diplomsko delo


Uvodna motivacija kot prva faza šolske interpretacije izbranega literarnega dela je bistvena glede na želeno obravnavno literarno besedilo, saj mora učitelj poznati tako vrsto literarnega besedila kot svoje učence, da izbere ustrezno motivacijo, ki bo kar najbolje prekrila pomensko polje besedila z otrokovim horizontom pričakovanj. Zato se nam zdi več kot pomembno, da izpostavimo ta ključni del šolske interpretacije literarnega dela. V teoretičnem delu diplomskem dela smo opisali, kaj razumemo pod pojmoma mladinska in fantazijska književnost ter kakšne so značilnosti sodobne pravljice. Predstavili smo literarni opus Ele Peroci, saj smo za nadaljnje delo uporabili njeno slikanico Očala tete Bajavaje. Opisali smo tudi najpomembnejše lastnosti slikanice. Predstavili smo, s katerimi metodami poteka recepcijska zmožnost pri učencih in podrobneje preučili razvijanje zmožnosti recepcije slikanice ter predstavili razvoj recepcijskih zmožnosti učencev v prvem triletju ob delih Ele Peroci, ki so v potrjenih učbeniških kompletih za to obdobje. Osvetlili smo naloge uvodne motivacije in opisali vrste uvodnih motivacij, ki pomagajo učitelju, da njegovi učenci prekrijejo svoj horizont pričakovanj s pomenskim poljem besedila. Primerjali smo, katere vrste motivacije predvidevajo potrjeni učbeniški kompleti ob delih Ele Peroci in kje jih je mogoče zaslediti. Predstavili smo slikanico Očala tete Bajavaje po kriterijih interakcije med besedilom in ilustracijo. V empiričnem delu ugotavljamo, kakšne razlike se pojavljajo med dvema skupinama učencev, ki sta imeli različni uvodni motivaciji za isto literarno delo - Očala tete Bajavaje. Ugotavljali smo razliko med odgovori učencev v fazi interpretacije in kakšen vpliv ima različna uvodna motivacija na poustvarjalno delo učencev v fazi poglabljanja doživetja.

Ključne besede

uvodna motivacija;tipi uvodnih motivacij;slikanica;recepcijske zmožnosti;sodobna pravljica;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Lep ]
UDK: 373.3:821.163.6-34(043.2)
COBISS: 21498376 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1622
Št. prenosov: 249
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Introductory motivation, as the first phase of school interpretation of a select literary work, is key in view of the desired approach to handling the literary work, as the teacher must be familiar with both the type of literature and their students as to be able to choose an appropriate motivation that will encompass the semantic field of the text and the horizon of the children's expectations. That is why we feel it is very important to point out this as a key part of school interpretation of a literary work. In the theoretical part of our diploma paper, we described how we understand the concepts of youth and fantasy literature, as well as describe the characteristics of the contemporary fairy tale. We presented Ela Peroci's literary opus, having chosen to use her picture book 'Očala tete Bajavaje' ('Aunt Bajavaja's Glasses'). This is why we also described the most important characteristics of this type of book. We also presented through which methods the pupils% reception capability takes place and looked in more depth at how to develop the reception capabilities of the picture book. We then presented the development of the reception capabilities of pupils in their first three-year period on those examples of Ela Peroci's work that are used in the adopted textbook sets for this period. We highlighted the tasks of introductory motivation and described the types of introductory motivation that help teachers to encompass their pupils horizon of expectations as well as the text's semantic field. We made a comparison between which motivations are taken into account by the adopted textbook set regarding Ela Peroci's works, and where they can be found. We presented the picture book 'Aunt Bajavaja's Glasses' following the criteria of interaction between the text and the illustration. In the empirical part, we determined the differences that occur between two groups of pupils that received different introductory motivations for the same literary work, 'Aunt Bajavaja's Glasses'. We determined the differences between the pupil's answers in the interpretation phase and what effect the various introductory motivations had on the recreative work of the pupils in the in-depth experience phase.
Sekundarne ključne besede: introductory motivation;types of introductory motivation;picture book;reception capabilities;contemporary fairy tale;theses;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Strani: 160 f., [35] f. pril.
ID: 8756349