magistrska naloga
Mladen Šebek (Avtor), Silvo Devetak (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi sta obravnavana dva problemska sklopa. Prvi sklop obsega direktne obveznosti pripadnikov oboroženih nedržavnih dejavnikov, kakršna sta organizaciji ISIS in Taliban, po mednarodnem pravu, in s tem povezanim uveljavljanjem kazenske odgovornosti za kršitve teh obveznosti. Drugi sklop pa se, v luči naraščajočega števila terorističnih napadov tudi na evropskih tleh, osredotoča na problematiko uveljavljanja kazenske odgovornosti pripadnikov oboroženih nedržavnih akterjev za izvršitev, udeležbo pri izvršitvi oziroma za javno indirektno spodbujanje oziroma ščuvanje drugih k izvršitvi terorističnih dejanj izven teritorijev pod kontrolo teh organizacij. Ugotovljeno je, da imajo pripadniki oboroženih nedržavnih dejavnikov, ki so udeleženi v nemeddržavnem oboroženem konfliktu, nedvomno direktne obveznosti po pravilih mednarodnega humanitarnega prava, z vzpostavitvijo de facto kontrole in oblasti nad delom teritorija, pa tudi po pravilih mednarodnega prava človekovih pravic. Kršitve teh pravil so mednarodna kazniva dejanja, za katera morajo odgovarjati vsi posamezniki, ki so zanje individualno kazensko odgovorni. Največji učinek v tej smeri bi imela izvedba sodnih postopkov pred ad hoc tribunali s pristojnostjo za Sirijo, Irak in Afganistan, ki bi jih, po vzoru na mednarodni sodišči za nekdanjo Jugoslavijo in Ruando, ustanovil Varnostni svet ZN. V zvezi s terorističnimi dejanji je ugotovljeno, da so pripadniki oboroženih nedržavnih dejavnikov kazensko odgovorni tudi za dejanja, storjena izven teritorija pod kontrolo te organizacije, če so neposrednim storilcem teh dejanj pri načrtovanju ali izvršitvi dejanj dajali navodila oziroma nudili materialno, logistično ali podobno podporo. V nalogi se predlaga, da bi morali biti pripadniki oboroženih nedržavnih dejavnikov, ki javno spodbujajo k izvajanju terorističnih kaznivih dejanj, ravno tako kazensko odgovorni, ne le za sam akt spodbujanja, temveč tudi za teroristična dejanja, za katera se dokaže, da so bila izvedena pod vplivom njihovega spodbujanja.

Ključne besede

mednarodno pravo človekovih pravic;mednarodno pravo;človekove pravice;humanitarno pravo;oboroženi nedržavni dejavniki;mednarodno pravna subjektiviteta;terorizem;individualna kazenska odgovornost;magistrske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Šebek]
UDK: 323.28(043.3)
COBISS: 5202475 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1215
Št. prenosov: 106
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Armed non-state actors in the grip of international law – cases of ISIS and Taliban
Sekundarni povzetek: The master`s thesis copes with two sets of problems. The first one encompasses direct obligations of members of armed non-state actors, like ISIS and Taliban, under international law and related enforcement of criminal responsibility for violations of these obligations. In the light of increased terrorist activity on European soil, the second one is focused on the issue of implementation of criminal responsibility of armed non-state actor`s members for the commission, participation at the commission or public indirect incitement of others to commit terrorist acts outside territories under control of these organizations. It is established beyond any doubt that members of armed non-state actors, who are parties to the non-international armed conflict, are bearers of direct obligations under international humanitarian law, and by establishing de facto control and authority over a part of territory and population, the same holds true for direct obligations under international human rights law. Violations of these rules are considered as crimes under international criminal law for which all individually criminally responsible individuals must be taken to account. Major effect in this direction would be achieved by prosecution of such cases at ad hoc tribunals with exclusive competence over international crimes committed in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, which would be established by UN Security council as it was the case of International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. With regard to terrorist acts it was determined that members of armed non-state actors are criminally liable also for the acts committed outside territories under their control, if in the phase of planning or execution they offered instructions, material, logistic or any other similar support to direct perpetrators. In the thesis it is proposed that, in the case of public indirect incitement to commit terrorist acts, members of armed non-state actors shall be criminally liable not only for the sole act of incitement but also for terrorist acts themselves, if it is proven that acts were committed under the influence of such incitement.
Sekundarne ključne besede: international law of human rights;international law;human rights;humanitarian law;armed non-state actors;international legal subjectivity;terrorism;individual criminal responsibility;master thesis;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: VII, 132 f.
ID: 9141153