(diplomsko delo)
Alen Usović (Avtor), Barbara Donik (Mentor)


Izhodišča: Do zloma kolka prihaja v vseh starostnih obdobjih, najpogosteje zaradi poškodbe ali pri starejši populaciji kot posledica bolezenskih oziroma patoloških procesov. Namen diplomskega dela je opisati obravnavo pacienta z zlomom kolka pred, med in po operativnem posegu ter opisati vlogo medicinske sestre. V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni tipi zlomov kolka, njihovo klasificiranje in zdravljenje. Opisana je vloga medicinske sestre pri opazovanju pooperativnih zapletov, kot tudi zdravstveno vzgojno delo in rehabilitacija pri pacientu z zlomom kolka. Metodologija raziskovanja: Uporabljena je kvalitativna metodologija, izvedli smo študijo primera pacientke po zlomu kolka, obravnavali smo jo pred, med in po operativnim posegom, po modelu 11. funkcionalnih vzorcih Marjory Gordon v izbranem zdravstvenem zavodu v Sloveniji. Izvedli smo intrevjua s pacientko, podatke smo pridobili tudi s proučevanjem medicinske in negovalne dokumentacije ter s pogovorom s člani zdravstvenega in negovalnega tima. Na podlagi analize pridobljenih podatkov smo oblikovali negovalne diagnoze, si postavili negovalne cilje in načrtovali aktivnosti zdravstvene nege pri obravnavani pacientki. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so nam pokazali, da so najpogostejše diagnoze pri pacientu z zlomom kolka: nevarnost za neučinkovito obvladovanje terapevtskih predpisov (pomanjkljiva informiranost); nevarnost infekcije; mobilnost, nepopolna telesna mobilnost I. stopnje; bolečina (levi kolk) in strah (pred izidom kirurškega posega).Ugotovili smo, da pacientka sprejema svojo poškodbo in da je tekom hospitalizacije prejela dovolj informacij o poteku zdravljenja. Sklep: Zlom kolka povzroči veliko spremembo v življenju posameznika, zato je potrebno, da s pravočasno in učinkovito zdravstveno nego preprečimo pooperativne komplikacije in z zdravstveno-vzgojnim delom in rehabilitacijo pacientu omogočimo, da se mu čim prej povrne kvalieta življenja po poškodbi.

Ključne besede

pacienti;zlom kolka;zdravstvena nega;zdravstveno-vzgojno delo;pooperativni zapleti;medicinske sestre;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FZV - Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Založnik: [A. Usović]
UDK: 616.71-005-083(043.2)
COBISS: 2245796 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 3061
Št. prenosov: 605
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: Hip fracture can occur at any age, most often due to an injury or as a result of a disease or pathological processes amongst elderly population. The purpose of this study is to describe the treatment of a patient with a hip fracture before, during and after her surgery as well as to define the role of a nurse helping a patient with a hip fracture. In my thesis I defined different types of hip fractures, their classification and types of treatments. I also described a role of a nurse monitoring post-operative complications as well as the role of health education and rehabilitation when treating the patient with a hip fracture. Methodology of research: The methodology used in this study was qualitative. We also conducted a case study on a patient with a hip fracture. We observed her before, during and after her surgery, according to the model of 11 functional patterns written by Marjory Gordon in a selected health institution in Slovenia. The data was collected by interviewing our patient, by analyzing medical and nursing documentation and by in-depth conversations with members of the medical and nursing team. Based on the analysis of the information obtained, we formed nursing diagnosis, set objectives for nursing and planned activities of health care for the patient. Results: The results of this study showed that a patient with a hip fracture is most often diagnosed with the following: there is a chance that a patient is not able to carry out therapeutical instructions (patient is not well informed); risk of infection; mobility, imperfect body mobility - 1st stage; pain (left hip) and fear (of the result of the surgery). We found out that the patient is accepting her injury and that she has received enough information about her treatment during the hospitalization. Conclusion: Hip fracture can make a big change on an individual’s life, therefore it is necessary to prevent any post-operative complications with an early and effective health care, health education and rehabilitation to provide a patient speedy recovery and improve quality of his or her life after the injury.
Sekundarne ključne besede: patient;hip fracture;health care;health education;post-operative complications;nurse;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Strani: IV, 53 f., 15 f. pril.
ID: 9161566