(diplomsko delo)


Absorber je eden izmed najpomembnejših sestavnih delov anestezijske delovne postaje, ki nase veže izdihan CO2. Pri nameščanju novega absorberja lahko pride do nepravilne namestitve, kar privede do naraščanja ogljikovega dioksida. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali kako lahko simuliramo napako na absorberju, kako se bodo vrednosti ogljikovega dioksida, med eksperimentom, spreminjale ter v kolikšnem času se bodo vrednosti povrnile v normalne začetne pogoje. Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati, kako se akumulira ogljikov dioksid v anestezijskem krožnem dihalnem sistemu. Opisali in predstavili smo anestezijsko delovno postajo, anestezijski krožni dihalni sistem in absorber. Študijo smo izvedli s pomočjo anestezijske delovne postaje Dräger PRIMUS ter simulatorja METI HPS. Simulator METI HPS smo uvedli v splošno anestezijo in kasneje intubirali ter napačno priključili absorber. Eksperiment smo posneli na video film. Pridobljene rezultate smo obdelali v statističnem programskem okolju Microsoft Excel. Ugotovili smo, da se je vrednost ogljikovega dioksida v inspiriju, začela silovito dvigovati in v peti minuti eksperimenta dosegla najvišjo vrednost 16 mmHg. Najvišja dosežena vrednost PACO2 je bila 48,8 mmHg, PvCO2 je dosegel maksimum na 51,3 mmHg in najvišja vrednost PaCO2 je bila 48,6 mmHg. Po ponovnem vklopu absorberja so vrednosti upadle v manj kot dveh minutah. Opazili smo, da so vrednosti ogljikovega dioksida v alveolah, arterijski in venski krvi simulatorja, pred izklopom absorberja, zaradi intubacije, preoksigenacije in ventilacije, padle. Eksperiment je trajal osemnajst minut, in nato smo ponovno vklopili absorber. Videli smo, da so vrednosti po vklopu absorberja začele upadati, predvsem hitro se je, v normalno začetno vrednost, vrnila inspiracijska vrednost ogljikovega dioksida. Povzemamo da se, v primeru izklopa absorberja, začnejo vrednosti ogljikovega dioksida dvigovati. Anestezijska delovna postaja nas z alarmom rumene barve, opozori na visoke vrednosti CO2 v inspiriju. Tako lahko pravočasno zaznamo napako in se izognemo morebitnim posledicam.

Ključne besede

anestezijska delovna postaja;anestezijski krožni dihalni sistem;absorber;ogljikov dioksid;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FZV - Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Založnik: [S. Zidarič]
UDK: 615.4:616-089.5(043.2)
COBISS: 2305444 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1307
Št. prenosov: 155
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Carbon dioxide accumulation in anesthesia circle breathing systems due to the absorber human malfunction
Sekundarni povzetek: Absorber is one of the most important components of anaesthesia workstation which binds exhaled carbon dioxide. During the instalion of the new absorber it can happen that the absorber is installed incorectly which leads to rising levels of carbon dioxide. In our thesis we reseached how we can simulate malfunction of the absorber, how will the value of carbon dioxide change during the experiment and in what time frame will the values of carbon dioxide return to the initial conditions. The purpose of our thesis is to research how carbon dioxide is accumulated in anaesthesia breathing circle. We intruduced and described anaesthesia workstation, anaesthesia breathing circle as well as absorber it self. We gained the results with help of Dräger PRIMUS anaesthesia workstation and METI HPS simulator. We put simulator METI HPS in an anaesthetical state and after intubation we installed the absorber incorectly. The experiment was recorded on a video. We processed the results in Microsoft Excel document. We discovered that the value of carbon dioxide in the inhale was rapidly growing and in the fifth minute of the experiment, the value of carbon dioxide was the highest – 16 mmHg. After we restarted the absorber the level of carbon dioxide was decreased in less than two minutes. We have noticed that the values of carbon dioxide in alveols, arterial and vein blood of simulator have dropped before the absorber was switched off because of intubation, ventilation and preoxigenation. After the absorber was switched off the values of carbon dioxide started rising, as expected. The experiment lasted for eighteen minutes and after absorber was turned back on we saw that the values od carbon dioxide started decreasing, especially inhalation values of carbon dioxide. We conclude that if the absorber is switched off the values of carbon dioxide will begin to increase. Yellow coloured inhalation carbon dioxide values warn us about malfunction of the absorber. That gives us enough time to detect problem and avoid leathal consequences.
Sekundarne ključne besede: anaesthesia workstation;anaesthesia breathing circle;CO2 absorber;carbon dioxide absorbtion;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Strani: IV, 34 f.
ID: 9239553