diplomsko delo
Beata Njakaš (Avtor), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Zaposlovanje je zapleten proces, katerega se morajo v vsakem podjetju lotiti premišljeno in načrtno. Sama zaposlitev delavca na novo delovno mesto se zdi enostavna in hitra, vendar se v vsakem podjetju zavedajo, da lahko samo primeren kandidat pripomore k ciljem podjetja in njegovemu uspehu. Uspeha podjetja ni moč pripisati le direktorju podjetja, temveč ga ustvarjajo tudi dobri sodelavci. Da pa v podjetju zaposlimo dobrega sodelavca, sta potrebna čas in denar. Lahko bi rekli, da je čas pred denarjem, kajti za to, da najdemo ustrezen kader za podjetje, je potrebno vložiti dosti časa. Planiranje človeških virov je dolgotrajen in zapleten proces, ki mu mora podjetje nameniti dovolj pozornosti, se mu posvetiti in se nanj pripraviti, kajti vsaka napačna in slaba odločitev se lahko maščuje, povzroči dolgotrajne in neprijetne posledice. Pred vsako novo zaposlitvijo mora podjetje natančno vedeti, zakaj je nov sodelavec potreben in definirati naloge, ki brez njega ne bi mogle biti opravljene. Odločiti in izbrati je potrebno tudi metode, ki bodo v pomoč pri izbiri kvalitetnega in učinkovitega sodelavca. Za pridobitev novih sodelavcev je na izbiro precej metod, izmed katerih izbere podjetje najprimernejšo. Še vedno sta najpogostejši obliki objava javnega razpisa v sredstvih javnega obveščanja ali povezovanje z zavodom za zaposlovanje. Vse bolj pa narašča tudi priljubljenost oglaševalnih centrov in »lovcev na glave«, ki sicer nista najcenejši metodi, postajata pa vse bolj učinkoviti pri pridobivanju dobrih sodelavcev. Najtežja naloga med vsemi pa je nedvomno izbira najprimernejših kandidatov. Na razpis se kandidati pisno lahko zelo dobro pripravijo in tako prepričajo delodajalce, da jih uvrstijo v naslednji krog odločanja. Delodajalec pa dobre kandidate spozna šele, ko jih povabi na razgovor. Preko intervjuja je moč resnično spoznati kandidata, zato se te metode še vedno največkrat poslužujejo. Izbiri novih sodelavcev je potrebno posvetiti največ časa. Namen izbire je, da izločimo neprave in neustrezne kandidate in da se obdržijo tisti pravi, ki bodo pomagali pri uresničevanju ciljev podjetja. Čas pa bo ta, ki bo pokazal, ali smo bili pri izbiri uspešni ali ne. Mala podjetja nimajo svoje kadrovske službe, zato to vlogo največkrat prevzame direktor podjetja, ki ima težko delo, saj mora večino opravil glede priprav in izbire opraviti sam. Težava pa nastane tudi, če na trgu delovne sile ni primernih kandidatov, kar otežuje vse delo in trud. Glavni motiv za izbiro teme diplomskega dela je bil v tem, da bi podjetju Oletić GPI Inženiring d.o.o. iz Lendave pomagali pri pravilni izbiri novih sodelavcev. Podjetje, ki trenutno zaposluje 20 delavcev, je leta 2012 razširilo svojo proizvodnjo ter vložilo sredstva v novo investicijo - v proizvodno halo, kjer potrebujejo dodatne nove sodelavcev. V podjetju bodo morali pridobiti nove ljudi, kar bo predstavljalo veliko nalogo tako za direktorja podjetja kot za vse sodelavce. V podjetju namreč direktor rad prisluhne tudi zaposlenim, ki svetujejo in pomagajo pri izbiri pravega kandidata. Za podjetje želimo prikazati pomen planiranja in pridobivanja sodelavcev, prikazati različne metode pridobivanja in izbire sodelavcev, ki se jih naj in lahko poslužujejo pri novih zaposlovanjih.

Ključne besede

management človeških virov;kandidati;znanje;izkušnje;izbira;zaposlovanje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [B. Njakaš]
UDK: 658.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12409372 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1031
Št. prenosov: 60
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Human resource planning in Oletić GPI Ingeneering d. o. o. company
Sekundarni povzetek: Employment is a complicated process for which every company has to prepare carefully and deliberately. The employment of a worker for a position may seem simple and quick but every company is aware of the fact that only a suitable candidate can contribute to the goals and the success of the company. The success of a company cannot just be attributed to the CEO of the company but also to good co-workers. However, there are two prerequisites necessary to be able to employ a good co-worker and those two are time and money. We could also say that time comes before money, for a lot of time must be invested in finding adequate personnel for the company. Human resources planning is a lengthy and complicated process to which a company must devote enough attention, dedicate itself to it, and prepare itself for it since every wrong and bad decision can backfire and cause long-lasting and unpleasant consequences. Before every new employment, a company must exactly know why the new co-worker is necessary and must define the tasks that cannot be performed without him or her. The methods that help choosing quality and efficient co-workers must also be determined and chosen. There are many methods for acquiring new co-workers, out of which the company must chose the most adequate one. The two most common methods are an invitation to tender or through contacting the Employment services agency. Moreover, the popularity for staffing agencies and ‘job hunters’ is on the rise and while both of these options may not be the cheapest, they are becoming more and more efficient at acquiring good co-workers. Choosing the most appropriate candidate is undoubtedly the most difficult task of all. Candidates can prepare a strong written response to an invitation to tender and convince employers to place them into the second elimination round. However, employers get to know good co-workers only after inviting them for an interview. It is possible to truly get to know a candidate through an interview and that is why this is still the most used method. Most time has to be devoted to the choosing of new co-workers. The purpose of the choice is to eliminate false and inadequate candidates and to retain those true ones who will help in realizing the company goals. Only time will tell, however, if we have been successful or not with our choice. Small companies do not have their own human resources department and the CEO of the company typically assumes this role. This is difficult job, as he has to prepare most of the tasks in regards to the preparation and the choice all by himself. Problems can also arise if there are no available adequate candidates on the job market, which makes the work and the effort more difficult. My main motivation for choosing this specific thesis topic was to help Oletić GPI ingeneering d.o.o. company from Lendava with the right choice of new co-workers. The company, which currently employs 20 workers, has expanded its production in 2012 and invested funds into a new investment – a production hall, where they need additional new co-workers. The company will have to acquire new people, which will represent a big task for both the CEO of the company and all other employees as well. Namely, the CEO is in the habit of listening to his employees, who advise and help with choosing the right candidate. We wish to present the value of the planning and acquisition of co-workers for the company and to show various acquisition methods and methods for choosing co-workers, which should be and can be used when employing new co-workers for the company.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Human resources management;candidates;company;co-worker planning;co-worker acquisition;knowledge;experience;interviews;choice;employing;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 34 str.
ID: 9139902