magistrsko delo
Janez Dolinšek (Avtor), Vojko Potočan (Mentor)


V hudem konkurenčnem boju se na trgih obdržijo samo proizvodna podjetja, ki dobavljajo široko paleto izdelkov vrhunske kakovosti v kratkih rokih in po nizkih cenah. Kupci zaradi zahtev po kratkih dobavnih rokih, možnostih spreminjanja naročil ter njihovih količin in fleksibilnosti in zanesljivosti dobav postavljajo proizvajalce pred zelo zahtevne naloge. Zato podjetja stremijo k nenehnemu izboljšanju učinkovitosti in optimizacije proizvodnega procesa. Osnovni namen magistrskega dela je razviti model dinamičnega planiranja serijske proizvodnje v obravnavanem podjetju, zato naloga najprej predstavlja spoznanja domače in tuje literature s področja planiranja proizvodnje, nadalje preučuje stanje sedanjega sistema planiranja v izbranem podjetju ter na podlagi opravljene raziskave ponudi nov model dinamičnega planiranja proizvodnje za potrebe delovanja podjetja. V zadnjih letih se je podjetje soočilo z velikimi spremembami v poslovanju in spremembi proizvodnih programov. Te spremembe so povzročile predvsem probleme pri planiranju in vodenju proizvodnje, kar se izraža v nenehnih zamudah do kupcev, ki pa so tudi posledica slabo izkoriščenih strojev. Magistrsko delo se v prvem delu naloge ukvarja s teoretičnimi izhodišči planiranja proizvodnje, kjer so predstavljeni in pojasnjeni različni proizvodni sistemi, ki se uporabljajo v podjetjih vsepovsod po svetu. V nadaljevanju podrobneje opisujemo različne koncepte materialnega toka proizvodnega sistema, ki se uporabljajo pri planiranju in vodenju proizvodnje. Četrto poglavje opisuje obravnavano podjetje, na primeru katerega v petem poglavju postavimo izhodišča za razvoj dinamičnega planiranja proizvodnje. Z empiričnim delom v zaključku magistrske naloge preučujemo, kako bi uvedba novega, dinamičnega modela planiranja proizvodnje lahko pripomogla k temu, da bi podjetje v povprečju bolje izkoristilo razpoložljivo strojno opremo in tudi zmanjšalo zamude v proizvodnji. V sklepnem delu podajamo svoj pogled na uvedbo novega sistema planiranja proizvodnje v obravnavanem podjetju ter opredelimo izhodišča, s katerimi se bodo druga podjetja lažje odločala za implementacijo bolj optimalnega sistema planiranja proizvodnje v svojo organizacijo.

Ključne besede

proizvodnja;planiranje;planiranje proizvodnje;proizvodni proces;proizvodni sistemi;modeli;dinamični modeli;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [J. Dolinšek]
UDK: 658.51(043.2)
COBISS: 12386332 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1062
Št. prenosov: 144
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Development of dynamic planning model in mass production
Sekundarni povzetek: Nowadays, when companies are faced with huge market competition, it is crucial for their existence on the market that they provide large range of high quality products in short terms and at low prices. Buyers are putting manufacturers in front of difficult tasks, due to their demand for short term supply, later changes of ordered products and their quantity, expectation of flexibility and reliable supply. Mentioned factors are the main reason why companies strive towards constant improvement of efficiency and optimization of production process. Basic purpose of this thesis is to develop a model of dynamic planning in mass production for the discussed company. Therefore, thesis deals with findings of national and international literature in the field of production planning, further on studies the condition of current planning system of the discussed company and provides a new model of dynamic planning in mass production for the operational needs of discussed company as a result of conducted research. In the last years, the discussed company was faced with large changes in the way company was doing business and with production programs. These changes led to problems with production planning and control, which consequentially meant constant delays in relation to buyers. The latter is also a consequence of inefficient machinery usage. First part of the thesis deals with theory concepts of production planning and provides explanation of different models of production planning that are used all over the world. Furthermore, we provide detailed description for different concepts of material flow of production system that is used for production planning and control. Chapter 4 deals with description of discussed company, which is used as an example for the basis of development of a new, dynamic planning production model. In the empirical part of the thesis we study how an implementation of a new dynamic planning production model would be beneficial to the discussed company in a sense of a better, more efficient machinery usage and prevention of possible delays in the production process. The conclusion of the thesis provides our own view of a new production planning model, developed for implementation to the discussed company, and defines fundamentals that other companies can take into consideration, when deciding to implement the most optimal production planning system in their organization.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Production planning;models of production planning;material requirements planning;capacity requirements planning;bottlenecks;detailed scheduling;bills of materials;key operations;dynamic production planning model;development of production planning model.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 147 str.
ID: 9133447
Priporočena dela:
, magistrsko delo magistrskega študijskega programa II. stopnje Strojništvo
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov