magistrsko delo
Zavarovanje pred določenim tveganjem olajša posledice, v kolikor pride do uresničitve tega tveganja, in s tem zagotovi določeno stopnjo varnosti. Vendar so katastrofalna tveganja posebna, saj je možnost njihove uresničitve izjemno majhna, ob uresničitvi pa za seboj pustijo škodo izjemnih razsežnosti. Prav zaradi tega je omenjena tveganja težje zavarovati, saj odstopajo od pogoja, da škoda pri zavarovarljivem tveganju ne sme biti katastrofalna. Zato se mnoge zavarovalnice izogibajo zavarovanju tveganj, kot so jedrske nesreče ter teroristični napadi. Zavarovanje takih tveganj bi za posamezno zavarovalnico predstavljalo prevelik zalogaj. Zato se na področju zavarovanja katastrofalnih tveganj že več desetletij pojavljajo zavarovalni in pozavarovalni pooli. Gre za skupine več zavarovalnic in pozavarovalnic, ki združijo svoje kapacitete in skupaj zavarujejo obsežna in specifična tveganja. Zavarovalni in pozavarovalni pooli so specializirani, zato poznamo različne vrste poolov. Med bolj znanimi so jedrski in farmacevtski pooli ter pooli za terorizem, lahko pa delujejo tudi na drugih področjih. Kljub določenim prednostim imajo pooli tudi slabosti, zato so s strani poznavalcev pogosto kritizirani. V sklopu magistrskega dela se ukvarjamo z vprašanjem, ali so pooli še vedno edina in najboljša možnost zavarovanja katastrofalnih tveganj ter ali obstajajo alternative, ki bi poole lahko uspešno zamenjale na njihovem področju delovanja.
Zavarovalni in pozavarovalni pooli se na trgu pojavljajo različno dolgo, najpogosteje v sektorjih energetike, letalstva, terorizma. Nekateri od poolov so v posameznih državah prenehali poslovati, drugi še vedno poslujejo, nekateri se šele ustanavljajo. Mnogi poznavalci omenjenega področja so začeli razvijati alternativne možnosti, ki bi lahko zamenjale poole. Obstajajo različne alternative, med drugim specializirani zavarovatelji, vzajemne lastne zavarovalnice, prav tako pooli posrednikov, so(po)zavarovalni sporazumi itd. Nekatere od naštetih možnosti na določenih področjih delovanja in v posameznih državah poole že nadomeščajo oziroma dopolnjujejo, druge so manj pogoste, a imajo prihodnost. Vsak trg namreč nima enakih potreb in možnosti za razvoj in uvedbo vseh alternativ, zato se njihova prisotnost med državami precej razlikuje. Kljub vsemu pa je ključno spoznanje, da pooli niso edina možnost, čeprav se velikokrat smatrajo prav za slednjo. Pooli pogosto ne veljajo za najboljši, niti najučinkovitejši način zavarovanja katastrofalnih tveganj, mnogokrat so le edina možna izbira. Kritiki želijo spremembe, izboljšave, možnost skupnih poolov (npr. pool na območju Evropske unije). Kljub vsemu pa so pooli na mnogih področjih čvrsto zasidrani in ohranjajo svoj pogosto monopolni položaj, ki ga ne bodo zlahka prepustili konkurenčnim alternativam.
V sklopu magistrskega dela se dotaknemo poolov kot možnih udeležencev zavarovalnega trga, nato pa se posvetimo značilnostim katastrofalnih tveganj ter možnostim njihovega zavarovanja. Katastrofalna tveganja so pogosto nezavarovarljiva s strani posameznih zavarovalnic, zato jih zavarujejo pooli. Sledi definicija poolov ter opis izbranih vrst poolov. Pregledu prednosti, slabosti ter kritik delovanja sledijo alternative poolom. Sledi predstavitev delovanja poolov v praksi, s poudarkom na slovenskem jedrskem poolu. Ob koncu analiziramo poole na območju EU po različnih kazalnikih in jih medsebojno primerjamo.
Ključne besede
zavarovalništvo;zavarovanje;pozavarovanje;tveganje;katastrofe;zavarovalni zavodi;pooli;primerjalna analiza;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2016 |
Tipologija: |
2.09 - Magistrsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta |
Založnik: |
[M. Kolarič] |
UDK: |
368(043.2) |
Št. ogledov: |
1602 |
Št. prenosov: |
97 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
ǂA ǂcomparative analysis of insurance and reinsurance pools |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Insurance against a certain risk alleviates the consequences in case that risk takes places, and so it ensures a certain level of security. However, catastrophic risk is quite special, because the possibility of it taking place is extremely small, and when it does occur the damages are of extreme proportions. That is why these kinds of risks are more difficult to insure against because they do not meet the requirement, which says that the damage done by the insured risk cannot be catastrophic. For this reason many insurance companies avoid insuring against risks such as nuclear disasters and terrorist attacks. Insuring against such risks would represent an enormous undertaking for a particular insurance company. Thus, when it comes to insuring against catastrophic risks, insurance companies have for decades been using insurance and reinsurance pools. These are groups of insurance and reinsurance companies, which join their capacities and provide joined insurance against large and specific risks. Insurance and reinsurance pools are specialised, so there are different types of pools. Amongst the well-known are nuclear, pharmaceutical and terrorism pools, but they can also be provided in other areas. In spite of certain advantages, pools also have weaknesses, which is why they are often criticized by experts. Our graduate thesis delves into the questions whether pools are still the only and the best possibility for insuring against catastrophic risks, and if there are alternatives, which would successfully replace them within their field.
Insurance and reinsurance pools have existed for different amounts of time, most frequently in sectors such as energy, aviation and terrorism. Some of the pools do not function any longer in certain countries, others are still functioning and some are still being created. Many experts commenced developing alternative possibilities which could replace pools. There are different alternatives, among others we have specialised insurers, captives, line slips, co(re)insurance agreements, etc. Some of the listed possibilities in specific fields of operation and in certain countries have already started replacing or complementing pools, others are less frequent but they do have a future. Not every market has the same needs and possibilities for development and introduction of new alternatives, which is why their presence in different countries varies. In spite of everything, it is key to know that the pools are not the only option, although they are often considered as such. The pools are not the best or the most efficient option of insuring against catastrophic risks, but often times they are the only choice. The critics ask for a change, improvement and the possibility of common pools (e.g. an European Union-wide pool). The pools are still firmly set in many areas and they maintain their monopolised position, which will not be easily released to competitive alternatives.
Within the graduate thesis we touch upon the pools as possible participants of the insurance market, which is then followed by a look into the characteristics of catastrophic risks and the possibilities of insuring against them. Catastrophic risks are often uninsurable by individual insurance companies, that is why they are insured with pools. What follows is the definition of pools and the selected types of pools. After the review of the advantages, disadvantages and the critiques of their operations, follows the pools’ alternatives. Then follows the presentation of the pools’ operation with an emphasis on the Slovenian nuclear pool. In the end we analyse the pools in the EU area based on different indicators and we compare them amongst themselves. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
Catastrophic Risk;Insurance and Reinsurance Pool;Alternatives to the Pools;Nuclear Insurance and Reinsurance Pool GIZ;Functioning Pools in the EU; |
URN: |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Magistrsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Strani: |
IV, 93 str. |
ID: |
9176611 |