(ob primerih živalskih frazemov v slovenščini, angleščini in nemščini)
Tihana Rob (Avtor), Alenka Valh Lopert (Mentor), Melanija Fabčič (Komentor), Kaja Zlatka Hötzl (Komentor)


V magistrski nalogi smo proučevali prevajalske pristope pri prevajanju živalskih frazemov iz slovenskega besednega jezika v angleški in nemški besedni jezik ter slovenski znakovni jezik. Zaradi vpetosti frazemov v kulturo uporabnikov jezikovne skupine je za prevajalca pomembno poznavanje kulture izhodiščne in ciljne jezikovne skupine. Frazeološke enote so večbesedne in zanje je značilno, da njihovega pomena večinoma ni mogoče razbrati iz posameznih komponent, to pomeni, da imajo frazemi prenesen pomen. Frazeologija je jezikovna veda, znotraj katere si jezikoslovci glede natančne opredelitve frazema še vedno niso enotni. Poleg tega pa ni omejena samo na besedne jezike, temveč obstaja tudi v znakovnih jezikih. Zato je raziskovanje frazemov v slovenskem znakovnem jeziku v magistrskem delu osrednjega pomena in omogoča vzpostavljanje vzporednic s slovenskim besednim jezikom. Izbrali smo petdeset naključnih slovenskih živalskih frazemov, s katerimi se uporabniki slovenskega besednega jezika srečujejo že v zgodnjem otroštvu, ki se s stalno rabo globoko vtisnjeno v spomin ter postanejo del vsakdanjega besednjaka. Med izbranimi frazemi gre skoraj v celoti za domače živali, s katerimi imajo uporabniki frazemov tesen stik, to je tudi razlog, da se človekova dejanja in ravnanja primerjajo z živalskimi. Slovenskim frazemom smo iskali ustreznice v angleškem in nemškem besednem jeziku, pri čemer smo jih glede na ekvivalenčno razmerje med slovenskim in angleškim ali nemškim frazemom razdelili v tri skupine: ujemanje frazemov v rabi živalske komponente, ujemanje v pomenu in neujemanje v rabi živalske komponente, ujemanje v pomenu in izpust živalske komponente. Podobno smo postopali tudi pri iskanju ustreznic slovenskih frazemov v slovenskem znakovnem jeziku. Petdeset zbranih živalskih frazemov v slovenskem besednem jeziku smo poskusno prevedli v slovenski znakovni jezik. V prvi fazi smo frazem dobesedno prevedli v slovenski znakovni jezik. V drugi fazi pa smo si pomagali s prenesenim pomenom frazemov in ta pomen skušali prenesti v kretnje.

Ključne besede

slovenščina;angleščina;nemščina;frazeologija;živalski frazemi;prevajanje frazemov;razumevanje frazemov;slovenski znakovni jezik;gluhi in naglušni;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Rob]
UDK: 81'25:81'373.7:811.163.6'221.24(043.2)
COBISS: 21683208 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1668
Št. prenosov: 246
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni naslov: Translating idioms for the needs of deaf community
Sekundarni povzetek: The objective of this master thesis is to investigate translation approaches in translating animal idioms from the Slovene spoken language into English and German spoken languages and into the Slovene Sign Language. Idioms are intensively integrated into the culture of a certain linguistic group, thus the awareness of the culture, both the source and target linguistic group, is crucial to a translator. Idiomatic units consist of more than one word and usually their meaning cannot be derived from the constituent parts, which indicates their figurative meaning. Phraseology is a linguistic science, which lacks a common definition of the idiom among linguists. Furthermore, phraseology is not solely confined to spoken languages but is common also in sign languages. Thus the research of idioms idiomatic research in the Slovene Sign Language is of core importance in this thesis and enables taking account of parallels with the Slovene spoken language. We have randomly chosen fifty Slovene animal idioms, which are familiar to the users of the Slovene spoken language, who were usually introduced to them in their early childhood and with constant use they were stored in their memory and became a part of their everyday vocabulary. Amongst the chosen idioms there are mainly domestic animals, maintaining close contacts with the idiom users. The same reasoning underlies the fact that actions and behaviour of human beings are often compared with animalistic ones. The English and German equivalents of the Slovene idioms have been searched as well, and were divided into three groups, depending on their equivalent relationship between the Slovene and English or the German idiom, as follows: idiomatic consistency in the use of animal constituent, consistency in the meaning and inconsistency in the use of animal constituent, consistency in the meaning and omission of the animal constituent. Similar approaches have been taken in finding equivalents in the Slovene Sign Language. Fifty Slovene idioms have been loosely translated into the Slovene Sign Language. In the first phase, the afore-mentioned fifty idioms were literally translated into the Slovene Sign Language. In the next step the figurative meaning was taken into account and jointly adopted into the Slovene Sign Language.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Slovenian;English;German;phraseology;animal idioms;Slovene sign language;deaf and hard of hearing persons;master theses;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Strani: V f., 103 str., f. 104-161
ID: 8981859
Priporočena dela:
, (ob primerih živalskih frazemov v slovenščini, angleščini in nemščini)
, lecture presented on Deaf history international, 5éme conférence internationale á Pais sur l'histoire des sourds, Institut National des Jeunes Sourds de Paris, June 2003