diplomsko delo
Špela Pavšič (Avtor), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Danes se na vsakem koraku srečujemo z oglaševanjem. Kamor se ozremo, kraljuje reklama. Lahko se peljemo skozi mesto in opazimo plakate na katerih nas opozarjajo, da je v bližnji trgovini v akciji jogurt, ki bo pripomogel k vitki postavi ali mehčalec zaradi katerega bo obleka mehka, lepa in vedno pisana ali pa nas opozarja, da je na trgu že novejša različica avtomobila katerega vozimo. Tudi če se zapeljemo ven iz mesta, se pogled ustavi na plakatu z lepimi jabolki, ki so trenutno na voljo po super ceni, tako da sadnega drevesa, ki tam raste sploh ne opazimo. Čeprav klasična vsebina oglasov zajema jogurte, praške, avtomobile, ipd., se najdejo tudi taki oglasi, ki poleg tistih, ki ustvarjajo občutek potreb po nekem izdelku vsebujejo vsebine, ki so človeku in družbi v korist. Podjetja morajo pri oglaševanju upoštevati zakonska določila. Poleg tega pa naredijo korak dlje in se dotaknejo tem, ki zadevajo celotno družbo in niso direktno povezana z njihovimi izdelki, s katerimi ustvarjajo dobiček. Zavedajo se, da tak način delovanja le pripomore k boljšemu mnenju, ki ga o njih imajo potrošniki. Diplomska naloga obsega teoretični del v katerem sem predstavila oglaševanje ter družbeno odgovornost ter praktični del, ki zajema različne primere oglasov z odgovorno vsebino. Teme, ki v teh oglasih prevladujejo so: poziv k sodelovanju v odgovornih akcijah, opozarjajo na posledice našega delovanja, opozarjajo na varnosti v prometu, ipd. Uspešna slovenska podjetja se zavedajo, da lahko z oglasom spodbudijo razmišljanje kupcev o neki pereči temi. V teh oglasih najdemo neko povezavo med temo oglasa in podjetji ter društvi, ki so naročniki. Več kot pohvalno je, da podjetja opozarjajo na probleme v družbi, da želijo prispevati k izboljšanju stanja ali preprečiti negativne vplive in posledice dejanj. Seveda je razumljivo, da je še vedno najpomembnejši cilj oglasa dobiček oz. povečevanje ugleda podjetja, vendar bi lahko slovenska podjetja šla še korak dlje in bila še bolj drzna v okviru družbenega oglaševanja. Lahko bi se lotili še drugih tem, ki so prav tako pomembne, ampak ne tako zastopane v oglaševanju ali tem, ki so bolj globalne. Na primer izkoriščanje otrok kot delovne sile, rasna nestrpnost, pravice žensk v nekaterih kulturah, krčenje gozdov, globalno segrevanje, izumiranje nekaterih vrst živali, ipd.

Ključne besede

oglaševanje;družbena odgovornost;poslovno komuniciranje;analiza;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [Š. Pavšič]
UDK: 659.1
COBISS: 12257052 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1839
Št. prenosov: 150
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Socially responsible advertising
Sekundarni povzetek: Today, with every step we make we are faced with advertising, everywhere we look there reigns advertising. We can drive through the city and we see posters which warn us that in the nearest department store there is some yogurt at a special price, which will help us to slim down or some softener which will make our clothes softer, beautiful and always colorful or they remind us that there is a new version of the car, that we drive, already on the market. Even if we drive out of the city there is the poster with beautiful apples that are currently available at a great price, in this way we don't even notice the fruit trees growing beside. Although the classic ads are for yogurts, powders, cars etc. there are even such that contain, besides creating a sense of need for a certain product, the contents beneficial for people. At advertising, companies must consider the legal regulations, they can even go further on, and include the matters that are concerning society as a whole and are not directly related to their products by which they are making some profit. They are aware that this mode only contributes to a better opinion that consumer have about them. This work contains theoretical part, in which I've presented the advertising and corporate social responsibility and the practical part as well, which includes various examples of ads with a responsible content. Topics that are dominating and are covered in these advertisements are: the call to participate in the responsible actions, warnings of the consequences of our actions, warnings of traffic safety etc. Successful Slovenian companies are aware that the ads can encourage customers to think about some topical issues. In these advertisements, we can find a connection between the topics and companies or associations who ordered or proposed certain ads. More than praised is that companies warn us of problems in society, that they want to contribute to the improving of the situation or prevent the negative impacts and consequences of the actions. Of course it is understandable that the most significant objective of the ad it is still the profit or the increasing the company's reputation, but Slovenian companies could go a step further and be even more daring in the context of social advertising. They could cover other topics which are equally important but not as represented in advertising or also cover the topics that are increasingly global. For example the exploitation of child labor, racial intolerance, the rights of women in some cultures, deforestation, global warming, extinction of some animal species etc.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Advertising;social responsibility;socially responsible advertising.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: II, 42 f.
ID: 9056873
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo
, analiza komunikacijske kampanje Si.mobil - Pravo življenje je na pravi strani