(diplomsko delo)
Katja Podojsteršek (Avtor), Sabina Fijan (Mentor), Mateja Lorber (Komentor), Sonja Šostar-Turk (Komentor)


V sklopu diplomskega dela smo opisali nego medicinskih tekstilij vse od zbiranja na oddelkih, odvoza, pranja v pralnici ter do ponovnega odvoza na oddelke in ponovne uporabe. Prav tako smo opisali rokovanje z medicinskimi tekstilijami, saj je pravilno rokovanje ključnega pomena pri preprečevanju bolnišničnih okužb. V empiričnem delu smo izvedli raziskavo glede rokovanja z medicinskimi tekstilijami med delavci v zdravstveni negi s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Anketo je izpolnilo 50 zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi. Anketa se je izvajala v mesecu novembru 2014. Anketni vprašalnik je imel 35 vprašanj. Ugotovili smo, da se zdravstveni delavci zavedajo pomembnosti pravilnega rokovanja z medicinskimi tekstilijami, saj je 92 % anketirancev mnenja, da je ustrezna uporaba medicinskih tekstilij ključnega pomena pri preprečevanju bolnišničnih okužb. Vendar nekateri pravila, ki se nanašajo na preprečevanje bolnišničnih okužb preko ustreznega rokovanja z medicinskimi tekstilijami ne upoštevajo dosledno. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da si pred ponovnim stikom s čistimi medicinskimi tekstilijami vedno razkuži roke le 74% anketiranih in tudi samo 58 % anketiranih si pred ponovnim stikom z medicinskimi tekstilijami menja rokavice. Medicinske tekstilije predstavljajo eno izmed najpogosteje uporabljenih stvari pri obravnavi bolnikov, zato je pomembno pravilno rokovanje z medicinskimi tekstilijami pri preprečevanju bolnišničnih okužb. Metode: V empiričnem delu smo izvedli raziskavo glede rokovanja z bolnišničnimi tekstilijami med delavci v zdravstveni negi s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Anketo je izpolnilo 50 zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi. Anketa se je izvajala v mesecu novembru 2014. Anketni vprašalnik je imel 35 vprašanj. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da se zdravstveni delavci zavedajo pomembnosti pravilnega rokovanja z bolnišničnimi tekstilijami, saj je 92 % anketirancev mnenja, da je ustrezna uporaba bolnišničnih tekstilij ključnega pomena pri preprečevanju bolnišničnih okužb. Vendar nekateri pravila, ki se nanašajo na preprečevanje bolnišničnih okužb preko ustreznega rokovanja z bolnišničnimi tekstilijami ne upoštevajo dosledno. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da si pred ponovnim stikom s čistimi bolnišničnimi tekstilijami vedno razkuži roke le 74% anketiranih in tudi samo 58 % anketiranih si pred ponovnim stikom z bolnišničnimi tekstilijami menja rokavice.

Ključne besede

medicinske tekstilije;bolnišnična higiena;bolnišnične okužbe;osebna varovalna oprema;nega rok;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FZV - Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Založnik: [K. Podojsteršek]
UDK: 616.9:677.07(043.2)
COBISS: 2206116 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1079
Št. prenosov: 147
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Starting-points: Within the framework of the thesis we described the care of medical textiles from the collecting at the departments, transport, and washing at the laundry service as well as the subsequent carting off to the departments and reuse. We also described handling with medical textiles, for the appropriate handling is of key significance in preventing nosocomial infections. Methods: In the empirical part we exercised a research regarding handling with medical textiles among the workers in health care by means of survey-based questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by 50 employees in the health care. The survey was exercised in November 2014. The questionnaire had 35 questions. Results: We discovered that health workers realize the importance of proper handling with medical textiles, for 92 % of the respondents believe that proper use of medical textiles is of key significance in preventing nosocomial infections. Certain rules, however, which refer to the prevention of nosocomial infections through proper handling with medical textiles are not obeyed consistently. The results of the research showed that only 74 % of the respondents always disinfect their hands prior the handling of clean medical textiles again; only 58 % of the respondents change their gloves prior the handling of hospital textiles again. Discussion and conclusions: Medical textiles represent one of the most commonly used apparel in treating the patients. Therefore, proper handling with medical textiles is important in preventing the nosocomial infections. Methods: In the empirical part we exercised a research regarding handling with hospital textiles among the workers in health care by means of survey-based questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by 50 employees in the health care. The survey was exercised in November 2014. The questionnaire had 35 questions. Results: We discovered that health workers realize the importance of proper handling with hospital textiles, for 92 % of the respondents believe that proper use of hospital textiles is of key significance in preventing nosocomial infections. Certain rules, however, which refer to the prevention of nosocomial infections through proper handling with hospital textiles are not obeyed consistently. The results of the research showed that only 74 % of the respondents always disinfect their hands prior the handling of clean hospital textiles again; only 58 % of the respondents change their gloves prior the handling of hospital textiles again. Discussion and conclusions: Medical textiles represent one of the most commonly used apparel in treating the patients. Therefore, proper handling with hospital textiles is important in preventing the nosocomial infections. Methods: In the empirical part we exercised a research regarding handling with medical textiles among the workers in health care by means of survey-based questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by 50 employees in the health care. The survey was exercised in November 2014. The questionnaire had 35 questions. Results: We discovered that health workers realize the importance of proper handling with medical textiles, for 92 % of the respondents believe that proper use of medical textiles is of key significance in preventing nosocomial infections. Certain rules, however, which refer to the prevention of nosocomial infections through proper handling with medical textiles are not obeyed consistently. The results of the research showed that only 74 % of the respondents always disinfect their hands prior the handling of clean medical textiles again; only 58 % of the respondents change their gloves prior the handling of medical textiles again. Discussion and conclusions: Medical textiles represent one of the most commonly used things in treating the patients. Therefore, proper handling with medical textiles is important in preventing the nosocomial infections.
Sekundarne ključne besede: medical textiles;hospital hygiene;nosocomial infections;personal protective equipment;hand care;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Strani: VI, 49 f.
ID: 9123243