po gledanju vesele in žalostne vsebine, zanimalo pa nas je tudi, ali med spoloma obstajajo razlike pri izbiri barv. Prišli smo do rezultatov, da vrsta risanke (žalostna, vesela) vpliva na otrokova čustva. Rezultati so nam pokazali, da je veseli del risanke pozitivno vplival na otrokova čustva, žalostni del risanke pa negativno. Pri nekaterih barvah smo odkrili povezavo med čustvi in uporabo barve pri risanju. Pri dečkih je bila to črna barva, pri deklicah pa poleg črne barve še oranžna. Odkrili smo tudi, da otroci negativna čustva izražajo s temnimi barvami - pri obeh spolih smo našli povezavo med uporabo črne barve in negativnimi čustvi. Vendar pri svetlejših barvah pomembnejše korelacije ni bilo zaznati, saj so jih otroci izbirali po naključju.

Ključne besede

psihologija otroka;otroška risba;razvoj čustev;pomen čustev;barve;predšolski otroci;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Lenartič]
UDK: 159.937.51-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 20789512 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1786
Št. prenosov: 807
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: The diploma The connection between the child's emotions and the colours in his drawing consists of a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part presents in detail the meaning of the word emotions, as well as the types of emotions. We explained the complete emotional development of a child, the meaning of colours, shapes and lines in children's drawings. We explained the child's drawing from the psychodiagnostic view. We also devoted our attention to the artistic expressions of pre-school children, namely we precisely explained the meaning of drawing for children, the role of adults during the artistic expression of their children and the developmental period of artistic expression. In the empirical part our intention was to define the children's emotions prior and after watching a cartoon with a sad or happy content and see if there are any differences among boys' and girls' welfare regarding the effect of the cartoons with different content. We analysed the colours in children's drawings in connections to the emotions they expressed after watching the happy or sad content, and we were also interested if there are any differences between genders regarding the selection of colours. We came to a conclusion, that the type of the cartoon (sad, happy) effects the child's emotions. The results showed a positive influence of the happy part of the cartoon on the child's emotions and the negative influence of the sad one. With some colours we discovered a connection between emotions and the usage of the colour for drawing. That colour was black for boys and orange as well as black for girls. We also established that children express the negative emotions with dark colours - there was a connection between the usage of black colour and negative emotions with both genders. However, we did not perceive any important correlation with light colours, since the children picked them by chance.
Sekundarne ključne besede: the meaning of emotions;the development of emotions;the child’s drawing;the developmental periods;the human figure;colours;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Strani: 55 f.
ID: 8729392