magistrsko delo Management kakovosti, Management kakovosti storitev
Ines Hikl (Avtor), Zvone Balantič (Mentor)


Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati, kakšne spremembe v postopkih certificiranja in preverjanja kompetentnosti presojevalcev je potrebno izvesti, da bo delovno mesto presojevalca, ko bo presojal po novi izdaji standarda ISO 9001:2015, v ergonomskem ravnovesju. Nova izdaja standarda prinaša nove izzive tako za certificirane organizacije kakor tudi za certifikacijske hiše. Za uspešno izvedbo presoj po novi izdaji standarda so potrebne spremembe obstoječih postopkov usposabljanja ter zagotavljanja in preverjanja kompetentnosti presojevalcev. Spremembe, ki jih prinaša nova izdaja, posegajo v obstoječe ergonomske interakcije tako na mikro kakor tudi na makro nivoju. »Nova generacija« presojevalcev bo morala imeti bolj odprto komunikacijo s stranko, bolj strukturiran in manj birokratski pristop pri pregledovanju rezultatov presojane organizacije ter biti kos komunikaciji z najvišjim vodstvom o kontekstu in strateških usmeritvah presojane organizacije. Pokazati bo morala veliko mero fleksibilnosti pri iskanju dokazov zaradi spremembe na področju dokumentiranih informacij. Presojevalci bodo morali razumeti koncept miselnosti, usmerjene v tveganja, ter znati prepoznati in slediti zahtevam preko tveganj in priložnosti do ciljev in politik. V magistrski nalogi je definiran nabor kompetenc, ki so potrebne za uspešno izvedbo presoje na podlagi sodobnih ergonomskih načel, ki vključujejo primarno kognitivno in organizacijsko ergonomijo v modernih sistemih vodenja kakovosti. Rezultat našega dela bo ergonomsko oblikovan model vodenja presojevalcev, ki temelji na tem, da je uspešnost presoje odvisna od pripravljenosti presojevalca, in istočasno v ospredje postavlja raziskave in ergonomsko dejstvo, da je potrebno delo prilagoditi delavcu in ne obratno. Na ta način je zagotovljen ergonomski model vodenja presojevalcev, obenem pa so postavljeni primerni temelji za uspešno pripravo na izvedbo presoj po novih zahtevah

Ključne besede

ergonomija;sistem vodenja kakovosti;presojevalci;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [I. Hikl]
UDK: 331.1
COBISS: 7801107 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2100
Št. prenosov: 216
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Competence model definition for ISO 9001auditor considering modern ergonomics
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of this master study is to research which changes in the certification process and the process of the competences verification of the auditors is to be carried out, to assure the post of the auditors to be in the ergonomic balance, when auditing the new edition of the ISO 9001:2015. With the new edition of the standard ISO 9001 we are faced with new challenges either for the certified organizations or for the certification bodies. New changes of the existing training processes and managing auditor’s competences are required to successfully perform audits in accordance to the new requirements. Changes introduced in new standard prejudice to existing ergonomic interaction both at micro as well as macro level. From "the new generation" of auditors we should expect more open communication with the client, in order to have a more structured and less bureaucratic approach at the time of reviewing the results in the audited organization and be a match for communication with senior management when the context and the strategic objectives of the organization being audited. They should have a high degree of flexibility in finding evidences because of changes in the documented information. The auditors should be able to understand and apply the concept of the “Risk based thinking”, recognize and follow the requirements over the risks and opportunities to the objectives and policies. In this master study the set of competencies that are necessary for the successful performing of audit based on modern ergonomic principles is defined, which include primary cognitive and organizational ergonomics in conjunction with modern quality management systems. The result of my work is ergonomically designed model of auditor management. The model is based out that success of the audits depends on the willingness of the auditor and at the same time places the emphasis on the research ergonomically fact that it is necessary to adjust the work to the worker, not vice versa. In this manner ergonomically designed auditor management is ensured and set of suitable based for successful preparation and implementation of audits under the new requirements
Sekundarne ključne besede: Ergonomics;Quality management system;Auditors;Standard ISO 9001:2015;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: 96 str.
ID: 9153657
Priporočena dela:
, magistrsko delo Management kakovosti, Management kakovosti storitev
, diplomska naloga visokošolskega študijskega programa
, diplomska naloga
, specialistično delo Organizacija in management logistike