magistrsko delo
V magistrski nalogi smo proučevali razvojni trend telesnih značilnosti in gibalnih sposobnosti učencev in učenk OŠ Gornja Radgona. V vzorec merjencev so bili vključeni učenci in učenke od 1. do 9. razreda v razponu devetih let, in sicer med letoma 2006 in 2014. Telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti smo proučili s pomočjo podatkov iz športnovzgojnega kartona, ki smo jih predhodno dobili na šoli. Rezultate smo primerjali med sabo in z rezultati slovenskega povprečja, na osnovi teh pa nato ugotavljali odstopanja. Ugotovili smo, da je poslabšanje vidno v tistih merah gibalnih sposobnosti, v katerih sta potrebna dolgotrajno naprezanje ter uporaba moči, gibljivosti in koordinacije. Spremembe telesnih značilnosti se nagibajo rahlo v negativno smer. Rast v višino ne izstopa, dekleta so nekoliko višja glede na slovensko povprečje. Rahlo se dviguje telesna teža in količina podkožnega maščevja, ki je pri dekletih nekoliko izrazitejša. Rezultati kažejo, da so učenci OŠ Gornja Radgona v gibalnih sposobnostih v obdobju 2006-2014 nekoliko nazadovali. Na začetku obdobja so bili še blizu oziroma nad slovenskim povprečjem, nato je sledil nekajletni trend padanja pod slovensko povprečje, ki se je pred nekaj leti umiril. V zadnjih letih se dosežki nekoliko izboljšujejo in se bližajo slovenskemu povprečju. Dinamika sprememb gibalnega in telesnega razvoja je prav gotovo povezana z mnogimi dejavniki. Med pomembnejšimi sta materialna in kadrovska podlaga športne vzgoje in njena vsebinska naravnanost. Velik vpliv pa ima tudi spremenjen način življenja otrok in mladostnikov, ki iz leta v leto vse bolj negativno vpliva na njihov gibalni in telesni razvoj.
Ključne besede
gibalne sposobnosti;telesne značilnosti;športnovzgojni karton;osnovne šole;magistrska dela;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2015 |
Tipologija: |
2.09 - Magistrsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UM PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta |
Založnik: |
[M. Trost] |
UDK: |
796.012.1-057.874(043.2) |
Št. ogledov: |
1323 |
Št. prenosov: |
212 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
In this Master's Thesis, the development trend of physical characteristics and motor functions of pupils from the primary school Gornja Radgona was studied. The sample of pupils being measured included pupils from the 1st to the 9th grade from the year 2006 to 2014. By means of the physical education report card which we received at the school beforehand the physical characteristics and motor functions were examined. The results were compared with each other and with the average results for Slovenia which enabled us to determine the deviations. We determined deterioration visible in motor functions that demand endurance, use of strength, flexibility and coordination. The changes in physical characteristics show a slightly negative trend. Height growth is not out of the ordinary, though the girls are slightly taller in comparison with the Slovene average. Both body weight and fatty tissue under the skin are slightly rising, while fatty tissue was a bit more prominent in the girls. The results of the analysis carried out on the pupils of the Gornja Radgona primary school in the years 2006-2014 show that the pupils' motor functions have somewhat regressed. At the beginning of the period 2006 2014 the pupils' results were close to or above the Slovene average, then followed a few years during which the pupils' average was falling below the national average, however, a few years ago the trend stabilised. In the past years the results improved to a certain degree and got close to the national average. The dynamics of change of the motor and physical development is undoubtedly connected with numerous factors. Among the most significant are the material and personnel capacities of physical education as well as the contents of physical education classes. An important factor is also the change in children's and adolescents' lifestyle which year by year adversely affects their motor and physical development. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
motor functions;physical characteristics;physical education report card;primary schools;master theses; |
URN: |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk |
Strani: |
95, [5] f. |
ID: |
9055841 |