magistrsko delo
Mojca Plevnik Žnidarec (Avtor), Niko Samec (Mentor), Viktor Grilc (Komentor)


Količine ustvarjenih mešanih komunalnih odpadkov so zelo velike in jih povezujemo z nihanjem družbenega bruto proizvoda neke države. V zadnjem času zahteve in predpisi na področju ravnanja z odpadki narekujejo nekatere ukrepe, ki jih je potrebno striktno upoštevati. Velik poudarek je na tem, da je potrebno odpadke predelati, preden se odložijo kot preostanek odpadkov na odlagališču za nenevarne odpadke. Velik delež zbranih odpadkov bi se moral reciklirati. Ena izmed možnosti predelave odpadkov je mehansko biološka obdelava. Le-ta bi morala z mehanskimi in biološkimi procesi zagotoviti bistveno zmanjšanje volumna odpadkov, kakor tudi izstop biostabilne kompostirane kakor tudi težke frakcije, ki morata ustrezati zakonskim predpisom za odlaganje na odlagališču za nenevarne odpadke. V delu je prikazana raziskava strukture odpadkov na samem vstopu v mehansko biološko obdelavo v RCERO Celje. Spremljali smo njihov masni tok skozi proces biološke obdelave, ki daje kot produkt procesa kompostirano frakcijo. Vzporedno nastaja z mehanskimi procesi obdelave tudi težka frakcija. S kemijskimi analizami smo ugotavljali ali obe frakciji dosegata zakonsko predpisane vrednosti TOC, AT4 in kurilne vrednosti in ali s tem zadostujeta pogojem za odlaganje. Prav posebej nas je zanimala struktura organskega ogljika, zato smo s s sejalno anlizo obeh frakcij raziskali ali na njegovo vrednost vpliva slab biološki razkroj, kot posledica nezaključenega procesa razgradnje v biološki obdelavi ali pa je vzrok v prisotnosti plastike. Z opravljenimi analizami smo ugotovili, da nobena od frakcij, niti kompostirana niti težka, ne izpolnjujeta potrebnih pogojev za odlaganje na odlagališču preostanka odpadkov.

Ključne besede

mešani komunalni odpadki;ravnanje z odpadki;mehansko biološka obdelava odpadkov;težka frakcija;celotni organski ogljik;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FS - Fakulteta za strojništvo
Založnik: [M. Plevnik Žnidarec]
UDK: 628.4.08:628.472/.473(043.2)
COBISS: 19932182 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1486
Št. prenosov: 190
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Assessment of fulfillment of conditions of municipal waste heavy fraction disposal after mechanical biological treatment
Sekundarni povzetek: The quantity of produced mixed municipal waste is huge and it is related to the oscillating gross domestic product of a country. Recently, the requirements and regulations concerning the waste management have called for certain measures, which have to be strictly implemented. It is essential that waste is treated before being disposed as residual waste at the non-hazardous waste landfill. A great portion of collected waste should be recycled. One of the possibilities for waste treatment is the mechanical biological treatment. By means of mechanical and biological processes, this method should reduce the volume of waste considerably, and also remove biostable composted as well as heavy fractions, which have to correspond to the regulations about disposing waste at the non-hazardous waste landfill. The thesis presents the survey of the waste composition at the beginning of the mechanical biological treatment in RCERO Celje. We have accompanied its mass flow throughout the biological treatment procedure, the product of which is the composted fraction. Parallel to this, a heavy fraction is also obtained as a result of mechanical treatment procedures. By implementing chemical analyses, we were trying to find out whether both fractions correspond to the regulations regarding the values of TOC, AT4 and the heat value, thus corresponding to the waste disposal requirements. We were especially interested in the composition of the organic carbon, therefore we conducted a research implementing the sieve analysis of both fractions, to find whether its content is the result of a poor biological decomposition as a consequence of the incomplete decomposition procedure during the biological treatment or of the presence of plastics. Having performed the analyses, we established that none of the fractions, neither the composted nor the heavy one, fulfil the necessary requirements for the disposal at the residual waste landfill.
Sekundarne ključne besede: mixed municipal waste;waste management;mechanical biological treatment;heavy fraction;total organic carbon;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Strani: [XVI], 146 f.
ID: 9162312