magistrsko delo
Barbara Šantelj (Avtor), Alenka Kobolt (Mentor)


Raziskava predstavlja teoretska spoznanja s področja športa kot biopsihosocialnega in zdravstvenega ter vzgojnega dejavnika v razvojnem obdobju mladostništva ter se empirično usmeri v proučitev vloge in pomena športnih aktivnosti pri mladih, ki začasno bivajo izven matičnih družin, in sicer v stanovanjskih skupinah. V teoretičnem delu opišemo povezavo med gibalnimi/športnimi aktivnostmi in socializacijo skozi razvojni obdobji otroštva in mladostništva. Obdobji sta močno vpeti v primarne družinske vezi. V nadaljevanju se usmerimo na možnosti neugodnih družinskih potekov in predstavimo dejavnike tveganja za razvoj čustvenih in vedenjskih težav pri mladih. Nato preko predstavitve etioloških in fenomenoloških teorij predstavimo čustvene in vedenjske težave otrok in mladostnikov, ki jih danes spoznavamo, ocenjujemo in skušamo razumeti njihov potek ter se ustrezno odzvati s socialnopedagoško diagnostiko. V nadaljevanju predstavimo, kateri razvojni, družinski in socialni dejavniki prispevajo k napotitvi mladih v oblike izvendružinske vzgoje (mladinski dom, stanovanjske skupine in vzgojni zavodi). Preučili smo vzgojiteljevo odnosno vlogo in spekter vzgojnih oblik delovanja. Ob bok drugim vzgojnim pristopom pa umestili uporabo športnih/gibalnih aktivnosti, pregledali motivacijske koncepte, ki so uporabni za razumevanje športnega udejstvovanja ter se posvetili učinkom športa na fizično in psihosocialno ravnotežje mladih. V empiričnem delu z uporabo kvalitativne raziskave na podlagi petih delno strukturiranih intervjujev z vzgojitelji in petih z izbranimi mladimi v različnih stanovanjskih skupinah v Sloveniji pridobimo ocene vzgojiteljev o njihovi vlogi pri spodbujanju in organiziranju tovrstnih aktivnosti ter mnenja mladih o pomenu in vplivu športnih aktivnosti na njihov razvoj in doživljanje. Ugotavljali smo, katere metode, načine in oblike dela vzgojitelji uporabljajo na tem področju, kateri motivi mladih so ključni za vključitev v športne aktivnosti in s kakšnimi ovirami se pri tem oboji soočajo. Izvedli smo primerjavo ocen vzgojiteljev in mladih ter prikazali pozitivne učinke na različnih področjih mladostnikovega funkcioniranja: telesnem, čustvenem, duševnem in socialnem. Na osnovi pridobljenih ocen in izkušenj ter obstoječih metodičnih rešitev smo oblikovali smernice za gibalno/športno delo z mladimi na področju izvendružinske vzgoje in oblikovali osnutek metodičnega modela spodbujanja mladih s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami za redno gibalno/športno aktivnost. Dobljeni rezultati potrjujejo smiselnost uporabe gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti kot vzgojne metode dela na področju vzgoje otrok in mladostnikov s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami v stanovanjskih skupinah.

Ključne besede

gibalna aktivnost;čustvene težave;vedenjske težave;motivacija;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [B. Šantelj]
UDK: 796(043.2)
COBISS: 11099977 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 645
Št. prenosov: 99
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Youth and sports in group homes
Sekundarni povzetek: The research presents the theoretical findings in the area of sports as the biopsychosocial, health, and educational factors in the development stage of adolescence. It empirically focuses on the study of the role and importance of sport activities for the youth who are temporarily living outside their core family, namely in group homes. The theoretical part describes the connection between the physical and sport activities and the socialization throughout the development stages of childhood and adolescence. The stages are intertwined with family ties. Furthermore, we focus on the possibilities of negative family dynamics and introduce the risk factors for the development of emotional and behavioural difficulties for the youth. With the presentation of aetiologal and phenomenological theories, we introduce the emotional and behavioural difficulties of children and adolescents, about which we are learning today, evaluating, and trying to understand their progress and respond to them accordingly with the social-pedagogical diagnostics. Following that, we describe which of the development, family, and social factors contribute to placing individuals in a care outside their family (youth home, group homes and residential institutions). We studied the care worker's relational role and the range of operation of educational forms. We placed the use of physical and sport activities alongside other educational approaches, reviewed the motivational concepts, which are useful for understanding the participation in sport activities, and focused on the effects of sports on the physical and psychosocial balance of the youth. By using qualitative research on the basis of five partly structured interviews with care workers and five interviews with the selected young individuals from various group homes in Slovenia, the empirical part of the study provides the evaluation of the care workers about their role in encouraging and organising such activities as well as the opinions of the youth about the significance and influence of sport activities on their development and experience. We tried to determine what methods, ways, and forms of work the care workers use in this area, what motives of the youth are of key importance to participate in sports, and what obstacles both face. We made a comparison between the care workers' evaluation and the evaluation of the youth as well as demonstrated positive effects on various areas of an adolescent's activity: physical, emotional, mental and social. On the basis of the acquired evaluations and experiences as well as on the existing methodical solutions, we formed the guidelines for physical and sport activities for the youth in the area of education outside their families. Moreover, we formed a draft for the methodical model on encouraging the youth with emotional and behavioural difficulties to participate in regular physical and sport activities. The acquired results confirm the reasonableness of the use of physical and sport activities as a part of the educational method in the area of education of children and youth with emotional and behavioural difficulties in group homes.
Sekundarne ključne besede: young adult;sport;housing;mlajši odrasli;šport;stanovanje;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 142 str.
ID: 9161426