magistrsko delo
Gabrijela Ploj (Avtor), Katja Košir (Mentor)


Mladostništvo je obdobje, v katerem je zavedanje pomena duševnega zdravja in iskanje strokovne pomoči v primeru duševnih težav še posebej pomembno. Obstaja veliko dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na to, ali bo mladostnik poiskal pomoč svetovalnega delavca ali drugega strokovnjaka s področja svetovanja ali pa bo težave reševal sam ali s pomočjo svojih staršev, vrstnikov. Namen empiričnega magistrskega dela je preveriti stališča mladostnikov do iskanja strokovne svetovalne pomoči ter namere mladostnikov o tem, da poiščejo pomoč pri svetovalnem delavcu glede na tip problema. Prav tako želim raziskati pomen socialne stigme pri iskanju strokovne pomoči. Želim tudi ugotoviti, ali med spoloma obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v izraženosti posameznih spremenljivk. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 458 dijakov. Uporabljeni so bili trije vprašalniki, ki merijo izbrane spremenljivke: Stališča do iskanja strokovne pomoči (Fischer in Farina, 1995), Vprašalnik o nameri iskanja svetovanja (Cash, Begley, McCown in Weise, 1975) in Lestvica socialne stigme, povezane s psihološko pomočjo (Komiya, Good in Sherrod, 2000). Rezultati kažejo, da je za udeležence značilna visoka percepcija socialne stigme in negativna stališča do iskanja strokovne pomoči, vendar med obema spremenljivkama ni statistično pomembne povezanosti. Spol se je izkazal kot pomembna spremenljivka, ki vpliva na različno izražena stališča do iskanja strokovne pomoči, ni pa pomemben pri izraženosti percepcije socialne stigme pred iskanjem strokovne pomoči. Raziskava prav tako kaže, da se mladostniki v primeru težav obračajo po pomoč na različne vire pomoči in da dekleta v primeru različnih težav hitreje poiščejo pomoč pri vseh virih pomoči.

Ključne besede

psihologija;mladostništvo;duševno zdravje;stališča do iskanja strokovne pomoči;socialna stigma;svetovalni delavci;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [G. Ploj]
UDK: 159.913:364.622(043.2)
COBISS: 20738568 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1805
Št. prenosov: 388
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Factors influencing adolestentʼs intention for seeking professional help in consulting psychology
Sekundarni povzetek: Adolescence is a period when awareness of the mental health importance and searching for professional help in the case of mental health problems is especially important. A lot of factors influence the adolescent's intention to search for help of a counselor or another professional from the area of counselling or he/she will solve the problems alone or with the help of his/her parents and peers. The purpose of the empirical part of the master's thesis is to explore the standpoints of adolescents to searching for professional counselling help and the intentions of the adolescents to searching for help of a school counsellor according to the type of the problem they had. I would like to research the meaning of social stigma when searching for professional help. I would like also to find out if there are statistically significant differences between genders with individual variables. There were 458 students involved in the research. Three types of questionnaires were used. They measure these variables: Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Help (Fischer and Farina, 1995), Intention to Seek Counselling Inventory (Cash, Begley, McCown in Weise, 1975) and Social Stigma for Receiving Psychological Help Scale (Komiya, Good and Sherrod, 2000). The results present that high perception of social stigma and negative attitude are often present in participants when seeking for professional counselling; although there is no significant correlation between the both variables. The variable of gender has proven to be an important variable which influences different points of view when seeking for professional help, counselling. Nevertheless, the gender variable did not influence the answer about social stigma when seeking for professional help. Research also show as well that the adolescents search for help in different sources in case of problems and girls decide for searching for help faster than boys and these findings were similar in regard to all sources of help.
Sekundarne ključne besede: psychology;adolescence;mental health;attitudes toward seeking professional help;social stigma;counselling worker;master theses;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Strani: III, 55 f.
ID: 8729684