magistrsko delo


POVZETEK V zgodovini je bilo veliko finančnih kriz, vendar je bila zadnja najhujša in globalno povezana. Razlog za to je v razcvetu finančnih trgov, na katerih so se razvijali in se še vedno razvijajo novi finančni produkti in instrumenti. Bančna regulativa poskuša slediti temu, vendar je vedno korak zadaj ali pa bančna industrija najde novo pot, kako se izogniti regulativi. Za nameček pa je v 70. letih prejšnjega stoletja prišlo do finančne liberalizacije oz. odpravljanja določenih omejitev. Na tak način so se odprla vrata finančni industriji po prevzemanju večjih tveganj, ki prinašajo večje dobičke. Pojavljati so se začele finančne inovacije in prav banke so imele pri tem procesu glavno vlogo. Namen inovacij je v večjem dobičku, večji likvidnosti in doseganju kapitalskih zahtev ter zmanjšanju izpostavljenosti tveganjem. Tveganja se ne zmanjšajo, ampak se prenesejo na vzporeden bančen sistem oz. bančništvo v senci. Gre za sistem, ki opravlja podobne storitve kot banke, vendar z eno veliko razliko. V tem sistemu ni regulative ali pa je manj stroga. Prav to je eden izmed glavnih razlogov za tak razcvet in vzpon, na drugi strani pa tudi za težave. Namreč prav v tem segmentu bančništva se skriva razlog za zadnjo finančno krizo. Za blažitev posledic tako obsežne in velike krize je prišlo do mednarodnega konsenza. Baselski odbor je v ta namen predstavil nov regulatorni okvir Basel III. Gre za nadgradnjo predhodnega okvirja Basla II. V magistrskem delu smo najprej predstavili proces deregulacije pred izbruhom krize, bančništvo v senci in značilnosti njegovega delovanja ter proces ponovnega zaostrovanja regulative na področju delovanja bank.

Ključne besede

bančništvo;regulativa;deregulacija;bančništvo v senci;Basel;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Golner]
UDK: 336.71(043.2)
COBISS: 12679964 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1124
Št. prenosov: 121
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Tightening of banking regulations in response to the processes in banking
Sekundarni povzetek: ABSTRACT Throughout history there have been many financial crises however, the last one was a global financial crisis and the worst. The reason for this is found in booming financial markets, in which new financial products and instruments were developed and are still being developed today. The bank regulation tries to follow this, but it is always a step behind or the banking industry finds a new way to avoid regulation. On top of that in the 1970s financial liberalisation took place, and the removal of certain restrictions respectively. In this way, the doors of the financial industry opened to take major risks, which bring higher profits. There began to emerge financial innovations and banks had a major role in this process. The purpose of the innovations is to maximize profit, greater liquidity and to achieve capital requirements as well as to reduce risk exposure. The risks are not reduced, but are transferred to a parallel banking system or a shadow banking system. It is a system that provides similar services to banks, but with one major difference. In this system there is no regulatory, or it is less stringent. This is precisely one of the main reasons for such a boom and upward trend, on the other hand also for problems. Namely, it is precisely in this segment of banking that lies the reason for the last financial crisis. To mitigate the consequences of such an extensive and great crisis there was an international consensus. The Basel Committee to that end introduced a new regulatory framework Basel III. This is an upgrade of the previous frame of Basel II. In this thesis, we first present the deregulation process before the outbreak of the crisis, shadow banking and the characteristics of its operations and the process of re-tightening of the regulation governing bank operations.
Sekundarne ključne besede: regulation;deregulation;financial liberalization;financial innovation;shadow banking;Basel III;Basel Committee;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: III, 80 str.
ID: 9128398
Priporočena dela:
, delo diplomskega seminarja
, delo diplomskega seminarja