(diplomsko delo)


Stres postaja vse večji globalni problem današnje družbe. S stresom se srečujemo skoraj vsak dan bodisi v službi, doma ali drugod. Človek kar eno tretjino življenja preživi na delovnem mestu, zato je pomembno, da ga služba ne izčrpava, ampak ga dopolnjuje na vseh ravneh (fizično, duševno, emocialno, socialno in ekonomsko). Dokler je stresa v majhnih količinah, je za nas dobro in lahko vpliva pozitivno, problem nastane, kadar naše življenje obremenjuje preveč stresa, ko nam primanjkuje časa ali si enostavno ne vzamemo trenutka zase in za sprostitev. Ob izčrpanosti, ki nastopi zaradi dela, lahko pride do izgorelosti, ki je najhujša posledica stresa. V diplomskem delu obravnavamo stres na delovnem mestu, ki je pereč problem današnje družbe, zaposlenih in delodajalcev. Velikokrat smo žrtve preobremenjenosti in izžetosti na delovnem mestu, česar si sploh ne priznamo ali pa pogosto ne opazimo začetnih znakov preobremenjenosti. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo izvedli kvantitativno raziskavo, s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika z vprašanji zaprtega tipa. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 90 naključno izbranih zaposlenih na zdravstvenem, socialnem in pedagoškem področju. Ugotavljali smo, kolikšna je prisotnost stresa pri poklicih, ki so vezani na delo z ljudmi, in kateri so najpogostejši dejavniki stresa na delovnem mestu. Večina zaposlenih je ocenila, da se srečujejo s stresom na delovnem mestu in da so najpogostejši vzroki stresa količina dela, narava dela in organiziranost dela. Najpogosteje prisotni simptomi stresa, po oceni zaposlenih, so: prehlad, glavobol in utrujenost. Večina zaposlenih je tudi mnenja, da se najbolje sprostijo ob rekreaciji in ob klepetu s prijatelji. Zelo pomembno je, da si po stresnih obdobjih vzamemo čas in v miru premislimo nastalo situacijo ali zaprosimo za pomoč sodelavcev ali drugih. Pri delu ne smemo pozabiti na naša načela in vrednote ter na psihično in fizično sprostitev.

Ključne besede

delovno mesto;stres;zmanjševanje stresa;izgorelost;preprečevanje izgorelosti;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Maribor
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FZV - Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Založnik: [N. Kolar]
UDK: 159.944.4:331.4
COBISS: 1793956 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 3040
Št. prenosov: 356
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Stress in occupations that are bound to work with people
Sekundarni povzetek: Stress is becoming a major global problem of today's society. We face with stress almost every day, at work, at home or in some other stressful situation. People are at work one third of their lifes, so it is important that the job is not exhausting, but it is supplementing on every level ( physically, mentally, emotionally, socialy and economically). Until stress is in small doses it is good and positive for us. It becomes a problem when there is too much stress in our life and we do not have enough time or we just do not take time for ourselves and our relaxsation. With exhaustion, that comes because of work, and can lead to burnout, which is the worst consequence of stress. In my diploma I deal with stress at work position, which is a great problem of today's society, employees and employers. We are often victims of over load and to much work at our jobs and we do not confess to ourselves or we often do not notice first signs of over load. In empirical part of this diploma we made a quantitativily research with the help of qustionnaire of closed type. Ninety people cooperate in research. They were chosen randomly from medical, social and educational field. We observed how much is stress present in professions, that are connected to working with people and which are most common factors of stress at work. Majority of employees has assess that they are coping with stress at work and that most common causes of stress are amount of work, nature of work and organization. Most present symptoms of stress , according to assessment of employees, are: cold, headache and tiredness. Most employees also think, that they relax best with recreation and chatting with friends. It is very important, that we take time for ourselves after the stressfull period and we think abot the situation in peace. We can also ask colleagues and others for help.. At work we should not forget about our principles, values and psychicall and physicall relaxsation. ABSTRACT Stress is becoming a major global problem of today's society. We face with stress almost every day, at work, at home or in some other stressful situation. People are at work one third of their lifes, so it is important that the job is not exhausting, but it is supplementing on every level ( physically, mentally, emotionally, socialy and economically). Until stress is in small doses it is good and positive for us. It becomes a problem when there is too much stress in our life and we do not have enough time or we just do not take time for ourselves and our relaxsation. With exhaustion, that comes because of work, and can lead to burnout, which is the worst consequence of stress. In my diploma I deal with stress at work position, which is a great problem of today's society, employees and employers. We are often victims of over load and to much work at our jobs and we do not confess to ourselves or we often do not notice first signs of over load. In empirical part of this diploma we made a quantitativily research with the help of qustionnaire of closed type. Ninety people cooperate in research. They were chosen randomly from medical, social and educational field. We observed how much is stress present in professions, that are connected to working with people and which are most common factors of stress at work. Majority of employees has assess that they are coping with stress at work and that most common causes of stress are amount of work, nature of work and organization. Most present symptoms of stress , according to assessment of employees, are: cold, headache and tiredness. Most employees also think, that they relax best with recreation and chatting with friends. It is very important, that we take time for ourselves after the stressfull period and we think abot the situation in peace. We can also ask colleagues and others for help.. At work we should not forget about our principles, values and psychicall and physicall relaxsation.
Sekundarne ključne besede: working position;stress;stress reduction;burnout;prevent burnout;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Strani: V, 65 f., 5 f. pril.
Ključne besede (UDK): philosophy;psychology;filozofija;psihologija;psychology;psihologija;executive functions;izvrševalne funkcije;work and fatigue;efficiency;delo in utrujenost;učinkovitost;social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;labour;employment;work;labour economics;organization of labour;delo;zaposlovanje;sindikati;working environment;workplace design;occupational safety;hygiene at work;accidents at work;delovno okolje;ureditev delovnega mesta;higiena na delovnem mestu;delovne nesreče;
ID: 997906
Priporočena dela:
, komercializacija človeških čustev
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega programa Javna uprava