doktorska disertacija
Bolj kot kadar koli prej v zgodovini človeštva postaja potreba po učinkovitem in uspešnem internem komuniciranju ključno merilo uspešnosti organizacij. Organizacije se namreč soočajo s povečano lokalno in globalno konkurenco, s pospešenim razvojem tehnologij in vsak dan bolj zahtevnimi kupci, posledično pa vneto iščejo rešitve, kako uspešno upravljati spremembe, ki se dogajajo vse pogosteje in intenzivneje.
Zavedanje o pomenu internega komuniciranja, še posebej v času sprememb, narašča ne le v akademskih krogih, ampak tudi v praksi pri menedžerjih in drugih strokovnjakih, saj lahko le dobro informirani, motivirani in zavzeti zaposleni prispevajo k uresničevanju vizije, strategije in poslovnih ciljev. Najboljše organizacije namreč razvijajo in izvajajo programe internega komuniciranja, ki so osredotočeni na potrebe zaposlenih, s tem pa dvigujejo sposobnost organizacij, da se uspešno soočajo s spremembami. Danes, ko spremembe predstavljajo ključno ali pa edino stalnico v življenju organizacij, je pospešen razvoj mogoče zabeležiti tudi na področju internega komuniciranja. Nove tehnologije namreč vsak dan močneje prodirajo v osrčje komuniciranja v organizacijah in interno komuniciranje ni izjema.
Znanstveno področje komuniciranja sicer relativno obširno pokriva interno komuniciranje, največkrat v smeri pretoka informacij in znanja na splošno. Ne glede na to pa ostaja del internega komuniciranja, ki je bil doslej kljub temu precej zapostavljen. Ena izmed pomembnejših nalog internega komuniciranja je namreč, da se v čim večji meri izkoristijo potenciali zaposlenih s komuniciranjem prek raznoterih orodij internega komuniciranja. Optimalna izbira orodij internega komuniciranja igra pomembno vlogo pri delovanju organizacij na splošno, še posebej pa v času sprememb, ko je treba obdržati motivacijo in zavzetost zaposlenih na visoki ravni. Posledično je potrebno dobro poznavanje in razumevanje potenciala orodij internega komuniciranja v smeri, da spodbuja zaposlene, da vneto prispevajo k uresničevanju poslovnih ciljev.
Za boljše razumevanje raziskovalnega področja v doktorski disertaciji predstavimo tri ključne teoretične sklope: teoretični okvir internega komuniciranja, orodja internega komuniciranja in komuniciranje o spremembah v organizaciji. Najprej pozornost namenimo internemu komuniciranju, tj. področju, ki v času sprememb pridobiva vedno več pozornosti, saj komuniciranje znotraj organizacije postaja vse bolj kompleksen in zahteven proces, ki ga je vedno teže obvladovati. Množica podatkov, s katerimi se dnevno srečujejo zaposleni, spodbuja organizacije k vzpostavitvi sistema pravočasnega in učinkovitega komuniciranja, ki tesno zasleduje poslovne cilje.
V nadaljevanju podrobneje predstavimo orodja internega komuniciranja, tako tradicionalna kot tudi tista sodobna, ki gredo v korak s časom. Namreč, vedno večja pestrost izbora orodij internega komuniciranja pomeni tudi, da se organizacije soočajo z vedno večjimi izzivi komuniciranja, hkrati pa nastaja potreba po spremljanju trendov in redni reviziji uporabnosti posameznih orodij. Z dobro premišljenim planiranjem internega komuniciranja, tudi orodij, je mogoče povečati zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, s tem pa tudi produktivnost in učinkovitost organizacije.
Teoretični del zaključimo z izčrpnim in obsežnim pregledom komuniciranja o spremembah v organizacijah s poudarkom na orodjih internega komuniciranja. Gre za področje, ki kljub priljubljenosti v literaturi menedžmenta sprememb še vedno ostaja pomanjkljivo raziskano. Dejstvo je, da v času negotovosti in sprememb največkrat ravno interno komuniciranje predstavlja ključen izziv, pogosto pa tudi razlog za neuspešno vpeljavo sprememb v organizacijah. Zaposlene je namreč treba prepričati ne le o tem, da poznajo in sprejmejo spremembe, ampak da tudi aktivno prispevajo k njihovemu uresničevanju.
Danes je pravzaprav že mogoče zaznati naraščanje pozornosti, namenjene odnosu med internim komuniciranjem in organizacijskimi spremembami, v
Ključne besede
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2015 |
Tipologija: |
2.08 - Doktorska disertacija |
Organizacija: |
UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta |
Založnik: |
T. Sedej] |
UDK: |
005.57:005.332.5(043.3) |
Št. ogledov: |
1557 |
Št. prenosov: |
240 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
The design and empirical verification of an optimal selection model for internal communication tools in times of change |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
More than ever before the need for efficient and effective internal communications is becoming a key benchmark for organizational success all over the world. Organizations face heightened local and global competition, rapid technological development and increasingly demanding customers every day. As a result, there is high demand for solutions how to successfully cope with and manage these changes, which are occurring with ever-growing intensity and frequency in today’s dynamic business environment.
The crucial role played by internal communications – especially during times when change is introduced – has not only been noted in academic circles but also in the practice of managers and experts because only well-informed, motivated and committed employees can contribute to a positive realization of the vision, strategy and business objectives of any organization. The most successful organizations develop and implement internal communication programmes which focus on the needs of their employees and the ability of the organizations themselves to cope with the changes. Today, as change is the only constant in the lives of organizations, the area of internal communications is also experiencing rapid development. New technology is seeping into every aspect of everyday life and internal communications in organizations are no exception.
The scientific field of communications covers internal communications relatively comprehensively, mainly through the fluid and smooth flow of information and knowledge in general. However, there is another aspect that has been widely neglected. One of the main tasks of internal communications is to really exploit the employee’s potential through the use of internal communication tools. The optimal selection of internal tools plays an important role in the success of organizations, especially during times when change is being introduced – a time when it is essential to keep motivation and commitment at high levels. Internal communications professionals therefore need to really understand the potential of internal communication tools in such a way that encourages employees to contribute eagerly to achieving business goals.
For the purpose of gaining a better understanding of the field, this doctoral dissertation includes three main theoretical fields: internal communications, internal communication tools, and change communications in organizations. First, the focus is on internal communications, an area which has been gaining increasing attention as communications within organizations are becoming ever more complex and difficult to manage. While employees are constantly faced with information overload, the organizations are encouraged to establish a prompt and efficient internal communication system, which closely pursues the goals of the business.
Traditional and modern internal communication tools are both then presented in detail. The wide range of internal communication tools available also means that organizations are faced with the greater challenge of selecting the tools which are the most appropriate. As a result, there is also a need to regularly monitor communication trends and to review the efficiency of the existing tools. Through prudent internal communication planning, employee satisfaction can be increased, thereby raising the organisation’s productivity and efficiency.
The theoretical part of the thesis concludes with a comprehensive review of change communications in organizations, with the main focus on internal communication tools. This is an area which, despite the popularity of the literature available on change management, still remains insufficiently investigated. The fact remains that, in times of uncertainty, the introduction of change to internal communications often represents a huge challenge and is, at the same time, also the main reason the failure of its implementation. The employees have to be convinced to not only be aware of change and accept it, but to also actively contribute towards its realisation.
The entire theoretical framewo |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
enterprises;organization;changes;management;communications;information;optimization;research;analysis; |
URN: |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Doktorska disertacija |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Strani: |
VI, 218, 17 str. |
ID: |
8751801 |